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Manager, Ports and Terminals Section INTERTANKO for the

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1 Manager, Ports and Terminals Section INTERTANKO for the
Presentation by Gunnar A. Knudsen Manager, Ports and Terminals Section INTERTANKO for the Maritime Security Expo & Conference Europe 2004 Rotterdam, 2 November 2004

2 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Introduction Compliance IMO Ship – Port interface Port State Control (PSC) Access to terminals Conduct of Port Officials/Access Control Seafarers’ issues Cost Epilog

3 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Introduction Compliance Incomplete compliance at deadline Teething problems and consequences Zero tolerance vs. pragmatism Seamless transition

4 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” IMO - Security information in database - Slow registration - Control and Compliance Guidelines - Uniform application

5 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Ship – Port interface - Contact details on 24/7 basis - Matching MARSEC Levels – Declaration of Security (DoS) - Submissions to MSC79 (1-10 December) - Pre-arrival information

6 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Port State Control (PSC) - International practices and procedures - Strike a balance - Inspection targeting matrix - Benefits to first class operators

7 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Access to terminals - Prevention of excessive requirements - Highly vulnerable terminals - Again – a balance must be found - Port of Rotterdam a market leader - Reality may be different

8 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Conduct of Port Officials/Access Control - USCG Guidelines on Access Control - Verifiable ID, visitor’s badge, escort, uniforms - Fire arm permission and no vehicle or bag control causes considerable concern

9 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Seafarers’ issues - More an ally than a threat - Onboard confinement – guards - Shore leave a human right - Crew change - Reading the vessel’s marks on the quay

10 ” The scope for further security improvements in ports
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Cost - Security investments - How do owners get compensated? - Security charges

11 I thank you for your kind attention
” The scope for further security improvements in ports. A tanker operator’s view” Epilog - Expanded compliance - Flow of trade - INTERTANKO will keep protecting members’ interests I thank you for your kind attention

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