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Enlightenment & Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Enlightenment & Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlightenment & Revolution
Chapter 22 (P

2 Scientific Revolution
A new way of thinking about the natural world Based upon careful observation & willingness to question accepted beliefs

3 Heliocentric Theory Sun is at the center of the universe Copernicus

4 Galileo Galilei Observations & laws of motion supported Copernicus’ theories Frightened Catholic & Protestant leaders

5 Galileo Before the Catholic Court
Read a confession that Copernicus’ ideas were false Under threat of torture Lived under house arrest the rest of his life

6 The Scientific Method A logical procedure for gathering & testing ideas Relies on observation, experimentation, & scientific reasoning

7 Isaac Newton Law of universal gravitation
One of the greatest scientists of all time

8 Enlightenment New intellectual movement that stressed reason & thought & the power of individuals to solve problems Age of Reason Reached height in mid 1700s

9 New Views on Government- Hobbes
Social Contract People hand over their rights to a strong ruler in exchange for law & order Best Government = Absolute Monarchy

10 New Views on Government- Locke
Natural Rights Life Liberty Property Best Government = Self-Government (Democracy)

11 Philosophes Social critics Mostly in France
Believed people could apply reason to all aspects of life

12 Voltaire Freedom of thought & expression Religious freedom

13 Montesquieu Separation of Powers 3 branches of government

14 Rousseau Individual Freedom Best Government = Direct Democracy

15 Beccaria Abolishment of torture

16 Wolstonecraft Women’s equality

17 Legacy of the Enlightenment
Belief in Progress More Secular Outlook Importance of the Individual

18 Salons Social gatherings that spread Enlightenment ideas
Mostly in homes of wealthy Parisians

19 Diderot’s Encyclopedia
Collection of articles & essays Angered French Government & Catholic Church

20 Enlightened Despots Monarchs who embraced Enlightenment ideas & made reforms that reflected the Enlightenment spirit

21 Frederick the Great Prussia Saw himself as a “servant of the state”
Introduced many reforms

22 Catherine the Great Russia Most admired by philosophes
Expanded Russian territory

23 The American Revolution
Enlightenment ideas in action Colonial leaders used Enlightenment ideas to justify independence Declaration of Independence- based on the ideas of Locke & Enlightenment “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness.”

24 Reasons for Success Americans’ motivation was stronger than British
Overconfident British generals made mistakes Cost of war led British citizens to call for peace French support

25 American Republic Federal System- power divided between national & state governments Checks & Balances (Montesquieu) Bill of Rights (Voltaire, Rousseau, Locke)

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