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Bell ringer. Explain the geography of India and both the preventions and abilities of travel.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell ringer. Explain the geography of India and both the preventions and abilities of travel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell ringer. Explain the geography of India and both the preventions and abilities of travel.

2 Quiz

3 Standard: SSWH2 The student will identify the major achievements of Chinese and Indian societies from 1100 BCE to 500 CE

4 Element A Describe the development of Indian Civilizations, including the rise and fall of the Maurya Empire, Golden Age under Gupta, and the Emperor Asoka/Asoka.

5 How did the Maurya and Gupta empires compare?
Essential Question What lead to the rise and fall of the early Indian civilizations, specifically the Maurya and Gupta? How did the Maurya and Gupta empires compare?

6 Chapter 3 section 1 Chapter 4 section 2 & 3

7 Indus Valley Civilization
1. The Harappan Civilization a. Indus River valley from 2500 B.C. to 1700 B.C. b. Mostly in Pakistan area, from Delhi, India to Kabul, Afghanistan c. Major cities are Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

8 Decline and disappearance.
No one knows for certain why the cities were abandoned and forgotten. Scholars have proposed a number of theories: too many trees were cut down. an earthquake destroyed the region. A volcanic eruption caused flooding. Aryan invaders overran the region.

9 Aryan Civilization The Aryans destroyed & looted the civilizations.
Built a new Indian civilization made up of nomadic warriors who built no cities. Were polytheistic. Following teachings from the Vedas A. People born into castes. See more later with Hinduism.

10 The Maurya Empire First Indian empire.
Founded by Aryan descendants 324BCE-185BCE. Created a strong central government. Believed in Hinduism. Emperor Ashoka/Asoka became best known ruler converted to Buddhism.

11 Asoka Rules the Maurya Empire
1.Unifies government builds stone palaces and monuments supervised the building of roads and harbors. collected taxes and managed state-owned factories. created royal courts. created a secret police force to report on corruption, crime, and dissent, or opposing ideas. trained warriors to guard the royal palace. sent out missionaries. established laws.

12 Maurya Empire declines
After Ashoka’s death rival princes fought for control. Rivalry kept the empire shattered for over 500 years.

13 Chapter 3 section 1 Chapter 4 section 2 & 3

14 The Gupta Empire Emerged in Southern India.
Enjoyed a period of great cultural achievement known as a Golden Age. Both Hinduism and Buddhism were practiced. Established a strong centralized government. Enjoyed major advancements in Learning, medicine, architecture, literature, arts, and math. Developed a system of numbers still used today & developed decimal system & concept of Zero.

15 Work Choice boards Differentiated by Groups.

16 Closing Q & A.

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