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Centre for Professional Education

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1 Centre for Professional Education
MA in Professional Education

2 Introduction to the MA in Professional Education
Saturday, March 18th, 2017

3 Welcome Introductions Hello from CPE, Kate Ireland Introduction to MA:
Course Outline Structure/Supervision General Queries Chance to meet peers and supervisors

4 Why engage now? Expectations of profession as research based
Allows you to specialise in an education topic of your choice Develop an area of specialism whilst still being used to studying... Tie into current Research Ed agenda, CCoT, expectations around new CPD agenda...

5 MA in Professional Education
Collaborative with Bilton School, Rugby Co-constructed with your SIP and SDP in mind Staff from across CES and CPE will contribute to programme...

6 Detail of MA Eds generally
First Year: Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE, non QTS) Second Year: Post graduate Diploma in Education (PG Dip) Third Year: MA achieved through thesis

7 Our MA in Professional Education
First 90 CATS – your Warwick PGCE, or 3 modules that you have done with CPE if you are part of the Bilton school cohort Second Year: One 30 CAT module (if you are the 60 CAT entry group) then ALL do another 30 CAT online module on Foundation Research Methods with CES Third Year: MA achieved through thesis

8 Second Year: CATS Second Year: Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PG Dip, so you can step off) 30 credit module on research methods Access to University Library and systems Research informed

9 Second Year: PG Diploma
CES Foundation Research Methods (FRM) lays the basis for the Dissertation Module Learning Outcomes Enrolment Assessments 2 x 2,500 word assignments Expectations We will still be here!

10 Foundation Research Methods (FRM)
To introduce students to the various, sometimes competing, paradigms in educational research To support students to design and implement mini-scale educational research; To involve students in reading critically, research papers, monographs and texts To encourage students to identify the theoretical and methodological grounds on which educational research is based Assessing the efficacy of such research from a variety of perspectives and practices linked to dissertation planning Developing practical research skills relating to student assignments and dissertations

11 Third/ Final Year: MA Third/ Final Year: MA in Professional Education
One 60 credit module: dissertation Tutorials available twilight/ Saturdays to fir round full-time teaching Use of Skype and Blackboard Collaborate

12 Allocation of Supervisors
Supervisors chosen on basis of topic choice Relationship important too Some tutors will be new to process Some tutors very experienced No expectation that we will read a whole draft Regular, shorter contact better!

13 Third/ Final Year: MA One 20,000 word dissertation to be completed independently with individual tutorials and access to university digital library Expectation of action research project that ties in with school’s objectives…

14 Third/ Final Year: MA Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of a specific topic within the field of education Written communication skills Demonstrate ability in critical analysis Demonstrate ability to understand and articulate new concepts Demonstrate ability to plan and structure a sustained report of research or a piece of sustained academic scholarship related to education

15 Thesis structure Introduction, Aim and Objectives Literature Review
Methodology Findings and Analysis Conclusions References (only what you have actually used)

16 Ethics Process After passing FRM you will complete an ethics form that comes to our Ethics Board This has to be passed BEFORE you are allowed to conduct any research, so remember, focus on Lit Review and methodology chapters first whilst you are waiting for approval...

17 Being CPE students... Use of Moodle/ Mahara/ Blackboard Collaborate
Visiting Speaker sessions – please come! One to one tutorials Sharing y/our expertise

18 Q&A Queries? Questions? Warwick PGCE students exempt from first 90 credits...

19 Further Reading Baumfield, V., Hall, E. and Wall, K. (2008) Action Research in the Classroom, London: Sage. Burton, D. and Bartlett, S. (2004) Practitioner Research for Teachers, London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Burton, N., Brundrett, M. and Jones, M. (2008) Doing Your Education Research Project, London: Sage. Hopkins, D. (2002) A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research, 3rd edn, Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Koshy, V. (2005) Action Research for Improving Practice – A Practical Guide. London: Paul Chapman. Newby, P. (2010) Research Methods for Education, Harlow: Pearson.

20 Contact us Deborah Outhwaite MSc, PGCE, SFHEA
Senior Teaching Fellow, CPE Centre for Professional Education:

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