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Presentation on theme: "PHX SKY TRAIN MAKING TRACKS IN THE ARIZONA DESERT"— Presentation transcript:

Jennifer Maples City of Phoenix Aviation Superintendent Anne Kurtenbach City of Phoenix Aviation Program Manager

2 Why Build the Train? Balanced Airport Clear Road Congestion
Free-Up Curb Space Reduce congestion and improve traffic flow through terminal core Free-Up Curb Space Improve landside operations Cut through traffic Congested curbs Buses – roadway system “breaks” at 48 MAP Can move more people more quickly and more efficiently

3 PHX Sky Train System Stage 1 to terminal 4
Stage 1A to terminal 3 and 2 Stage 2 to Rental Car Center

4 Project Delivery Fixed Facilities CM@Risk
Fixed Facilities Cost: $458 Million System Contract Design-Build-Operate-Maintain Capital and O&M Contracts System Cost: $186 Million Non-taxpayer funded PFC’s and airport revenues

5 Economic Impact Person Years of Employment: 8,000 Jobs Stage 1: 5,961
Stage 1a: 1,954 Total Economic Output: $1 Billion Stage 1: ($732M) Stage 1A: ($257M) Economic conditions have caused some state and local governments to defer capital programs City of Phoenix is attempting to accelerate several of its capital improvements (eg roads/streets projects) to provide economic stimulus to local businesses Poor economy is also typically the best time to build because material costs are low AT project is moving forward to provide jobs, economic impact, low building costs, and (most importantly) to provide the infrastructure that will be essential to the airport’s future growth. Elliott D. Pollack & Co.

6 PHX Sky Train Project Overview
Stage 1: Redesign* Began in January 2007 Construction Began in early 2008 (heavy construction started in mid 2009) Began Passenger Service April 2013 3 Stations 2 Miles of Dual-Lane Guideway Maintenance and Storage Facility 18 Vehicle Fleet

7 Challenges (aka Moving Parts)
Foundation Work Commenced at Terminal 4 Early package: 3/3/08) Concurrent with Checkpoint “C” Expansion



10 Moving Parts (cont.) Construction of 44th ST Pedestrian Bridge
Completed on 12/5/08 In time for 12/27/08 METRO opening

11 Moving Parts (cont.) Maintenance & Storage Facility Site Excavation
500,000 cubic yards by 2/11/09 Relocation of East Economy Toll Plaza Makes way for construction of EEL station

12 Moving Parts (cont.) Stakeholders Train System Procurement Airlines
2 year process Mayor and City Council Impact on some design elements

13 Project Key Components
Stations Guideway Roadway Modifications Maintenance & Storage Facility Train Systems and Vehicles Stage 1A Expansion

14 44th St. with SR 143 Modifications
Connect Madison to 44th St Carry Train on SB side of 44th Street, Rebuild NB for 2-way Traffic Driveway to Train MSF Reconstruct SB to WB Ramp ADOT to Improve SR 143 TI

15 Taxiway “Romeo” Bridge
April 14, 2018 Taxiway “Romeo” Bridge 1st Mass Transit bridge over live Taxiway Accommodates Group V Aircraft B Exercise Cast-in-Place 350’ Span 6 month closure Bridge structure poured in 4 nights You have had a chance to ride the train, now let’s learn a little about it. Synchronized Double Shuttle Single Lane Shuttle Bi-Directional Capacity Headway Synchronized Double Shuttle (Trains on both guideways will operate in tandem) Single Lane Shuttle (Trains operate independently)


17 PHX Sky Train - Project Plan

18 Stage 1A System Expansion
Stage 1A Extends the System to Terminal 3 Walkway connection to Terminal 2

19 Stage 1A Passenger Service in December 2014 System Cost: $45 Million
Fixed Facilities Cost: $195 Million No Additional Cars or Electrical Power Substations Required Further Reduces the Number of Buses

20 Lessons Learned Number of Design Packages & GMPs must be manageable
APS Coordination needed early for power concepts Utility Locating – robust early program was effective in Stage 1A Facilitated Design Development and Owner Reviews worked well Early & frequent integrated facility design reviews with Bombardier Provide sub-meters for water, electrical, etc. Consider drainage at depressed areas for high intensity rainfalls Consider platform doors seals; protect against fumes & dust Ensure no air columns are to be used for mechanical systems

21 Lessons Learned (cont.)
Evaluate signage throughout Sky Train system for dynamic options Evaluate real time messaging & communication for delays & notices Ground concrete & Terrazzo – control cracking, use underlays or other means; consider alternate flooring types if needed Add more power outlets for house power / cleaning / maintenance Punch walks - confirm before and after with photos Consider 1 year maintenance contract for vertical transportation from time of train service start-up Evaluate options to incorporate solar

22 Stage 2 Expansion Additional 2.5 miles of Dual Lane Guideway to the Rental Car Center 2-3 Additional Stations 2 Additional Electrical Power Substations 2 Additional Taxiway Crossings I-10 Freeway Crossing West Ground Transportation Center Consolidated Office Complex Planning is Ongoing

23 Stage 2 System Expansion
More Than Triple the Current Fleet Expansion of the MSF Maintenance Bays Expansion of the Yard Track Automated Car Wash Testing and System Integration

24 Stage 2 Challenges Facilities Integration System Integration
Enabling Projects We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know System Integration MSF Expansion Testing and Commissioning

25 Sky Train System Bombardier Innovia APM 200 vehicles
Automated, Driverless Electric Powered 18-Vehicle Fleet 53 passengers per car Up to 38 mph Vehicle Design Life 25 years 2 million miles

26 PHX Sky Train Service Levels
Hours of Operation 24/7/365 Travel Time 7 minutes - 44th St. Station to Terminal 3 Frequency / Headways Train arrives at station every 3 – 4 minutes during normal hours Tremendous passenger flow capacity 2, 3, or even 4 car train configurations to meet future demand 2000 Passengers Per Hour Per Direction Automated computer controlled vehicles Electric propulsion power 1.7 miles of dual lane track (Bi-directional) 75% Elevated guideway 2-Car Trains = 2,100 passengers per hour per direction You have had a chance to ride the train, now let’s learn a little about it. Synchronized Double Shuttle Single Lane Shuttle Bi-Directional Capacity Headway Synchronized Double Shuttle (Trains on both guideways will operate in tandem) Single Lane Shuttle (Trains operate independently)

27 Annual Passenger Counts
Ridership Annual Passenger Counts 2013 2.6 Million 2014 3.5 Million 2015 5 Million 2016 3.9 Million Total 15 Million

28 Operations & Maintenance
PHX Sky Train Facility Long-Term O&M Partnership with Bombardier Transportation USA PHX Sky Train Control Center Maintenance Automated computer controlled vehicles Electric propulsion power 1.7 miles of dual lane track (Bi-directional) 75% Elevated guideway 2-Car Trains = 2,100 passengers per hour per direction You have had a chance to ride the train, now let’s learn a little about it. Synchronized Double Shuttle Single Lane Shuttle Bi-Directional Capacity Headway Synchronized Double Shuttle (Trains on both guideways will operate in tandem) Single Lane Shuttle (Trains operate independently)

29 Summary Phoenix Sky Harbor strives for the ultimate passenger experience The PHX Sky Train is an integral part, but also helps to alleviate congestion on the roadways PHX Sky Train will accommodate future growth. Operational Enhancements increase system functionality and customer service.

30 Questions?


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