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EuroMed Trade Helpdesk

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Presentation on theme: "EuroMed Trade Helpdesk"— Presentation transcript:

1 EuroMed Trade Helpdesk
Project funded by the European Union EuroMed Trade Helpdesk Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism

2 ITC Databases and Innovative Mechanisms
One stop shop for successful trade analysis and market research Fragmented trade information Actionable Decisions ITC Tools

3 TIFM countries not reaching its full trade potential due to lack of information transparency
Current exports from TIFM countries to the EU: US$134.3 billion 2015 Data from ITC’s Trade Map, November 2016 Data from ITC’s Export Potential Map, November 2016 Untapped potential of exports from TIFM countries to the EU: US$64.36 billion Data from ITC’s Export Potential Map, November 2016 Untapped potential of trade among TIFM countries: US$7 billion


5 Promotional video: EuroMed Trade Helpdesk

6 EuroMed Trade Helpdesk to help you answer the important questions
What are the tariffs and market access requirements that apply to my product and country? What are the necessary import procedures to trade with the destination country? What are the trade flows and market demand trends in the nine beneficiary countries? What are the companies importing the products I sell?

7 Project overview What is the EuroMed Trade Helpdesk ?
A 3 year project financed by the European Union and implemented by ITC in collaboration with partner institutions in beneficiary countries. An online helpdesk containing free information needed to do business in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Data covering 9 beneficiary countries

8 Objectives of the EuroMed Trade Helpdesk
To facilitate closer economic ties between EU and Southern Mediterranean countries and between southern Mediterranean countries themselves by: Developing a public online information portal with helpdesk service containing information on trade and market access conditions Establishing a network of technical focal points from relevant national institutions who will respond to enquiries.

9 Advantages of the EuroMed Trade Helpdesk
Accurate and trusted information Powered by other established databases of ITC: Trade Map and Market Access Map Direct validation from national authority Fully adapted to the 9 beneficiary countries: data and language (structure & support materials available in English, French, Arabic and Turkish) Free for all users thanks to financial support from the European Union and other donors to ITC Trust Funds Practical information such as company, institution contact information and step-by-step guide for importers

10 Breadth of the information
TRADE STATISTICS: Annual and monthly statistics reported by each country at detailed product level – the national tariff line by bilateral partner country CUSTOMS TARIFFS AND TRADE REGIMES: Import tariffs (MFN or general tariff) from most current year Any preferential tariffs granted - for all trading partners (even those outside Euro-Med region) Rules of origin for preferential arrangements Trade Remedies: countervailing (re subsidies) & antidumping duties; safeguards (import surges) PRODUCT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Food safety and animal and plant health regulations (SPS) Compulsory technical regulations (performance, labelling, size/shape, design, function of products) Product specific excise taxes GENERAL COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS: Trade Procedures Internal Taxes (e.g. VAT/sales tax & excise duties) BUSINESS CONTACTS: Institutions; customs and taxation authorities; chambers of commerce; industry associations; relevant online marketplaces; and event organizing bodies NEWS: Any announcements, newsletters and events that national focal points may wish to advertise

11 4. Structure of EuroMed Trade Helpdesk
Market Information Helpdesk Market Access Import Procedures Business Contacts Useful Links General inquiry – ITC Country specific query - NFP Estimated turnaround: 48-72hrs for any action

12 Market Information: Market Access
Tariff rates and internal taxes applied by importer on exporter Trade agreements, preferential tariffs and rules of origin Additional taxes and price control measures (summaries, institutions in charge & support documentation) Product specific requirements applied by target country Product specific requirements applied by exporting country Requirements applied by target countries to all imported goods Existing trade between two countries for the product Trade flows direction Trade indicators, provides information on import and export values, five years growth rates & market shares Trade Map for time series data and graphical outputs & destination markets Source of data (direct or mirror)

13 Market Information: Import Procedures
Step-by-step customs guide OR General information about import procedures Customs valuation basis General import license/permit –shipment requirements Foreign exchange controls Commercial invoice Packing list Official cargo insurance requirements Transport document

14 Market Information: Business contacts
The first redirects you to companies exsisting on ITC tool trade map

15 Market Information: Useful links
Responsible authorities Customs authority Intellectual Property Sources of General Economic Information Standards Tax systems Doing Business Business Associations: Chambers of commerce, private sector associations Media: main online newspapers, main television channels Investing Investment promotion agency Investor guide

16 EuroMed Trade Helpdesk: Data updates
Data on customs tariffs NTMs & Trade agreements are updated once a year Flows and trade indicators: Voluntary standards: Updated as soon as the team receives the data. Monthly update due to countries releasing data at the different times Change in the reporting year in mid-April of every year ex: April 2017 will provide 2016 data

17 EuroMed Trade Helpdesk User enquiry management system

18 End user profiles (seeking information)
Non-Registered User Registered User Check resolved enquiries Check enquiries statistics Fill-in enquiry form Receive progress notification Check enquiries statistics

19 Scope of the enquiry facility
The enquiry facility focuses on questions related to data and to publicly available information on regulations and procedures It should avoid issues relating to disputes between economic operators or of a trade policy nature as there are other mechanisms for handling such problems. What are the ports equipped with cooling facilities and their capacities? If I would like to take advantage of the preferential tariff rate, where can I get the RoO I need to comply with? Is there a list of approved laboratories to test for SPS measures? Does location of the lab matter? Does customs implement fast track procedures for companies that frequently export the same product? Where to draw the line

20 Help Desk: Enquiry sample

21 Live Demonstration

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