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Welcome Parents/Guardians to MIHS Open House 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents/Guardians to MIHS Open House 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents/Guardians to MIHS Open House 2017

2 Painting Carpeting New Security Doors Chrome Books
Building Updates Painting Carpeting New Security Doors Chrome Books

3 Social Media Let’s stay connected!

4 Online communication portal for students and parents (
Provides ability to track and review attendance, assignments, grades, discipline, transportation, and fees. Infinite Campus

5 School Performance Profile
Academic Achievement (Keystone Exams) Academic Growth (PVAAS) CDT’s This provides teachers with critical information about student academic performance (strengths and weaknesses) that will allow for more effective instruction and enable teachers to be responsive to individual student needs.

6 School Wide Expectations

7 PRESENT Come to school every day Be in first block by 7:50 a.m.
Turn in a parent note when ill Attend mentally as well as physically Come dressed appropriately Bring only permitted items with you to school Arrive on time to all destinations Follow appropriate procedures for schedule privileges

8 ACCOUNTABLE Do your best work to complete all assignments
Make up any missing work Listen to and follow directions Ask for help when you need it Be where you’re supposed to be Have passes visible Own your actions Set life and career goals for post graduation

9 RESPECTFUL Use appropriate language, tone, and volume
Speak kindly to and of others Resolve problems politely Respect other people’s right to learn Treat personal and school property with care Use your electronics during non-instructional times only Enter and exit the parking lot with caution Consider others as you navigate the building

10 Importance of Being Engaged and Involved
Communicate with teachers & administrators Take advantage of numerous clubs and activities McDowell offers Over 125 activities, sports, clubs, etc.

11 MIHS Guidance Counselors
Ms. Baker Mr. Marriot Ms. Zablotny A- G H – O P - Z

12 Where do I drop off my child?


14 Important Dates McDowell College and Career Night: Wednesday September 6:00 Homecoming Parade and Game: Friday October 6th Trojan Expo: Wednesday November 1st 6:00-7:30pm Parent Conference Day: Monday November 6th Parent Conference Day: Friday February 16th

15 Thank you For Attending & Have A Great Year!

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