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Submitting a Responsive Proposal

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1 Submitting a Responsive Proposal
Environmental & Emergency Rapid Response Service RFP#FY17-RFP-05

2 Proposal Submission & Format
Submission package shall include: Cover Letter Proposed Solution-how your Company is the best value for the services required Completed Required Forms Page limit-see section 4 of the RFP Package must include: 1 Original with original signatures 11 Copies of original 1 electronic copy on CD or flash drive in searchable format (preferably PDF)

3 Scope of Services Questions? Read in detail Section 3
Contract(s) awarded by multiple departments. Be sure to indicate the Department(s) your Company is proposing services for Explain qualifications and list experience per Section 3 and on Required Form 7 Price accordingly on Form 3-Pricing Worksheet

4 Scope of Service If unclear about the Scope of Service and/or Contract Terms and Conditions, ask questions by January 9th Send questions to All questions will be answered via addenda and publicly posted Negotiations on contract terms and conditions will not take place after the contract has been awarded

5 Pricing Sheet Provide pricing for each service for each type of service. Consider the scope fully including insurance requirements. Insurance amount in RFP is required for the selected Service Provider and proof of insurance amount is required when contract is awarded. The City awards service contracts based on the best value, not necessarily the lowest cost.

6 Evaluation Criteria Most Crucial Elements
Required Forms-Section 7, Form 7 Indicate that your company understands the requirements, tasks, personnel involved and activities required Describe how your company will perform the Services and whom from your Company will be involved in providing the services Acceptance of terms of the contract in Section 8. Please read

7 Evaluation Proposals are evaluated on the Proposed Solution, company background and experience, and value This process often takes several weeks Proposals are available after award via written request Multiple departments will seek City Council approval at various times to award contract to the selected Service Provider(s). Charlotte Water plans to request Council approval in March 2017 Engineering & Property Management may request approval later in 2017 Services may begin after contract(s) is executed

8 Required Forms Complete in its entirely Sign each form
Form 7 is extremely important. Be thorough on responses Charlotte Business INClusion (CBI) Subcontracting CBI service providers encouraged. Provide details on how subcontractor will be utilized on project. Complete Form 5 No goal for this project If prime service provide and CBI certified, complete form 5 Questions?

9 Proposal Submission Proposals are due on January 20, 2017 at 2:00, EST. Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals including original and copies in a sealed envelope/box may be hand delivered or mailed to Brookshire Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28216, Attention: Adrianne Lewis, Environmental Rapid Response, RFP#FY17-RFP-05 If mailing your proposal, make sure to get delivery confirmation before the deadline Proposals cannot be sent via or fax There will not be a public opening of proposals

10 Helpful Links and Reminders
Vendor Registration - Vendor Opportunities Website tOpportunities.aspx Charlotte Business INClusion nclusion/Pages/default.aspx All questions MUST be submitted in writing ( ) to Adrianne Lewis:

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