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Presentation on theme: "PEOPLESOFT TEST FRAMEWORK"— Presentation transcript:

Customer Experience 102050 Sumit Agarwal System Architect Florida State University

2 Florida State university
One of the nation’s elite research universities, offering a distinctive academic environment in the heart of state capital. Enrollment: 41,473 Employee: 6000+ Colleges: 16 320+ degree programs

3 ABOUT FSU Enrollment 32,459 undergraduate 7,819 graduate Staffing
6,000+ faculty and staff Other Users 68,000+ applicants Alumni Parents or other delegated users Vendors

4 presenters Sumit Agarwal System Architect Florida State University

5 Overview PeopleSoft Test Framework (PTF) Overview
PTF Development Cycle Examples/Demonstrations Selective Adoption PTF Tips & Tricks

6 PeopleSoft Test Framework (PTF)
PeopleSoft Test Framework (PTF) is a tool that automates various tasks within PeopleSoft application – primarily

7 PTF Overview PTF Automate Testing
Automates functional testing with greater accuracy during short period of time PTF can be used for most testing types Test case are stored in database as App Designer objects

8 PTF Overview Record and Playback
Users record and save manual test procedures Subsequently executed to verify that the application still behaves with expected results Specifically designed to work the PeopleSoft scrolls

9 PTF Overview Work with other PeopleTools Process Scheduler PS Query
Data mover Test Maintenance Reports Shows changed objects and which recorded tests were affected

10 Type of testing Unit Validates data, business rules, and business process requirements System Testing - Test all processes, including online functionality, batch functionality, inbound and outbound interfaces, conversions, customizations and reports

11 Type of testing Integration
all business processes and groups of related processes within the application to determine whether they function as designed Parallel Optionally performed throughout all testing stages

12 Type of testing Acceptance
Method where system is tested for acceptability Regression - It enables to reuse the tests already designed and created Performance - Process to determine how system performs PTF is not designed for such testing


14 PTF DEVELOPMENT Environment
A PTF development environment elements A PTF client instance A connection to a PeopleSoft application database A Microsoft IE browser instance A connection to PeopleSoft application that is to be tested

15 How to setup PTF Ping Gateway and verify its status is active
Verify Integration Broker is working fine Ping Gateway and verify its status is active

16 How to setup PTF Ping node and verify its success
Look for default local node PSFT_HR Ping node and verify its success Verify ANONYMOUS node Default User ID has a PTF User Role

17 How to setup PTF User running PTF client must have PTF User, Editor or Administrator Role Configure the Web Profile PT >Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration Click Debugging Tab

18 Install PTF client Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft Operating System Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft .NET Framework PTF is located <PS_HOME>/setup/PsTestFramework >> run Setup.exe In IE, internet options should include both http and https entries for your domain in the local internet security zone

19 PTF Client


21 PTF Client

22 Execution options PTF was not designed to work with custom sign in and sign-out page Configuration does not allow you to update this URL to anything but cmd=logout SQL Statement UPDATE PSPTTSTOPTIONS SET PTTST_EXOP_APP_URL = “local Url”;

23 Test case & recording Open a test Launch the test recorder
Hook a browser Start recording Perform the test steps in PeopleSoft application Stop recording Close the test recorder Save the test

24 Test case & recording

25 Test case & recording PTF Explorer gives you access to the PTF test assets (tests, test cases, libraries and logs) stored within the application database

26 Test case & recording Create, Copy and Delete tests and folders
Navigate to and open test assets

27 Test case & recording A PTF test consists of a series of steps
When you record a test, PTF creates one step for each action you take against the target application

28 Test case & recording Tests Logs

29 Test case & recording Recording may include unnecessary steps
Removing Unneeded steps Recording may include unnecessary steps Correcting Values Update Values column as necessary Modify steps Update run controls to add/update; concatenate month/date for unique values, etc. Add steps manually Use Insert and record missing step or adjust manually

30 Test case & recording Shell Tests
A shell test is a type of test that is used to call other tests. Used to call library tests, data mover scripts, run queries Enables you to test business process

31 Test case developing & debugging
Using a Library Test : Repeatable steps can be isolated and moved to a library test and called out within another test A library test cannot be executed by itself It must be called by another test Parameters can be passed when calling a library test

32 Test case developing & debugging

33 Test case developing & debugging
Scroll Handling Test to verify whether the user has the role ‘PTF Administrator’ PTF references a field on a scroll by the field name and the row number Create Key_Set > Create an Action Step > Use Index variable > Specify Scroll ID

34 Test case developing & debugging
Message Tool As you modify a test, you may need to use the Message tool to capture details for a browser object Click and drag the Object Properties icon and hover over a browser object to view details about that object in the Message window You can also use the Message tool to monitor test execution The Message Tool is automatically downloaded as part of the PeopleSoft Test Framework

35 Test case developing & debugging
Reserved Words Reserved words enable you to access data available from the PTF program when a test is executed #TODAY – enter in value field to use current date rather than a static value

36 Running Queries Query.Exec for public queries
Query.Exec_Private for private queries Both use same parameters Output Folder=value Indicates where the results of the query should be saved. If not defined, the output folder defined in the local options will be used

37 Running Queries Output Format=value indicates what format the results of the query should be delivered in. If not defined, the output folder defined in the local options will be used Param=value, value ; provide query parameters separated by commas Queries can be run both in Test Shells and Test Cases Queries will be run under userid set in Execution Option

