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Faithful God, Unfaithful People

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1 Faithful God, Unfaithful People
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Faithful God, Unfaithful People Lesson 10

2 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Introduction A. A Matter of Trust B. Lesson Background: Phinehas #1 C. Lesson Background: Phinehas #2

3 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Professional Trust Since 1977, Gallup has asked Americans to rate the trustworthiness of various professions. Some professions and occupations regularly appear on either the “most trusted” or the “least trusted” list. Could you place some occupations in the order they were named in one of the most recent surveys? Item number: Collection: Graphic: © Olivier Le Moal / iStock / Thinkstock® Graphic: © Olivier Le Moal / iStock / Thinkstock®

4 Professional Trust Most Trusted Least Trusted nurses car salespeople
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Professional Trust Most Trusted Least Trusted  nurses  pharmacists  medical doctors  engineers  dentists car salespeople  members of Congress advertising executives  stockbrokers HMO managers Click to add notes advertising executives, car salespeople, dentists, engineers, HMO managers, medical doctors, members of Congress, nurses, pharmacists, stockbrokers Graphic: © Olivier Le Moal / iStock / Thinkstock®

5 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Professional Trust Ministers, priests, and other clergy have often ranked near the top in these polls. In 2013, however, that trend was reversed. The Catholic priest abuse stories from the early 2000s helped lead to a sharp drop in Americans’ trust of those in the ministry. Click to add notes Graphic: © Olivier Le Moal / iStock / Thinkstock®

6 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Professional Trust There are some people we instinctively trust and others we do not. When priests and other clergy misuse their authority, fewer trust God as well. The Bible shows that some of God’s priests in the Old Testament were trustworthy, while some were not. As is true today, this made a big difference. Click to add notes Graphic: © Olivier Le Moal / iStock / Thinkstock®

7 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline I. God Rewards Zeal (Numbers 25:10-13) A. God Speaks (v. 10) B. Phinehas Commended (v. 11) C. Covenant Established (v. 12) D. Permanence Promised (v. 13)

8 What Do You Think? What are some ways to be fervent for God today?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What are some ways to be fervent for God today? Talking Points for Your Discussion Before believers Before unbelievers Before no one but God himself 8

9 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What are some ways your church can promote peace without getting political? Talking Points for Your Discussion Racially Economically Socially Other 9

10 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline II. God Punishes Sins (1 Samuel 2:30-36) A. Consequences of Unfaithfulness (vv ) B. Rewards for Faithfulness (vv. 35, 36)

11 Priests and Trust Two men named Phinehas were priests serving God.
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Priests and Trust Two men named Phinehas were priests serving God. One of them was very faithful and the other one (along with his brother Hophni) was very unfaithful. Read Numbers 25:1-13 and 1 Samuel 2:12-36 to help you identify the following words that could have been spoken by either the good (G) or the bad (B) Phinehas. Photo: © Unrestedm / iStock / Thinkstock® Photo: © Unrestedm / iStock / Thinkstock®

12 Priests and Trust Good (G) or Bad (B) Phinehas?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Priests and Trust Good (G) or Bad (B) Phinehas? 1. “I have an excellent ability to select the best cuts of meat used for sacrifices.” 2. “I was a priest when the Lord was very angry with Israel.” 3. “I impaled two people with a spear.” 4. “My father was Eli.” 5. “My father was Eleazar.” 6. “I was killed along with my brother while fighting for Israel.” B G Photo: © Unrestedm / iStock / Thinkstock®

13 Priests and Trust Good (G) or Bad (B) Phinehas?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Priests and Trust Good (G) or Bad (B) Phinehas? 7. “I took special notice of the ladies who came to worship.” 8. “My grandfather was Aaron, Moses’ brother.” 9. “I stopped a plague.” 10. “I am strong enough to take what I want.” 11. “I am part of an everlasting priesthood.” 12. “I was part of an everlasting priesthood.”   B   G B Click to add notes Photo: © Unrestedm / iStock / Thinkstock®

14 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What specific improvements can Christians make in bestowing honor? Talking Points for Your Discussion To God (Heb 3:3; Rev 4:9-11; etc.) Outside the church (Ro 13:7; 1Pe 2:17; etc.) Within the church (1Co 12:26; 1Ti 5:17; etc.) Within families (Eph 6:2; Heb 13:4; etc.) 14

15 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How would you respond to someone who says that God’s statement in 1 Samuel 2:31 wasn’t fair to future generations? Talking Points for Your Discussion Considering Exodus 20:5 with regard to Jeremiah 31:29, 30 Considering the “fairness” of Jesus’ death 15

16 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? Which spiritual disciplines are most helpful to you for remaining faithful? Why? Talking Points for Your Discussion Regarding disciplines of service Regarding disciplines of worship Regarding disciplines of prayer Regarding disciplines of Bible reading Considering 2 Peter 1:5-8 16

17 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Conclusion A. Unfaithful to Commitments B. Prayer C. Thought to Remember

18 Horizontal Visual Move to the closing of the lesson by discussing the importance of keeping our promises.

19 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Building Many of us would have to admit we have not always kept the promises we have made to the people in our lives. We usually have an excuse for why we didn’t do what we said we would. Which of the following excuses have you used recently? Will you commit to removing it from your life to become a more trustworthy representative of God? Item number: Collection: Graphic: © Otmar Winterleitner / iStock / Thinkstock® Graphic: © Otmar Winterleitner / iStock / Thinkstock®

20 Building “I meant to do it, but I got really busy.” “I forgot.”
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Building “I meant to do it, but I got really busy.” “I forgot.” “That promise was made too hastily, and I just couldn’t follow through.”   “I didn’t have the resources (money, time, ability) to keep my promise.” Other? Click to add notes Graphic: © Otmar Winterleitner / iStock / Thinkstock®

21 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Thought to Remember Others see God’s faithfulness when we are proven to be faithful.

22 Promise of a New Covenant
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Next Week’s Lesson Promise of a New Covenant

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