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Prepared by: Miss Samah Ishtieh 22/9/2013

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1 Prepared by: Miss Samah Ishtieh 22/9/2013
Group Dynamics Prepared by: Miss Samah Ishtieh 22/9/2013 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

2 Group dynamics The role of a manager always involves working with people in groups (meetings, committees). The group leader needs a knowledge of how groups function so as to facilitate their effectiveness, because each member of a group plays a role in achieving the work of the group and each member has a unique personality and individual abilities. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

3 Group norms: Involve standard or ground rules
Group dynamics: Involves the study and analysis of how people interact and communicate with each other in face to face small group ( how the group function to achieve goals). A group: Is considered a collection of two or more people who are interdependent and who interact with one another for the purpose of performing to achieve a common goal . Group process: Change that occur within group as member work together to achieve goal. Group norms: Involve standard or ground rules 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

4 Factors affecting group development (how group matures and performs)
Size of group Important and relevance of task to members (purpose or goals) Environment (group climates) ( crisis) Background/physical location of group Time\ how often they meet Previous experience in group Motivation 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

5 Phases of groups: 1. Forming or orientation phase: This is a phase in
which group members are discovering themselves. There is a general feeling of uncertainty and insecurity during this time (due to lack of definitive boundaries of the group and the lack of clearly defined roles of the individual members of the group) (Apprehension-dependence-personal relations-goals? Methods- tasks) 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

6 Cont. Phases of groups: 2- Storming: As individual roles are tested and defined, there is an increase in the amount of tension and conflict. There is leadership struggle and increase competition. (confusion – conflict who does what? Integration) 3- Normative: Roles and norms are established with a move towards consensus and objectives. The group is calmer now. ( Cohesion – sharing information – building on ideas). 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

7 Cont. Phases of groups: 4- Performing phase: Productive stage.
Atmosphere is goal oriented and positive members work with deeper involvement, greater disclosure, and unity. They complete the task. (Mutuality – interdependence –solving problems –completing tasks). 5- Termination (adjourning): Once goals are fulfilled the group terminates. The leader guides the members to summarize discussions, express feelings and making closing statements (evaluation and personnel satisfaction). 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

8 Group Roles: 1- Group task roles: these are the roles that
help the group to select problems to be worked on, to define these problems and to seek solutions to these problems. 1. Initiator – introduce new ideas or procedures; tries to establish movement towards the goal. 2. Information seeker – tries to obtain needed information or opinions, points out gaps in information, asks for opinions, responds to suggestion. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

9 3. Evaluator – tries to determine where the group stands issue; tests for consensus, evaluates progress. 4. Coordinator – points out relationships among ideas or procedure; pulls ideas to gather and builds on the contributions of others, tasks things one step further. 5. Procedural technician performs routine tasks, distributes material (Housekeeping). 6. Recorder – writes down ideas, decisions and recommendations, keeps minutes. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

10 Cont. Group Roles 2- Maintenance roles: these are oriented towards the functioning of the group as a whole unit, building group – centered attitudes and strengthening productivity. 1. Encourager – offers warmth and support to another's contribution, accepts what each member says. 2. Harmonizer – mediates the differences between and among members, attempts to reconcile disagreements. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

11 3. Compromiser – seeks a middle position between apposing viewpoints
4. Standards setter – tries to bring to awareness the norms and standard of the group. 5. Gate keeper – keeps communication channels open, facilities participation of all members, keeps track of time. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

12 3. Self – oriented roles: these roles involve
attempts by members to satisfy their own needs through the group and are usually not directed towards effective group work. Self – oriented roles are often seen as dysfunctional. 1. Aggressor – attacks the group ( individual members or tasks) 2. Blocker – negative, stubborn who reintroduces issues that have been previously decided upon. (عنيد سلبي يرجع للامور السابقة التي اخذ فيها القرار ) 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

13 5. Dominator – gives authoritative authority, manipulates the group.
3. Recognition seeker – works in different ways to call attention to self. 4. Playboy – displays lack of interest by being cynical or humorous on important issues. 5. Dominator – gives authoritative authority, manipulates the group. 6. Help seeker – calls attention to self and seeks a sympathetic response from the group. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

