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Published byStanley Gilbert Modified over 7 years ago
Kate L. Turabian A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses and Dissertations Overview of the 8th Edition (2013)* Created by: Brad Ost (Theology Librarian) Robert W. Woodruff Library Edited by: Nancy Lois for use by Andover Newton students *(All quotes or paraphrases in this PowerPoint are taken from this book)
Topics to be Covered: General Format Requirements
Formatting - Title, Endnote, and Bibliography Pages Capitalization and Abbreviations Source Citations Long and Shortened Notes Special Formats
Turabian General Format Requirements
Use one inch margins. D.Min. and MATR projects – 1.5” left margin (for binding). Chose a readable typeface for text, such as Times New Roman and use throughout. Use twelve-point type. Double space all text in papers except the following items which should be single-spaced: Block quotations Table titles and figure captions Table of contents Footnotes and endnotes Bibliographies and reference lists Pages (A.1 – A.3)
Capitalization Headline style
Capitalize the first letter of the first and last words of the title and subtitle and all other words, except as follows: articles (a, an, the) coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) prepositions (of, in, above, under, etc.) second part of a hyphenated compound unless a proper noun proper nouns which are normally in lower case, Ludwig van Beethoven CAREFUL there are several important exceptions see
Capitalization (Continued)
Examples of Headline Style The Economic Effects of the Civil War in the Mid-Atlantic States To Have and to Hold: A Twenty-first-century View of Marriage Four Readings of the Gospel according to Matthew Ludwig van Beethoven (page 309, under ) Global Warming: What We Are Doing about It Today E-flat Concerto
Abbreviations of States of the U.S.
In tables, figures, citations, mailing addresses, abbreviate the states of the U.S. using the two-letter, no-period postal codes created by the U.S. Postal Service. Selected Examples: CO – Colorado HI – Hawaii IL – Illinois DC – District of Columbia MD – Maryland These abbreviations will be utilized when citing sources that reference states of the U.S., e.g., notes, Maryknoll, NY. Section
Documentation System Bibliography style N = footnotes or endnotes
B = bibliography entries (Chapters 16 & 17)
Online Journal – Citing Online Journal with Page Numbers
N 1. Lawrence A. Shapiro, “Multiple Realizations,” Journal of Philosophy 97, no.12 (December 2000): 642, accessed June 27, 2006, ATLA Religion Database. B Shapiro, Lawrence A. “Multiple Realizations.” Journal of Philosophy 97, no.12 (December 2000): Accessed June 27, ATLA Religion Database. From “If no suitably short and direct URL exists, however, you may substitute the name of the database for the URL. For examples see ” For Journals see 17.2
Book - Citing a Book (Single Author or Editor)
1. Marsha Snulligan Haney, Evangelism among African American Presbyterians: Making Plain the Sacred Journey (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2007), 50. B Haney, Marsha Snulligan. Evangelism among African American Presbyterians: Making Plain the Sacred Journey. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2007. (Template on page 146, chapter 16, and Section 17.1)
Citing a Book with Multiple Authors: Note
3. Joyce Appleby, Lynn Hunt, and Margaret Jacob, Telling the Truth about History (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1994), 4. Jacquelyn Dowd Hall et al., Like a Family: The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1987), Pages
Citing a Book With Multiple Authors: Bibliography
B Appleby, Joyce, Linda Hunt, and Margaret Jacob. Telling the Truth about History. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd, James Leloudis, Robert Korstad, Mary Murphy, Lu Ann Jones, and Christopher B. Daly. Like a Family: The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1987.
Essay - Citing a Single Chapter in an Edited Book
1. Anne Carr and Douglas J. Schuurman, “Religion and Feminism: A Reformist Christian Analysis,” in Religion, Feminism, and the Family, ed. Anne Carr and Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996), 13. B Carr, Anne and Douglas J. Schuurman.“Religion and Feminism: A Reformist Christian Analysis.” In Religion, Feminism, and the Family, edited by Anne Carr and Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen, Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996. (Template on pages 147, and ) (Section for treatment of “Jr.”)
