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NJROTC NS-4 Leadership and Ethics

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1 NJROTC NS-4 Leadership and Ethics

2 Lesson 08.01 Avoiding Communication Pitfalls

3 Lesson Goal This lesson will introduce typical communication pitfalls and explain the need for leaders to issue clear, concise, and unambiguous orders.

4 Learning Objectives Explain the importance of issuing clear, concise, and unambiguous orders. Define the following key terms: straightforward and unambiguous. Explain typical pitfalls or limitations often encountered when issuing orders. Lesson 08.01

5 Learning Objectives Explain why establishing rapport with subordinates is important for a leader. Explain why it is important for a leader to criticize in private and to finish the meeting on a positive note. Explain why it is important for a leader to respect someone who is honest and sincere. Lesson 08.01

6 Warm-up Question CPS Question 1 Lesson 08.01

7 Introduction Orders: Are absolutely necessary.
Should use a straightforward, simplest of terms approach. Leave no room for interpretation. Lesson 08.01

8 Key Terms Straightforward – Honest, frank, candid Unambiguous – Not lacking in clarity; having only one meaning Lesson 08.01

9 Orders Should leave no room for interpretation.
Should contain no words with a hidden or double meaning. Should be clear, concise, and unambiguous. Should be explicit. Lesson 08.01

10 ADM Holloway On Orders ADM Holloway suggests:
Take time to make orders clear, concise, and unambiguous. Write your own orders so you can word them not to be misunderstood. Eliminate ambiguity from oral and written messages. Lesson 08.01

11 Orders Time permitting, provide background information prior to issuing an order. If necessary, issue the order as a checklist. Avoid superfluous info in an order. Lesson 08.01

12 Learning Check CPS Question 2 Lesson 08.01

13 Provide Overview Provide subordinates with an overview.
Giving background info makes subordinates feel involved. Do not keep people in the dark. No mushroom theory. Lesson 08.01

14 Organization Leaders must be organized.
Unorganized thoughts result in unorganized efforts. Leaders should bounce ideas off a colleague before expressing to subordinates. Lesson 08.01

15 The Chain of Command Orders require thought to priority of accomplishment, redundancy, and consistency. Feedback and rapport are required up and down the chain of command. Lesson 08.01

16 The Chain of Command Following chain of command may slow down transmission, but it is very important. Subordinates should continually discuss problems and priorities among themselves and with their CO. Lesson 08.01

17 Captain’s Orders Video
Select Video to Start or Pause Lesson 08.01

18 Routine Orders Before issuing routine orders:
Discuss priorities with others. Keep in mind the desires of the CO which are a top priority. Establish rapport to preclude issuing conflicting orders. Lesson 08.01

19 Leadership and Egos Avoid:
Taking the drive out of subordinates by chipping away at their egos. Threatening the status or ego of a subordinate. Situations where a subordinate’s ego is possibly threatened. Lesson 08.01

20 Learning Check CPS Question 3 Lesson 08.01

21 Expectations Avoid giving false expectations.
Goals should be attainable. Policies should be consistent. Reward correct and timely work. Lesson 08.01

22 Use Notebooks Leading petty officers and noncommissioned officers should use wheel books or notebooks at quarters. After, listen to the LPO/NCO putting out the same info for distortions. Correct with LPO/NCO as required. Lesson 08.01

23 Establish Rapport Subordinates should be able to ask questions without fear of sarcasm or a foul look. LPO/NCO should be able to ask leader questions during or after a meeting. Lesson 08.01

24 Criticism Criticism or correction should be done in private.
Finish up the meeting on a positive note by reviewing the individual’s good points and recent accomplishments. Lesson 08.01

25 Treatment of Subordinates
Treat subordinates: As competent, until they prove otherwise. With respect when they are honest and sincere. Like the senior would like to be treated. Lesson 08.01

26 Learning Check CPS Question 4 Lesson 08.01

27 Lesson Summary In this lesson, you have learned:
The importance of issuing clear, concise, and unambiguous orders. The definition of the key terms straightforward and unambiguous. Typical pitfalls or limitations often encountered when issuing orders. Lesson 08.01

28 Lesson Summary In this lesson, you have learned:
Why establishing rapport with subordinates is important for a leader. Why it is important for a leader to criticize in private and to finish the meeting on a positive note. Why it is important for a leader to respect someone who is honest and sincere. Lesson 08.01

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