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Fun Christmas.

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Presentation on theme: "Fun Christmas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fun Christmas

2 Mr. Bean & the Christmas Turkey

3 400 300 200 100

4 Bonus What’s the job of Jesus’ father?

5 Bonus Where is the Holy Land of Christianity?

6 Auld Lang Syne Should old acquaintance be forgot, 豈可忘記舊日的友誼
And never brought to mind? 怎能不常懷於心 And auld lang syne? 以及美好的往日時光 For auld lang syne, my dear 感念美好往日時光,吾友 For auld lang syne, 感念美好往日時光 We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, 為我們友誼,讓我們把酒言歡 For auld lang syne. 感念美好往日時光

7 Merry Xmas & Happy New Year

8 Where does Santa Claus live?

9 What are the colors of Christmas?

10 What will children hang to get Santa Claus’ gifts?

11 What special meal will people eat at Christmas?

12 When does Santa Claus send out his gifts?

13 Whose birth do people celebrate on Christmas Day?

14 Please give five words about Christmas.

15 How does Santa Claus send out his gifts?

16 Please give two activities people will do at Christmas.

17 What’s the special plant for Christmas?

18 Please sing the Christmas song “Jingle Bells ”.

19 Please sing the Christmas song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas ”.

20 Please sing the Christmas song “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town ”.

21 Please sing the Christmas song “ Silent Night”.

22 Please sing the Christmas song “The Twelve Days Of Christmas”.

23 What’s the meaning of the red of Santa Claus’ clothes?
(A) Passion (B) Desire (C) Danger (D) Warmth

24 What’s the meaning of the white of Santa Claus’ clothes?
Cleanness (B) Coldness (C) Death (D) Purity

25 What’s the color of the reindeer Rudolf’s nose?
Red (B) Green (C) Blue (D) Golden

26 Where was Jesus born? Bangkok (B) Bethlehem (C) Shulin (D) Brussels

27 What’s the name of Jesus’ father?
(A) Josh (B) Johnson (C) Joseph (D) Jackson

28 Finland 芬蘭

29 Red and green

30 Stockings

31 Turkeys

32 On Christmas Eve

33 Jesus

34 He rides the sleigh pulled by reindeers.

35 Poinsettia

36 A Carpenter

37 Jerusalem 耶路撒冷

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