14 Group leader The group leader should act as a facilitator, his
goal is to develop an effective team by facilitating: Clear understanding of the purpose and goals of the group, this help the group out of the forming stage and through the storming stage more quickly. Effective communication understanding among members on personnel feeling and attitude as well as task related ideas and issues. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

15 Flexibility is how a group accomplishes goals.
Effective decision – making strategies that secure commitment of member to important decisions. An appropriate balance between group productivity and individual satisfaction. Group cohesiveness while maintaining the needed measure of individual freedom. Use of members' different abilities. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

16 Selected group techniques:
A number of group techniques have been developed to make groups effective and productive. 1- The Delphi technique: pools the opinions of experts. This technique can be used in nursing management to pool the opinions of a group of leaders in the field. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

17 These are three phases of each round of questioning for example, the group is polled for input: the inputs are analyzed, clarified and codified by the investigator and given as feedback to the experts, and the experts are polled for further commentary on the composite of the first round. This process can continue for three to five rounds. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

18 2. Brainstorming To develop by free intention of ideas. The
object is to elicit as many ideas as possible. Steps in the brainstorming technique are: 1- The leader instructs the group, giving them the topic or problem and telling them to respond positively with any ideas or suggestion, they have relative to it. No critical responses are allowed or discussed . 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

19 (Keep the subject area general to elicit more ideas)
2- The leader or chairperson lists all ideas or responses on a poster or chalkboard as they are given and encourages their generation. 3- Ideas are evaluated only after every group member has contributed all possible ones (Keep the subject area general to elicit more ideas) 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

20 3.The nominal group technique :
In this technique, the problem or task is defined. Members independently write down ideas about it, making their ideas more problem – centered and higher quality. Each member presents ideas to the group without discussion. The ideas are summarized and listed. Next the members discuss each recorded idea to clarify and evaluate it . They then vote on and give priority to each decision. The results are averaged and the final group decision is taken from the pool. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

21 4. Group decision – making procedure:
Schein (1969) discussed six ways in which groups make decisions: 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

22 1- decision by lack of response :
Occurs when members suggest decisions without due discussion of issues and alternatives, the group simply by passes the ideas. Then one idea is suggested, and the group immediately decides that it is the best. This may be due to lack of commitment to the goal and \ or feeling of powerlessness. This type of decision – making leads to negative feeling about self and others. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

23 2- decision by authority rule:
The leader has the authority to decide. This type of D/M is fine if the leader communicates that she/he will make the decision but needs advice . If the leader communicates that the group can decide on course of action and then concludes the session by ignoring the groups' suggestions Then the group will have negative feelings towards the leader. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

24 3-Decision by minority rule :
One or more people use pressure tactics to railroad a decision in this decision – making style, the members are left feeling impotent, helpless and "out of breath". They may wonder what happened. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

25 4- Decision by majority rule:
Voting and\ or polling. Most common, the position of each group member on the issue is requested either formally ( by voting ) or informally ( by polling). The best group procedure is to state the issue and then facilitate group discussion on all sides of the issue; decision by voting or polling follow; If the group must implement decision (each member must do something) then this is not the best way. Commitment?? 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

26 5- Decision by consensus:
This is psychological state in which group members see rational in the decision and agree to support it. This operate even though some members may be more or less committed than others. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

27 6- Decision by unanimous vote:
This method, though desirable is rarely attained in organization . 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

28 Common Nursing Group Teaching conferences – skills and knowledge
Procedure conferences – policies and procedures in the organization Pt. conferences –include all persons involved in the core job (team). Directive conferences: to make assignments and receive reports 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

29 Group evaluation Group must consistently evaluated to see how well its functioning. (Group members should be included in evaluation) 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

30 Evaluation criteria include;
Group have clear understanding of its goal. Goals are realistic and achievable . Members are using tasks and maintenance roles. Effective problem solving and decision making occur. Resources are used by group . Responsibilities are shared among group. 4/14/2018 Miss Samah Ishtieh

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