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Lost in (integrated care) space!*

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1 Lost in (integrated care) space!*
New England Regional ENP Conference Sharon r. Williams, Ceo Williams Jaxon Consulting, LLC April 6-7, 2017 *formerly titled Managed care is from Venus, LTSS is from Mars

2 Learning objectives Understanding the primary quality/performance
objectives for identified organizations Applying nutrition services initiatives & value to healthcare industry focal points ENP 2017 srw

3 Value proposition (in marketing) an innovation, service or feature intended to make a company or product attractive to customers. --Wikipedia A business or marketing statement that summarizes why a customer should buy a product or use services. The statement should convince potential customer that the particular product or service will add value or better solve a problem than another similar offering. --Harvard Business Review A positioning statement that explains what benefit you provide for whom and how you do so uniquely well. --Michael Skok, founder StartUp Secrets Entrepreneur Training Courses ENP 2017 srw

4 Value proposition Value propositions should reflect a thorough assessment of your service/product(s) Align your presenters with the folks to whom you are speaking, e.g., dieticians, nurses, case managers, finance administrators Multiple presentations within an organization may be required ENP 2017 srw

5 From volume to value Value-Based Payment (VBP) is a strategy used by purchasers to promote quality and value of health care services. The goal of any VBP program is to shift, from fee-for-services, volume related payments, to payments tied to performance/quality outcomes. ENP 2017 srw

6 overlapping goals among healthcare entities
Hospitals Providers MCOs ENP 2017 srw

7 Triple aim ENP 2017 srw

8 Key goals Hospitals MCOs Contract Obligations Consumer Satisfaction
Cost Effective Care Quality of Care Accreditation Patient Outreach/Satisfaction Cost MCOs Contract Obligations Network Adequacy Quality Outcomes Consumer Outreach/Satisfaction ENP 2017 srw

9 Key goals Providers ACOs
Hospital/Emergency Utilization Cost Effectiveness Consumer Engagement/Satisfaction Quality/Performance Outcomes Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH) accreditation ACOs Quality/Performance Outcomes Consumer Engagement/Satisfaction Cost Effectiveness Hospital/Emergency Utilization ENP 2017 srw

10 Mission control deliverables
Hard to Reach Consumers Environmental Scan Identification of other needs/services Satisfaction/Retention Consumer Engagement Increase Preventative Services Reduce Institutional Care Reduce Inpatient/ER Utilization Reduce Overall Cost of Care Medication Reconciliation Performance Outcomes Nutrition Counseling Nutritious Support/Therapeutic Meals RD expertise for Integrated Care Teams Care Coordination ENP 2017 srw

11 nutrition services value proposition
Consumer Engagement Daily Contact Consumers’ Trust Us Hard to find members Nutrition Counseling Member Satisfaction $$$$$ Reduce hospital/ER utilization Support community based care vs. institutional care Complement clinical services Risk adjusted rate data Quality Medication Reconciliation Increase preventive intervention Comprehensive care coordination Chronic Diabetes Self Management ENP 2017 srw

12 Take me to your leaders…
MCOs Providers Hospitals ACOs ENP 2017 srw

13 MCO Case Management/Quality Leaders Medical Directors
Contract administrators/liaisons (primarily Medicare/Medicaid products) Marketing/Outreach Team Finance Administrators ENP 2017 srw

14 Providers Practice Administrator Medical/Clinical Director
Case Management Team ENP 2017 srw

15 Hospital Clinical Director Medical Directors Discharge Planning Team
Insurance Program Administrator Special Programs Administrator (e.g., ACO, clinical trials, etc.) ENP 2017 srw

16 ACO Project Director Clinical/Quality/Medical Administrators
Outreach Team Finance Leader Case Management Team ENP 2017 srw

17 Value proposition strategy
Research Know your target’s needs Know your capacity(value) to meet needs Multiple Presentation Themes Targeting the specific audience Align Subject Matter Experts Talking heads to talking heads Identify Influential Champions Dare to go where no wo(man) has gone before! ENP 2017 srw

18 No social stability without individual stability… --Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
THANK YOU!! Sharon R Williams CEO Williams Jaxon Consulting ENP 2017 srw

19 Bibliography ACO Medicare Shared Savings Program Quality Measures, Shared Savings Programs National Business Coalition Healthcare’s Value Based Purchasing Council, Value Based Purchasing: A Definition, H-CAHPS/CAHPS survey standards, and fact sheet Hospital Accreditation, Health Plan Accreditation, The SCAN Foundation: Making the Case for Effective Health Care-Community-Based Organization Partnerships, Dr. Bruce Chernoff, August 2015, National Business Coalition on Health’s Value-based Purchasing Council, Value Based Purchasing: A Definition, Centers for Health Care Strategies, Inc., Snapshots of Integrated Care Models to Serve Dually Eligible Beneficiaries, by Nancy Archibald and Alexandra Kruse, Technical Assistance Brief, December 2015; Medicare Shared Savings Program (ACO) Quality Measures and Performance Standards, National Committee on Quality Assurance; Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital Organizations; Medicare Star Ratings Program; ENP 2017 srw

20 Group Exercise Identify (and get consensus on) an object on the table, your briefcase, conference package, your pockets, etc. Create brief and effective value propositions to sell the object to assigned healthcare designee(s) ENP 2017 srw

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