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An exploration of temperament

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1 An exploration of temperament
Understanding you An exploration of temperament Corrie Adams, Program Officer The Raymond John Wean Foundation 2017 Emerging Leader Program Opening Retreat Friday, September 15

2 Or if my beliefs are different from yours, at least pause before
If you do not want what I want, please try not to tell me that my want is wrong. Or if my beliefs are different from yours, at least pause before you set out to correct them. Or if my emotion seems less or more intense than yours, given the same circumstances, try not to ask me to feel other than I do. Or if I act, or fail to act, in the manner of your design for action, please let me be. I do not, for the moment at least, ask you to understand me. That will come only when you are willing to give up trying to change me into a copy of you. David Keirsey Educational psychologist, David Keirsey, begins his groundbreaking 1978 book Please Understand Me with this quote. What is the message?

3 An Eternal Quest c. 450 – 320 BC Aristotle, Plato and Hippocrates
c. 190 A.D. Galen Clearly recognizable patterns of behavior Four Humors: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, Phlegmatic Early 1900s Sigmund Freud People motivated by sexual desire Id, Ego, Super Ego 1920 Carl Jung Archetypes and collective unconscious Past and future drive behavior Since the start of recorded history it seems people have been trying to figure one another out. We want to know what makes people behave the way they do - more often then not so we can change or “fix” them so they will act in a way that is more acceptable to us. This quest has been taken by philosophers, physicians, astrologers, psychoanalysts, psychologists, educators, clergy, and social workers not to mention parents, spouses, friends and the media. If you’ll indulge me let’s take a look back to ancient Greece/Egypt/Mesopotamia circa 450 BC, the great minds of the era Aristotle, Plato and Hippocrates all wrote about clearly recognizable patterns of behavior. Hippocrates (Hippocratic Oath) wrote about his Four Humors Theory which we see here which had four different humors sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic which grossly enough were based on the prevalence of particular bodily fluids. The four humors (without the bodily fluids and the idea that people were highly formed at birth with fundamentally different predispositions to act remained the prevailing belief until the late 1800’s early 1900’s when Freud shifted thinking to the idea that people were motivated solely by sexual desire and that through psychoanalysis people were malleable and could be shaped a former protégé/colleague of Freud’s, Carl Jung proposed the idea of archetypes that exist within the collective unconscious and reflect patterns. In 1962 Meyers & Briggs created the MBTO based on Jung’s archetypes. 1962 Isabel Meyers & Kathryn Briggs Create MBTI to identify patterns of action 16 combos based on Jung’s archetypes 1978 David Keirsey Introduces temperament theory

4 Personality Character Temperament Inclinations Pre-disposition
Hardware Inborn Character Habits Disposition Software Emergent If you’ll recall I mentioned before you took the KTS that it would help you identify preferences but should not be construed as a label. Keirsey explains in Please Understand Me the idea of personality and it includes those genetically hardwired pre-dispositions to act a certain way over another but it also includes character which we can shape and develop over time by making choices, developing conscious patterns and learning. It really is a hybrid theory that offers explanations for natural preference while still offering the freedom to choose .

5 E/I – Where you focus your energy
Extraversion (9) Introversion (5) Outward Sociable Energized by being with others Acts, then reflects Likes variety & action Likes to work with people Impatient with long jobs Inward Territorial Energized by pulling in Reflects, then acts Likes quiet & concentration Works alone contentedly Can work for a long time Each scale indicates a preference for one behavior over another Not intended to be individual labels


7 S/N – How you acquire information
Intuition (4) Sensing (9) Concrete Here & now Sequential thinking Practical See parts Accepts face value Grounded Possibilities Future Takes leaps Innovative Sees whole Looks for meaning Visionary Each scale indicates a preference for one behavior over another Not intended to be individual labels


