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Review of ADC Tasks Co-Led by GTOS/GOFC-GOLD

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1 Review of ADC Tasks Co-Led by GTOS/GOFC-GOLD
Michael Brady ADC Meeting, WMO, Geneva 28 Apr-1 Mar 2007

2 Tasks AG-06-04, Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring
DI-06-13, Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level

3 Task AG-06-04 Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring
Task Definition (revised) Integrate international efforts on assessment and monitoring of forests and forest changes using a combination of ground and satellite information and internationally agreed standards.

4 Task AG-06-04 Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring
Task Sheet Status Task sheet revised 23 January 07, but not yet replaced on FTP site PoC, Leads and contributors listed in work plan roster Jan 07 FAO (FRA) GTOS/GOFC-GOLD USA JRC

5 Task AG-06-04 Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring
Status of Work from 2006 Linked to other relevant tasks (DA GOFC-GOLD, USGS) Co-leads have made initial contact and plans initiated; Mailing list created Complete list of potential contributions from task members (Q3 06) Organization and coordination of the GEOSS implementation project - Kick-Off Meeting (Oct 06) FAO FRA 2010 to provide central focus Seeking clarification with GEOSEC: Planned 2008 Forest symposium

6 Task AG-06-04 Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring
Task Deliverables 07/08 Identification of key actors and agreement on objectives and approaches for a global remote sensing survey to be conducted as part of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010, lead by FAO. An agreed methodology for the FRA 2010 Remote Sensing Survey. A framework for linking statistical forest data, in situ forest observations, and satellite observations as part of an international forest and forest change assessment. An augmented global sampling frame that is capable of identifying emerging regional issues such as fragmentation and deforestation. Capacity building workshops.

7 Task AG-06-04 Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring
Inputs to Ministerial 2007 FAO engagement Mid decadal land cover dataset Framework for linking in situ forest observations and satellite observations Issues for ADC Ensure coordination with GEOSEC-led activities Advocate for preparation of and access to Mid decadal land cover dataset

8 Task Definition (revised)
DI Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level Task Definition (revised) Initiate a globally coordinated early warning system for vegetation fires (wildland fires), including the development of improved information products and risk assessment models.

9 DI-06-13 Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level
Task Sheet Status Task sheet revised 23 January 07 and placed on FTP site PoC, Leads and contributors listed in work plan roster Jan 07 GTOS/GOFC-GOLD

10 DI-06-13 Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level
Status of Work from 2006 Review of existing warning systems for fire (Strategy document, 2006) Enhanced current fire early warning systems (Geostationary fire detection network) Operational global early warning system document published and presented at UNISDR EWC III, WMO-CAgM, Coimbra Fire Conference, AUSAID, Asia Pacific GEO meeting, etc.

11 DI-06-13 Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level
Task Deliverables 07/08 Definition document (technical, operational) for a global early warning system for fire Periodical update of the GMFC website and its linkage with GEO Web/clearinghouse Regional and global prototypes of the System pre-operational, including its link to GEO Web/clearinghouse Continue progressive implementation and operations

12 DI-06-13 Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level
Contributory Programs & Projects Portugal INOV system Ciclope LSA SAF project GTOS/GOFC-GOLD Fire monitoring and mapping theme – global fire danger rating system Japan FFPRI: To continue operational use of the existing forest-fire early detection system AFFRC: Continuing operation of the practical use of the forest fire early detect system JAXA to contribute through the Sentinel Asia Project EC DG-ENTR: PREVIEW DG-RTD: ARMONIA

13 DI-06-13 Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level
Inputs to Ministerial 2007 Possible GEO demonstration – Operational Pan Africa fire early warning system Issues for ADC Consider fire early warning information for ADC systems and tools (GEONetCast, portals, clearinghouse, etc.) Assist with linkages to Africa GEO member countries and organizations

14 DI-06-13 Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level
International Workshop on Operational Fire Weather Systems: Technical Applications and Institutional Arrangements in Africa 29-31 October 2007, Accra, Ghana GTOS/GOFC-GOLD World Meteorological Organization, Commission on Agrometeorology IGBP-START Global Fire Monitoring Centre Inter-Agency Task Force for Disaster Reduction of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) EC Joint Research Centre Africa Regional Networks; SAFNet, OSFAC, Miombo Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar-Sénégal GEO Secretariat

15 DI-06-13 Implementation of a Wildland Fire Warning System at Global Level
Workshop Goals Broaden the understanding the agrometeorological aspects of land degradation, including wildland fire, at national and regional levels, Strengthen the integration of space-based and in situ earth observations of land cover dynamics, including operational early warning systems for fire, Broaden and consolidate the work of the Regional Networks with a particular focus on Africa; and Contribute to the work of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) in developing a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).

16 Global Wildland Fire Warning System
2. Transfer data 1. Collect noon weather observations from WMO centres Typical data flow 4. Map products displaying current fire danger are distributed via WWW 3. Extract and decode weather data; interpolate conditions to build grid layers in a GIS; produce daily early warning maps

17 Regional Wildland Fire Warning System in SE Asia
Daily Interpretation of Fire Danger Based on FDRS reading, all fine fuels will easily ignite, potentially resulting in many fires in most parts of Thailand, most parts of Lao PDR, most parts of Viet Nam, parts of Peninsular Malaysia, most parts of Sumatra and southern Borneo. In mixed fuels, severe drought conditions and high-intensify fires can occur in southern Sumatra and parts of southern Borneo. Both moderate- and high-intensity fires can be very common in parts of Thailand. Moderate intensity fires can occur in parts of Thailand, parts of Lao PDR and parts of Peninsular Malaysia. Peat areas will produce widespread and severe haze from deep and long-burning fires in southern Sumatra and parts of southern Borneo. Drought conditions in peat areas and high-intensity fires are possible in parts of Viet Nam, parts of southern Sumatra and parts of southern Borneo. Smouldering in drained peat areas is possible in Thailand, Lao PDR, parts of Viet Nam, Peninsular Malaysia, parts of Sumatra and parts of Borneo.

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