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Vitamin #46 November 14th, 2016 An easy way to distinguish between already and all ready is to substitute ready.  If it fits, use all ready. ex.  We were.

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Presentation on theme: "Vitamin #46 November 14th, 2016 An easy way to distinguish between already and all ready is to substitute ready.  If it fits, use all ready. ex.  We were."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vitamin #46 November 14th, 2016 An easy way to distinguish between already and all ready is to substitute ready.  If it fits, use all ready. ex.  We were all ready to go. ex.  We had already left. Correct: 1.  We have all ready  read Angela Carter's short story The Werewolf. 2.  Your already to go tomorrow?

2 Vocab 1 Gallant (Adj) – brave and noble Fickle (Adj) – changeable
Martial (Adj) – Military; warlike

3 Vocab 2 Dire (Adj) – extremely serious; urgent
Impediments (N) – obstructions; delays

4 Vitamin #47 November 15th, 2015 Memorize the difference among these three words: too= "also" or intensifier ex.  I want to go too.  ex.  You are too funny. to= preposition or part of an infinitive ex.  I want to go to the store.  ex.  I like to swim. two= written form of 2 ex.  I need two gallons of milk. Correct: 1.  I would like you two know that we have recieved the following gifts: to new coffee makers several toaster ovens a large amount of candlesticks and ect.

5 Vocab 1 Exile (V) – Banish Fray (N) – noisy fight

6 Vocab 2 Composure (N) – state of calm or peace
Evade (V) – escape; get away

7 Vitamin #48 November 16th, 2015 The past tense of the verb lead is led. ex.  Jeff led the choir in singing carols. Correct: 1.  Their are only twenty one days left until Christmas that is not alot of time for shopping.

8 Vocab 1 Eloquence (N) – speech or writing that is graceful and persuasive Loathsome (Adj) – disgusting; detestable

9 Vocab 2 Serenity (N) – calmness of mind or manner; tranquility; self-possession Tyrant (N) – cruel; oppressive rule

10 Vitamin # 49 November 17th, 2015 Capitalize a title of relationship if it takes the place of a person’s name or is used with a name. ex.  My father and I did not know Mother and Aunt Sally were planning to visit my youngest aunt. NOTE when titles are preceded by such words as my, a, an, the, their,etc., the titles are not capitalized. ex.  I favor my aunt, Sandra. ex.  I favor my father. ex.  I favor my Aunt Sandra. (title used with name) Correct: 1.  When my Uncle comes too the West side of town the Chancellor Hotel is his favorite place to stay at.

11 Vocab 1 Dismal (Adj) – causing gloom or misery
Pensive (Adj) – deeply thoughtful

12 Vocab 2 Lucidity (Adj) – clarity; quality of being readily understood
Extolled (V) - praised

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