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Managing Performance through Job Design and Goal Setting

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1 Managing Performance through Job Design and Goal Setting
Chapter Fifteen Managing Performance through Job Design and Goal Setting

2 Learning Objectives Discuss the background of job design as an approach to managing for high performance Define the job enrichment and job characteristics approaches to job design Present the quality of work life (QWL) and sociotechnical approaches to job design Explain goal-setting theory and guidelines from research Describe the application of goal setting to overall systems performance

3 Various Approaches To Job Design
Job Engineering Quality of Work Life Job Design Job Enrichment Social Information Processing Job Characteristics

4 The Hackman-Oldham Job Characteristics Model Of Work Motivation
CORE JOB CHARACTERISTICS CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL STATES PERSONAL AND WORK OUTCOMES Variety of skill Identity of the task Significance of the task High internal work motivation High-quality work performance High satisfaction with the work Low turnover and absenteeism Experienced meaningfulness of the work Autonomy Experienced responsibility for work outcomes Feedback Knowledge of results from work activities Moderated by employee growth- need strength

5 Formula For Motivating Potential Score (MPS)
skill variety + task identity + task significance 3 ) x autonomy x feedback

6 Specific Guidelines For Redesigning Jobs
CORE JOB CHARACTERISTICS GUIDELINES FOR PRACTICE SKILL VARIETY Provide cross training Expand duties requiring more skills TASK IDENTITY Give projects a deadline for completion Form self-contained work modules TASK SIGNIFICANCE Communicate importance of the job Enhance image of the organization AUTONOMY Empower to make decisions Give more responsibility/accountability FEEDBACK Implement information systems Supervisors give objective, immediate information on how employee is doing

7 Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory Of Work Motivation
Values and value judgments Emotions Intentions or GOALS Responses, action, or performance Consequences, feedback, or reinforcement

8 The Application Of Goal Setting To
System Performance Set overall objectives and action plans 1 > Develop the organization 2 > Conduct final appraisal of results 5 > Set individual objectives and action plans 3 > Conduct periodic appraisal and provide feedback on progress; make adjustments 4 >

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