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Peloponnesian War Athens & Sparta.

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1 Peloponnesian War Athens & Sparta

2 Why did Athens and Sparta go to war?
Athens was growing in wealth, power, and prestige. Other city—states viewed this as a threat Hostility was especially high between Athens and Sparta Sparta declared war on Athens in 431 B.C. This is known as the Peloponnesian War


4 Spartans emerge the victors!
Peloponnesian Wars Athens Sparta Stronger Navy Pericles’ strategy was to wait for the opportunity to attack Sparta by sea Stronger Army Could not easily be attacked by sea Attacks Athens by land Spartans emerge the victors!

5 Athens after the war…. After the war, many Athenians lost their confidence in the democratic system and began to question their values. Out of this time of uncertainty, great Greek philosophers appeared! Philosopher = lover of wisdom Greek philosophy is based on 2 assumptions: The universe is put together in an orderly way, and subject to absolute and unchanging laws People can understand these laws through logic and reason


7 Socrates Believed that absolute standards did exist for truth and justice Encouraged Greeks to question themselves and their moral character “The unexamined life is not worth living.” 399 B.C. (about 70 years old), Socrates is brought to trial for “corrupting the youth of Athens”, and “neglecting the city’s gods.” He was condemned to death and forced to drink a slow-acting poison.

8 Plato Student of Socrates
Wrote down the conversations between him and Socrates “The Republic” Vision of perfectly governed society All citizens would fall naturally into three groups Farmers & artisans Warriors Ruling class Person with the greatest insight and intellect from the ruling class would be chosen philosopher-king Writings dominated philosophical thinking in Europe for 1500 years!

9 Aristotle Student of Plato
Questioned nature of the world and human belief, thought, and knowledge Invented method for arguing according to rules of logic Work provided the basis for the Scientific Method Famous Pupil… Alexander, son of King Philip II of Macedonia Stay tuned to learn more about Alexander…….

10 Philosopher Summary Socrates Plato Aristotle
Developed Socratic Method: learning about beliefs and ideas by asking questions Believed government should control lives of people Believed one strong and good leader should rule Government put him to death Divided society into three classes: workers, philosophers, soldiers Believed people learned through reason

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