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Smart use of field data in management software

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Presentation on theme: "Smart use of field data in management software"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart use of field data in management software

2 Presenter Mission: Birger Hartmann CEO at Datalogisk A/S, 8 years
MSc Agro Economics, University of Copenhagen, 1995 BSc Finance, Copenhagen Business School, 1998 Organic farmer, 13 ha. Mission: Supply plant breeders with tools to optimize their business and reduce costs

3 Datalogisk A/S Actual markets The company Brands
Customers in the northern and eastern part of the Europe continent: Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Latvia, Romania, Norway, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Russia, The company Founded 30 years ago 14 employees, Denmark, Sweden, Poland Brands

4 Software solutions

5 Advantages with Agrinavia
Exploit new technology Implement local legislation into the software Implement agricultural knowledge into the software Utilize knowledge of precision farming Credible and time saving support to our customers Exploit the possibilities of combining software and hardware solutions

6 Collecting field data

7 Collecting field data Manually collected data Automatic collected data
Soil sampling Scale readings Calculations “Estimations” Automatic collected data Vehicle collected data (tractors, combines etc.) Mounted collected data (n-sensors, yield sensors, etc.) Implement collected data (Drilling machines, sprayers, fertilizer spreaders etc.) Arial images: Satellites, airplanes, field sensors etc.

8 Field plan

9 Field records

10 Field records

11 Example cost and income
Key figures Example cost and income

12 Cardfiles

13 Field MAP

14 Field MAP

15 Make maps of soil types etc.
See result of soil analyses Make prescription maps

16 Import drone photos and paper maps
Create electronic drainage map Update old information on new map Measure harmed field areas

17 Import drone photos and paper maps
Show your own digitalization

18 MOBILE - solution

19 Manually collected data

20 What the future brings?

21 Automatic use of collected data

22 Automatic use of collected data

23 Automatic use of collected data
Allocation of enfestation

24 Smart use of data Before we get smart We must work hard!!
- Start collecting field and production data Try Agrinavia Mobile User: Perm1 Password: Perm1234

25 Birger Hartmann Phone: +45 70 20 33 11 Mobil: +45 29 33 95 76 Mail:

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