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Vendredi 18 août Français I

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Presentation on theme: "Vendredi 18 août Français I"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vendredi 18 août Français I
Write down all you know about the music festival in English (bell work from Monday to Thursday), include each date for each new fact (dates in French) Comment tu t’appelles? Je m’appelle Pronunciation boot camp Review pronunciation* Leçons 4 [i] [y] The letter “c” ► [s] or [k] Divine Idylle; La Monture♪♪ (Cornell) Leçon 5 Lettre G

2 Vendredi 18 août Français II
Write down all you know about the music festival in English (bell work from Monday to Thursday), include each date for each new fact (dates in French) Describe* Pronunciation boot camp Review pronunciation* Leçons 4 [i] [y] The letter “c” ► [s] or [k] Divine Idylle; La Monture♪♪ (Cornell) Leçon 5 Lettre G


4 Vendredi 18 août Français PreAp/AP
Write down all you know about the music festival in English (bell work from Monday to Thursday), include each date for each new fact (dates in French) Martine en vacances intégrale La Montagne ►

5 Prononciation leçon 4 Cornell Notes
Topic/objectives: “Understanding the International phonetic alphabet and how to pronounce the French language” Essential question: How are the sounds [i] et [y] pronounced and how are they written in French? What are the two different ways to pronounce the letter “c” in French?

6 Dis► Leçon 4 île Turlututu Idylle Chapeau pointu Odile
Au fur et à mesure Casse Futur Cesser Idéal Celle-ci Idée Caracas Armure Coucou Silence Ci-dessus Petit La monture Ami

7 Prononciation leçon 5 Cornell Notes
Topic/objectives: “Understanding the International phonetic alphabet and how to pronounce the French language” Essential question: What are the two ways to pronounce the letter “g” in French ?

8 Dis► Leçon 5 Gilet Garou Géôle Géographie Guillemet Gâté Muguet Gîte
Gisement Agir

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