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Historical Context of Uganda

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1 Historical Context of Uganda
…to come to a fuller understanding of the LRA…

2 Idi Amin Idi Amin Dada: ‘president’ 1971-1979
Uganda became known as African horror story under his watch

3 Apolo Miton Obote Apolo Milton Obote: president pre- and post-Amin
Problems under Amin and Obote beg the question, “What went wrong?”

4 At the Time of Independence (1962)
Model of stability and potential progress… No legacy of bitter and violent conflict Had flourishing economy, higher standard of living Self-rule saw series of successful development projects Independence was a ‘gift’

5 Divisions in Uganda Language Barriers

6 Divisions in Uganda Economic Divide (Agriculturalists vs. Pastoralists)

7 Divisions in Uganda Uneven Development during colonial period

8 Divisions in Uganda Long standing division between types of rule/local ‘nationalism’

9 Formation of LRA Based on ideas of Kony’s supposed ‘aunt’ Aline Auma and her Holy Spirit Movement Sought to unseat the Kampala government Believed doing so would initiate paradise on Earth

10 Formation of LRA Kony: Believed he was a prophet sent to purify people of Uganda and create peace Had been a soldier in the UPDA (Uganda People’s Democratic Army) Leaders of UDPA signed agreement with Ugandan government to integrate former rebels into government’s army Kony refused to go along and splintered off, along with other soldiers.

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