Lecture – Citing a Lecture
1. John Troutman, “Indian Blues: American Indians and the Politics of Music, ” (lecture, New Berry Library, Chicago, IL, February 2, 2005). B Troutman, John. “Indian Blues: American Indians and the Politics of Music, ” Lecture, Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, February 2, (Section )
Bible – Citing a Biblical Reference
Cite the Bible in footnotes but not the bibliography Include the abbreviated name of the book, chapter number, and the verse number. Identify the Bible version you’re using in the first footnote notation With Bible version N Kings 11:8 (New American Standard Version) Traditional abbreviations N Thess.4:11, 5:2-5, 5:14 Shorter abbreviations N Sm 11:1-17, 11:26-27 Sections 24.6, ,
Journal - Citing a Journal Article in Print
1. Mark Ellingsen, “The Two Kingdoms in America,” Dialog 45, no. 4 (Winter 2006):366. B Ellingsen, Mark. “The Two Kingdoms in America.” Dialog 45, no. 4 (Winter 2006): (Template on page 148, and 17.2)
Web Site - Citing an Article from a Website
A complete citation includes author, title of the page, owner of site, where it was located (URL), and the access date. N Loretta Parham, “Welcome to the Online Home of the Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center!, “ Robert W. Woodruff Library, accessed July 29, 2008, B Loretta Parham. “Welcome to the Online Home of the Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center!.” Robert W. Woodruff Library. Accessed July 29, (Section17.7.1)
Blog - Citing from a Weblog
If you cite entries by the author of the weblog (or blog), follow basic patterns established for Web sites. N Ajuan Mance, “Wordless Wednesday: Campus Life before the Civil Rights Movement,“ The Black on Campus Blog, July 23, 2008, accessed July 30, 2008, When citing a comment posting on a blog by someone other than the author, identify as a comment , give date of comment, and author’s name. If pseudonym add pseud in brackets. Blogs should usually only be cited in a note. N SjP [pseud], comment on “Wordless Wednesday: Campus Life before the Civil Rights Movement,” The Black on Campus Blog, July 23, 2008, accessed July 24, 2008, (Section )
Long and Shortened Notes
Give a complete citation the first time you cite a work. Phillip Ball, Bright Earth: Art and the Invention of Color (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001), 140. Give a shortened one in subsequent notes, using: Author-title notes (up to 4 distinctive words from full title) Example: Ball, Bright Earth, 204. (Sections & )
Using “Ibid” The only Latin phrase still allowed by Turabian is ibid (in the same place) Example – 31. Doe, Missing Person, Ibid., Ibid. Section
Formatting the Footnote
A short rule line should appear between the text and the footnote section If a footnote runs over to the next page break it in midsentence so readers know it continues on the next page There are blank spaces between footnotes. Section
Formatting the Bibliography Page
The bibliography is numbered consecutively with main paper Title the page Bibliography, centered, but don’t use the title over again on successive pages Leave two blank lines between the title of the page and the first entry The bibliography is arranged alphabetically according to the author’s last name Leave a blank line between entries Section A.2.3.5
Formatting the Bibliography Page
When the bibliography includes two or more works written, edited or translated by the same person arrange them alphabetically by title For multiple entries the first entry gets the author, editor, or translator name. All the following entries get a long dash followed by a comma (page 148) The first line of an entry is flush left Subsequent lines are indented Section 16.2, Figure A.15
Citing Sources – When to Cite
Usually Cite a Source for Ideas Not Your Own This does not mean widely accepted and familiar ideas but rather An idea that is associated with a specific person An idea which is new enough not to be part of a field’s common knowledge Overarching Principle Cite a source for an idea not your own whenever an informed reader might think you’re implying that it is your own (Section 7.9)
Putting Quotes in Your Text (1)
A quote of four (4) lines or fewer runs in the text, in quotation marks A quote of five (5) lines or more is set off in a block quotation without quotation marks Block Quotations Single space a block quotation Leave a blank line before it and after it Indent the entire quotation as far as you indent the first line of a paragraph (Sections 7.5 & )
Putting Quotes in Your Text (2)
Placement of Superscript Number If the quotation is at the end of a sentence put the number after the closing quotation mark. If the quotation ends in the middle of a sentence, put the number at the end of the clause that includes the quotation (Section 25)
Special Formats The 8th Edition of Turabian addresses the following special formats: CD-ROMS or DVD-ROMS Online databases Web sites Weblog (blog) entries and comments Electronic mailing lists Online multimedia files Articles published online Online and other electronic books Online versions of encyclopedias Lectures and papers presented at meetings
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