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Past research work and research work in progress on elephant flows

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1 Past research work and research work in progress on elephant flows
Presented by Sourav Maji Advisor: Prof. Malathi Veeraraghavan Work was done by present and past students of HSN group at UVa in collaboration with ESnet and Reservoir Labs Thanks to the NSF for grants , , , , and the US DOE ASCR for grant DE-SC

2 Current group members at University of Virginia
Prof. Malathi Veeraraghavan Sherry Wang Fatemah Alali Gholam Reza Rahimi  Sourav Maji Guthrie Ober Alexander

3 Outline Background Previous work on elephant flows
Traffic Engineering of High-Rate Large-Sized Flows Characterization of high-rate large-sized flows A measurement-based study of big-data movement A novel Internet access service with online traffic engineering of elephant flows Research work in progress on elephant flows Other research work in High Speed Network group at University of Virginia

4 Energy Sciences (ESnet) ESnet offers network services to DOE labs (sites)
ALCF NERSC OLCF NERSC: National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center ALCF: Argonne Leadership Computing Facility OLCF: Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility Image: Courtesy: DOE: US Department of Energy

5 Sudden spikes on a 10 Gb/s ESnet link: cause?
10 Gbps link Outgoing traffic SNMP link utilization (Gbps) Incoming traffic Jan. 16, 2013 NetFlow analysis (packet header samples) Shows these bursts are from 1 or 2 elephant flows Elephant flows can cause packet losses of other flows and result in increased latency for delay sensitive flows

6 Traffic Engineering of High-Rate Large-Sized Flows
Goal was to design a hybrid network traffic engineering system (HNTES) The system gathered NetFlow reports from routers, analyze these reports to identify elephant-flow source/destination address prefixes HNTES design was evaluated using NetFlow reports collected over a 7-month period from four ESnet routers Our analysis showed that if HNTES was deployed then 90% of elephant flow bytes could be redirected Jin, Tian, et al. "Traffic engineering of high-rate large-sized flows." High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), 2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on. IEEE, 2013.

7 Characterization of high-rate large-sized flows
We described an algorithm for characterizing the size, duration, average rate, and frequency of such flows, from NetFlow reports The algorithm can characterize flows as a part of a network management system for research-and-education network providers whose customers move large scientific datasets. Flows moving datasets as large as 811 GB and at rates as high as 5.7 Gbps were observed Of 1596 repeated elephant flows created by one pair showed considerable variance, with minimum rate of 100 Mbps, maximum rate of 536 Mbps Jin, Tian, Chris Tracy, and Malathi Veeraraghavan. "Characterization of high-rate large-sized flows." Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), 2014 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on. IEEE, 2014.

8 Elephant flow (Alpha Flow visualization software)

9 Parallel flowsets

10 A measurement-based study of big-data movement
To accurately characterize big-data movement, it is important to reconstruct parallel flowsets from traffic measurements Developed an algorithm to reconstruct individual elephant flows from the NetFlow records The top 1% of flowset sizes were in the hundreds of GBs to low TBs range 95% of flowsets had rates less than 2.5 Gbps, and 99% of flowsets had durations shorter than 4 hours These findings are useful for network planning, traffic engineering, and for improving user performance Addanki, Ranjana, et al. "A measurement-based study of big-data movement." Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 2015 European Conference on. IEEE, 2015.

11 A novel Internet access service with online traffic engineering of elephant flows
The effectiveness of the offline HNTES solution was 67% in a particular case that could be addressed by online elephant flow identification We design a high-speed Elephant Flow Traffic Engineering System (EFTES) that monitors access-link traffic and identifies elephant flows in real time Upon identification of an elephant flow it redirects the elephant flow to a separate low priority queue The EFTES algorithms were implemented in an innovative high-speed, multicore system called R-Scope. EFTES could handle a 1-min traffic trace that contained 1.5 M flows with 8 cores. Work is submitted in TNSM

12 Research work in progress (work 1)
Cost of classifying flows as elephants in real time Address the problem of packets arriving out-of-sequence on redirection Another question is to determine the cost of redirection for low-rate elephant flows versus high-rate elephant flows. The EFTES identifies elephant flows based on a rate and duration threshold. The research work is to determine through extensive simulations an algorithm to determining these thresholds

13 Research work in progress (work 2)
Throughput performance monitoring as a network service

14 Other research work in UVa HSN group
A Cross-Layer Multicast-Push Unicast-Pull (MPUP) Architecture for Reliable File-Stream Distribution An Industrial Robotics Application with Cloud Computing and High- Speed Networking Optical Switch in the Middle (OSM) Architecture for DCNs with Hadoop Adaptations A WAN Scavenger Service for High-Speed Inter-Datacenter Communications QoS-guaranteed EEE

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