9 T/F – Value basis for decisions
Thinking (7) Feeling (7) Decides with head Analytic, logical Facts Concern for justice Removed, objective Ideas Decides with heart Understanding People, feelings Concern for truth Personal Values Each scale indicates a preference for one behavior over another Not intended to be individual labels


11 J/P - Orientation toward the outer world
Judging (6) Perceiving (7) Ordered Plan Decide Closure Order & structure Plans in advance Life under control Flexible, spontaneous Experience Explore, gather information Open-ended Freedom & Flow Last minute Life as it happens Each scale indicates a preference for one behavior over another Not intended to be individual labels

12 Cohort composition

13 The Guardians– SJ Common Characteristics
PROVIDER ESFJ - 1 SUPERVISOR ESTJ - 1 PROTECTOR ISFJ - 0 INSPECTOR ISTJ - 2 Common Characteristics Dependable, helpful, and hard-working. Loyal mates, responsible parents, and stabilizing leaders. Dutiful, cautious, humble, and focused on credentials and traditions. Concerned citizens who trust authority, join groups, seek security, prize gratitude, and dream of meting out justice. Logistical style of leadership- everything in the proper place at the proper time, adhere to procedures and act within hierarchy. Guardians® (SJs) are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply -- and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.

14 The Artisans – SP Common Characteristics
PROMOTER ESTJ - 2 PERFORMER ESFP - 2 ISTP - 0 CRAFTER COMPOSER ISFP - 2 Common Characteristics Fun-loving, optimistic, realistic, and focused on the here and now. Unconventional, bold, and spontaneous. Playful mates, creative parents, and troubleshooting leaders. Excitable, trust their impulses, want to make a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom, and dream of mastering action skills. Tactical leadership style – use available resources, react quickly to changing circumstances and dislike red tape. Artisans (SPs) are the temperament with a natural ability to excel in any of the arts, not only the fine arts such as painting and sculpting, or the performing arts such as music, theater, and dance, but also the athletic, military, political, mechanical, and industrial arts, as well as the "art of the deal" in business.

15 The Idealists – NF Common Characteristics
ENFJ - 1 TEACHER CHAMPION ENFP – 1 COUNSELOR INFJ - 0 INFP - 0 HEALER Common Characteristics Enthusiastic, trust their intuition, yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom. Loving, kindhearted, and authentic. Giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials. Intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders. Diplomatic leadership style – help others understand their value, keep groups working together efficiently and harmoniously. Idealists (NFs), as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.

16 The Rationals – NT Common Characteristics
FIELDMARSHAL ENTJ - 0 ENTP - 1 INVENTOR MASTERMIND INTJ - 1 ARCHITECT INTP - 1 Common Characteristics Pragmatic, skeptical, self-contained, and focused on problem- solving and systems analysis. Ingenious, independent, and strong willed. Reasonable mates, individualizing parents, and strategic leaders. Even-tempered, they trust logic, yearn for achievement, seek knowledge, prize technology, and dream of understanding how the world works. Strategic leadership style – visionary, take long view, systems approach. Rationals (NTs) are the problem solving temperament, particularly if the problem has to do with the many complex systems that make up the world around us. Rationals might tackle problems in organic systems such as plants and animals, or in mechanical systems such as railroads and computers, or in social systems such as families and companies and governments. But whatever systems fire their curiosity, Rationals will analyze them to understand how they work, so they can figure out how to make them work better.

17 Champion Healer Teacher Counselor Mastermind Fieldmarshal Inventor Architect Promoter Crafter Supervisor Inspector Provider Protector Performer Composer

18 Applications Understanding your temperament is a starting point for deeper self-awareness and emotional intelligence. The KTS-II encourages you to develop your strengths and effectively manage your challenges which can help you be more fulfilled in personal and professional relationships. Recognizing and appreciating the differences in those around us lays a foundation for increased understanding and respect in work and in life.

19 Let’s Talk What parts of the report resonate most with you?
What surprised you most about your results? Are there any points with which you disagree? How might your results might impact your work or relationships going forward?


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