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International workshop on micropiles – Venice, 30 may – 2 June 2002

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1 International workshop on micropiles – Venice, 30 may – 2 June 2002
TWENTY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE USE OF THE UMBRELLA-ARCH METHOD OF SUPPORT FOR TUNNELLING Si crea da sola e passa alla successiva in automatico G. Carrieri, Geodata S.r.l., Torino, Italy R. Fiorotto, Casagrande, Italy P. Grasso, Geodata S.r.l., Torino, Italy S. Pelizza, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Presented by: G. Carrieri

2 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
When tunnelling through soft ground, external, additional support (ground reinforcement or ground improvement) at some stage of the excavation is always necessary The main problem with conventional methods when tunnelling through difficult geotechnical conditions is control of deformation: without support or treatment the ground weakens and tends to sink into the opening (fall of ground from the upper part of the tunnel face, tunnel face extrusion, tunnel face failure), a phenomenon called “decompression”. Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva The elimination of this decompression may require a “cavity pre-confinement action” (defined as any active action that favours the formation of an arch effect in the ground ahead the tunnel face) that can be achieved through reinforcement or/and protective intervention ahead the tunnel excavation.

3 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
Reinforcement (or ground improvement) acts directly on the ground’s mechanical characteristics improving its natural strength and deformation properties by means of appropriate ground improvement techniques. Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva Protective intervention channels’ stresses around the tunnel periphery thus performing a protective function ensuring that the natural strength and deformation properties of the core are maintained (the main effect is to contain the reduction of σ3 - minor principal stress). The umbrella-arch technique can be included in this definition.

4 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground

5 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
Mechanical pre-cutting Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

6 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
Pretunnel Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

7 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
Fibreglass elements Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

8 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
Umbrella arch Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

9 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
Umbrella arch Umbrella arch Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva Bolts Micropiles Reinforcement of face Temporary Invert

10 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
Umbrella arch Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

11 Conventional tunnelling methods in soft ground
Umbrella arch Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

12 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Tunnel portals
The portal zone frequently represents the most problematic area during excavation of a tunnel. Many problems are concentred in this area, especially those deriving from the geological nature of the ground, lack of confinement in the immediate overburden and rock mass discontinuities. In general, the following factors influence the portal problems: Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva morphology of the site; geo-mechanical characteristics of the terrain; stability conditions of the ground; presence of water; presence of external constraints (building, infrastructures, etc.)

13 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Tunnel portals
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14 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Tunnel portals
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15 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Shallow tunnels
The construction of shallow tunnels in soft ground requires complete control of ground deformations: to avoid damage to infrastructures and buildings on the surface, to ensure the safety of the workmen in various stages of the excavation, to control the increase of bending moments in the temporary lining that may result from loosening of the ground, asymmetric loading (due to the geomorphology, proximity to another cavity, or surface loads), and heterogeneity of the ground, to avoid the initiation or recurrence of the phenomenon of slope instability. Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

16 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Shallow tunnels
Shallow tunnels: Egnatia Odos S3 tunnel (Greece) Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

17 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Shallow tunnels
Shallow tunnels: Egnatia Odos S3 tunnel (Greece) Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

18 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Shallow tunnels
Shallow tunnels: Maiko tunnel (Japan) Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

19 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Shallow tunnels
Shallow tunnels: Maiko tunnel (Japan) Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

20 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Deep tunnels
When tunnelling through soft ground in deep overburden the magnitude of stress concentrations at the tunnel face always exceeds the strength of the rock (soil) mass. Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva Tunnelling through ground belonging to behaviour categories “e” and “f” requires pre-confinement actions. The selection between reinforcement or protective interventions depends on the stress-strain behaviour of the ground.

21 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Deep tunnels
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22 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Deep tunnels
Ferrocarril Caracas – Tui medio (Venezuela) Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva Tunnel Pitahaya

23 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Deep tunnels
Fault crossing in deep tunnel conditions: Daj Khad shear zone - Headrace tunnel of Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Project (India). Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

24 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Deep tunnels
Fault crossing in deep tunnel conditions: Daj Khad shear zone - Headrace tunnel of Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Project (India). Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

25 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch – Deep tunnels
Fault crossing in deep tunnel conditions: Daj Khad shear zone - Headrace tunnel of Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Project (India). Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

26 Fields of application of the intervention ahead the tunnel excavation
TYPE OF INTERVENTION FIELD OF APPLICATION Cohesive terrain Sandy gravely terrain Terrain with boulders Fractured rock Complex Formations GROUTING 1 JET-GROUTING 2 3 FREEZING DEWATERING 4 FIBREGLASS ELEMENTS 5 6 PILOT TUNNEL PRE-CUTTING PRE-TUNNEL UMBRELLA-ARCH 7 Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

27 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch
Terrain with boulders Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

28 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch
Terrain with boulders Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

29 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch
Sandy gravely terrain Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

30 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch
Terrain below water table Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

31 Fields of application of the umbrella-arch
Terrain below water table Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

32 Umbrella arch design Conventional approach
The steel pipe is considered to be a continuous beam on multiple supports Assuming that the value of "s" (in the case of a stable face) is equal to 1/2 d, the maximum bending moment, (Mmax) is: Mmax = (1/12)* qu* (3/2 a+0.5)2 Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva Considering that this design is for a very brief duration, the (allowable) working stress (Sadm) for the steel pipe can be close to its yield stress (1.5>Fs>1.1). The characteristic moment of resistance of the pipe is: Wmin = Mmax/Sadm.

33 Umbrella arch design Numerical modelling
Usually the steel pipe is modelled by beam elements and the grouted area around the steel pipe is modelled by shell elements, the rigidity of the umbrella-arch in the longitudinal direction (tunnel axis direction) is completely different from its rigidity in the circumferential direction Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

34 Conclusion The umbrella-­arch method has been used with demonstrated success in many types of difficult ground formations both in Italy and abroad its flexibility and the fact that it can be used in different kinds of ground; the treatment can be varied according to the ground formation, it is safe because the steel pipes begin to work as a support immediately, even without grouting; it is simple and quick and allows full face excavation to be carried out in soft soils; it also has a structural function. Si crea da sola, CLIK per passare alla successiva

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