38 Running Queries

39 Running PROCESS Recording of process initiated that is not optimized
Default recording will not wait for a process to finish Default script need optimization

40 Running PROCESS

41 Ptf report management Test Maintenance Report Test Coverage Report
Generates a comparison between the PTF test metadata before and after upgrade to identify object changes Test Coverage Report Identify which objects included in the change project are referenced by PTF tests and objects with no test coverage Test Compare Report Shows the difference of every step between old test and new test after a test is moved to the PeopleSoft database Test Details Report Contains details for a PTF test and its associated test cases, including comments

42 Ptf report management Test data & Impact data stored in tables
Analyze with Query, Pivot Grid or any BI Tool Test Data “Test Case” PSPTTSTCASE Header table for test cases PSPTTSTCASEVAL The detail data for each test case – data values for each command/step Test Log PSPTTSTLOG_LIST The header table for the logs of test case runs. Identifies the test, the case and the high level results PSPTTSTLOG_LNS The detail results of each step of a test case run PSPTTSTLOG_IMG Stores image captures of each page when the test step is logged as failing PSPTTSTLOG_OPTS Stores the options used to run a test such as URL and User ID. PSPTTSTLOG_XTRA Stores information about the environment that was used to run a specific test

43 Ptf usage monitor Enhancement to Performance Monitor
Capture Pattern of Usage Complete Detailed Every object Page, Menu, Field, Component, Peoplecode Stored in Database Should be running during recording of tests Turn off after data is captured Usage Monitor Aggregator App engine Program that aggregates raw data for analysis

44 Ptf usage monitor Start Recording Navigate to Usage Monitor
Enter test Name and Test Case Start Test Record Test Steps Stop Test

Ptf usage monitor PTF IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCESS Reduce fear and uncertainty of change Understand scope of impact Reduce time, complexity and cost of system testing RUN USAGE MONTOR CREATE PTF TEST APPLY MAINTENANCE OR UPGRADE RUN COMPARE REPORT IMPACT ANALYSIS TEST CASES SYSTEM USAGE CHANGES OR OBJECTS

46 PTF TIPS & TRICKS Store a value for a variable in a parameter in the recognition field on a step Manage persistent variable across all tests

47 PTF TIPS & TRICKS Conditional Steps: If_Then, Else and End_If
Looping Steps: Do, For, While, Exit_Loop

48 PTF Tips & Tricks Context Sensitive Help On Demand Syntax Check
Syntax Checking Context Sensitive Help On Demand Syntax Check

49 PTF Tips & Tricks Debugging:

50 Selective adoption PeopleSoft Images
Major Releases 2x a Year Minor Releases 4X a Year Continual Flow of Oracle Pushing Requirements Incrementally Adopt New Business Value Take Only the changes You Want Determine When the Changes are Applied Retain Strategic Customization Eliminate the need for Major Upgrades.



53 SELECTIVE ADOPTION Common Issues with PeopleSoft Testing
Manual Processing Excel, Excel and Excel Inconsistent Test Data Labor Intensive Test Management Data Not Reusable

54 Selective adoption PTF Impact of Selective Adoption
HIGHER LEVEL OF QUALITY 04 Increased Test Coverage Reduce Bugs More Regression Testing 01 TEST MORE, TEST OFTEN Multiple PUM Images each year Bug fixes, New features and PeopleTools PTF FASTER DEPLOYMENTS 03 Test and Release in days/weeks instead of months Proactive vs Reactive 02 BUSINESS DRIVEN CHANGE Evaluates, Approves and Drive schedule IT has to enable and Support this New Methodology

55 Selective adoption Selective Adoption Strategy
CHANGE IN IMPLEMENTATION AND UPGRADE PHILOSOPHY Business defines change package by reviewing new features PeopleSoft apps are dynamic and responsive Reduce customizations CREATE A SCHEDULE AND SCOPE EACH RELEASE Schedule based on preference, resource availability, business cycle and not PI release Define Frequency and scope of change with each release Quicker turnaround, bigger impact, more business value

Automate testing to apply updates faster Testing must be consistent, accurate, efficient and auditable Build repeatable auditable tests Establish a centralize tests instance Make tests dynamic

57 PAIN Must reset the data created through the execution of PTF tests
A bit tedious to configure Must reset the data created through the execution of PTF tests Two-tier passwords for functional users PeopleTools dependent for advance features Running tests does not allow other activities on the computer

58 GAIN Migrate Test assets with Application Designer
Native PeopleSoft, Free with PT upgrades Migrate Test assets with Application Designer Help technical team to capture, see and understand user activities Efficiency gains for functional users; can reduce Tax Update testing from one day to two hours Detailed logs and reports available to keep track Schedule test scripts via command line

59 PTF NEW FEATURES 8.53 8.54 8.55 PTF Explorer/Tree enhancements
Mass Update Test development and execution enhancements Syntax validation Interact with App Designer projects Test administration enhancements Context-sensitive help for parameters Filtered views Multi-browser support PTF report enhancements Report enhancements MsgBox and Command step type Usability enhancements Variables in quotes Ability to download file Log Manager enhancements Export logs to XML

60 CONTACT Sumit Agarwal Jan Condon System Architect
Florida State University ERP Analyst II Florida State University all Alliance presentations will be available for download from the Conference Site

61 Questions & answers

62 102050



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