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Problem Representation and Problem-solving Strategies.

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1 Problem Representation and Problem-solving Strategies

2 Cognitive science(認知科學) -- A study devoted to
Problem Solving – performance output of thinking creatures and the term was introduced by mathematicians Decision making = problem solving Humans follow a fairly standard process when they solve problems (see Figure) Cognitive science(認知科學) -- A study devoted to learn how we learn, and know that our strengths and weaknesses are revealed; understand our minds, which can lead to improved ways of learning and applying our intelligence to real-world problems Newell-Simon Model (see figure)

3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Implementation
Problem Identification And Definition Identifying Evaluation Criteria Generation of Alternatives Search for Solution And Evaluation Choice and Recommendation Implementation Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

4 Short-term (Working) Memory External Memory: Paper, Chalkboard
Perceptual Subsystem Input Stimulus Sensors Buffer Memories Cognitive Subsystem Long-term Memory Short-term (Working) Memory External Memory: Paper, Chalkboard Elementary Processor Interpreter Motor Subsystem Human Muscles Buffer Memories Output Responses Newell-Simon Model of Human Information Processing. (Adapted from A. Newell and H. A. Simon, Human Problem Solving, Prentice-Hall, 1972)


6 Problem Solving in AI Primarily with the search and evaluation steps of the problem solving process Search Approaches Optimization attempts to find best possible solution by using mathematical formulations that model specific situations mathematical approach that using a one step or an algorithm; e.g. Gradient descent method, Conjugate gradient method, BFGS method, …. Bio-computing approach; e.g. Genetic algorithm Blind search Exhaustive (complete) search Partial search Use of heuristics


8 Search Process Test Solution Search approaches Optimization
(Analytical) Blind Search Heuristics Complete Enumeration Partial Search Generate Improved solutions or get the best solution directly All possible solution are checked Check only some alternatives systematically drop inferior solutions Only promising solutions are considered Search Process Stop when no improvement is possible Comparisons stop when all alternatives are checked Comparisons Stop when solution is good enough Test Optimal (best) Optimal (best) Best among alternatives checked Good enough Solution

9 Blind search methods --Arbitrarily to search a state space and can be classified as Exhaustive search Partial search Breadth-first method(先廣後深) Depth-first method(先深後廣) Blind search Exhaustive Partial Breadth first Depth first

10 Search Directions Data-directed (Forward) search –
A search starts from available information (or facts) and tried to draw conclusions regarding the situation or the goal attainment. Goal-directed (Backward) search – A search starts from expectations of what the goal is or what is to happen; then it seeks evidence that support those expectations (or hypothesis).

11 Problem representation in AI
(not Knowledge representation) Three major elements: problem states, a goal, and operators. States – snapshots of varying conditions in the environment Goal – the objective to be achieved, a final solution Operators – procedures used for changing from one state to another. A control strategy – selects or guide the procedures The selection of a particular knowledge representation method will greatly effect the type of search and control strategy used. State-space representation A state space representations the set of all attainable states for a given problem

12 Relationship between initial state(s), procedures, and goal(s) in the search process
Control strategy Goal(s)





17 Heuristic methods To reduce the amount of search for a solution by pruning nonvital or non-promising nodes The solution is not optimal, so it is termed good enough Representative approaches Generate and Test – generate possible candidate solution and devise a test to determine if the solution are indeed good Hill Climbing – similar to depth-first blind search, however, paths are not selected arbitrary, but in relationship to their proximity to the desired goal. (Example)

18 Best First (A *) A search approach based on some heuristic evaluation function, users select the next move by searching for the best available solution that you can move to in one step, no matter where it is located on the tree.

19 Use of evaluation function
Comparison of search strategies Approach Use of evaluation function Delete the candidates Search efficient Search quality Depth first No Bad Good Breadth first Hill climbing Yes Best first Middle


21 Example

22 Depth-first (先深後廣)

23 Breath-first (先廣後深)

24 Hill-climbing (登山捜尋法)

25 Best-first (A* 最佳優先法





30 Level of search g(n)= g(n)=0 g(n)=1 g(n)=4 g(n)=2 g(n)=3 g(n)=5




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