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Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

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1 Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors
Martin Venhart Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava John L. Wood Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA for the IS521 collaboration

2 Why to study odd-mass nuclei?
An odd particle acts as a probe of the core Information on independent particle states Information on deformation: axial and triaxial shapes Information on pairing from blocking Identification of intruder states free of mixing Information on rotational collectivity ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

3 Problems encountered in odd-mass studies
Complexity Multiple independent particle states coupling with core states: very high level density Decay scheme spectroscopy involves multiple paths to the ground state (cf. even-even nuclei where most decay is through first 2+ state) Multipolarities not dominated by E2 (M1, M1 + E2) Critical to identify E1 multipolarity (cf. even-even nuclei, where E1 decay is high energy) ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

4 Complexity ! 187Hgm,g decay studied at UNISOR
Singles g ray and conversion electrons spectra Note: line identification from coincidences: more than 50 % lines found High resolution is needed Conversion electrons measurements are needed D. Rupnik et al., Phys. Rev. C 58, 771 (1998). ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

5 TATRA operation principle
8-track tape design, used by Ed Zganjar at the UNISOR facility (ORNL) Reel with endless loop Radioactive beam 179,181, 183,185 Hg HPGe Stepper motor BEGe HPGe Detectors ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

6 Amorphous metallic tape (courtesy of Metal physics Dept.)
Amorphous metallic tape produced by rapid quenching of an alloy Rapid = 1E+6 K per second! Material of dream for tape systems: Tape does not stretch Tape cannot be broken by the power of stepper motor It keeps metallic properties: no problem with vacuum: below 1E-7 mbar in whole system To operate in 8-track mode: alloy of 7 elements is used ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

7 BE2020 Broad Energy germanium detector (BEGe)
p-type HPGe detector designed by Canberra Active diameter 51 mm and thickness 20 mm Relative efficiency of approximately 9 % Designed for environmental applications IS521 – (one of) the first nuclear structure experiments Detector provided by the University of Liverpool Very promising gamma-detector for future ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

8 Study of 183Hg -> 183Au decay at ISOLDE: coaxial Ge detector
Dt < 15 s coaxial p-type 80 % detector ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

9 183Hg -> 183Au decay: Example of BE2020 spectrum
Dt < 15 s 183Hg 183Hg 183Au 183Hg 183Hg 183Au 183Au 183Hg ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

10 183Hg -> 183Au decay: Spectrum complexity
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

11 183Hg -> 183Au decay: Identification of peaks using timing
Dt < 30 s De-convoluted using TSpectrum class 183Hg 183Hg 183Au 183Hg 183Hg 183Au 183Au 183Au 183Hg ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

12 183Hg -> 183Au decay: Identification of peaks using timing
Dt < 30 s De-convoluted using TSpectrum class 160.08 172.82 166.43 173.93 181.41 154.09 ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

13 183Hg -> 183Au decay: K X rays region resolution of BE2020
Dt < 15 s Au Pt Ir

14 183Hg -> 183Au decay: K X rays region resolution of BE2020
Dt < 30 s De-convoluted using TSpectrum class Au Ka1 Au Ka2 60.35 ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

15 Resolution of the detector (Gaussian shape)
Courtesy: Š. Motyčák and J. Kliman ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

16 Analysis of the gamma-ray singles spectra
Rydberg-Ritz combination principle using singles spectrum is now powerful tool for the analysis ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

17 Conclusion Comprehensive level scheme for 183Hg constructed so-far:
Approximately 100 gamma rays placed (both coincidences and R-R combination principle) Another approximately 100 identified (unassigned) Multiplets even in BEGe spectrum identified 17 excited states below 500 keV identified Key information is missing (low-energy transitions, conversion electrons) New version of TATRA ready: Windowless Super Si(Li) detector 5 mm thick and 80 mm2 in retractable cryostat High resolution conversion electrons spectroscopy Low-energy X rays and gamma rays (down to 2 keV) Low-energy conversion electrons? Auger spectroscopy? Resolution for conversion electrons? ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

18 Collaboration Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
M. Venhart, M. Veselsky, V. Matousek, J. Kliman, M. Sedlak, K. Petrik, D. Klc, D. Janickovic, P. Svec, Sr., P. Svec, P. Prajapati, J. Backai, M. Balogh, L. Holub, M. Drengubiak, J. Krajnak, J. Klimo, R. Urban … Georgia Institute of Technology J. L. Wood University of Liverpool L. J. Harkness-Brennan, R. D. Page, D. T. Joss, R.-D. Herzberg, A. Patel, D. Judson, A. J. Boston, … University of Manchester/KU Leuven T. E. Cocolios iThemba Labs R. Bark, E. Lawrie, … Australian National University T. Kibedi ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2015 M. Venhart: Shape coexistence in odd-Au isotopes investigated with BEGe detectors

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