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Training Course on Integrated Management System for Regulatory Body

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1 Training Course on Integrated Management System for Regulatory Body
Module 1 (Introduction to Management systems) (1.2) Evolution of Management System

2 Objective To introduce the concept of management systems, explore its evolution and associated benefits. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

3 Contents Introduction Quality Control Quality Assurance
Total Quality management Integrated management systems (IMS) Benefits of IMS Effects of poor management systems IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

4 Introduction Management system is a set of interrelated or interacting elements ( system) for establishing policies and objectives enabling the objectives to be achieved in an efficient and effective manner ( IAEA Safety Glossary) IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

5 Why a management system?
To ensure that operations are conducted in accordance with established guidelines. The system serves as a support for all employees in their daily work in the most effective and efficient way. to ensure that all requirements are integrated. IAEA Training Course for Regulators on IMS 1:1

6 Examples of accidents related to MS
NORTH SEA: Piper Alpha Oil Rig (1988) Explosions and fire 167 died MS Contributory factors: Breakdown of command Lack of communication to crew Failure to shut down systems due to perceived lack of authority SCOTLAND: Patient overexposure (2006) 19 erroneous fractionated doses Radiation burns to head and neck MS Contributory factors: Shortage of staff Weak monitoring and measurement processes Inadequate QC IMS Training Course Module 1.2

7 Management system evolution timeline
Quality Control Quality Assurance (Total) Quality Management (Integrated) Management Systems Time Safety & Performance 50-C-QA 50-C-Q 1996 GS-R-3 2006 GSR Part 2 2016 IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

8 Quality Control The field of quality control rose to prominence during the industrial revolution until the 80s. Mass production led to increased competition for markets. Industry began to employ quality control to ensure that defective products do not enter the market as a way of increasing competitiveness. Physical verification that a product conforms to the specifications Quality Control is a process, focusing on the product. It is reactive and conducted by physical inspection and testing. It finds defects and eliminates them before reaching the target market. Conducted by IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

9 Quality Assurance Involves an organized management system of organized and planned activities aimed at achieving set goals. Organization, planning, data collection, quality control, documentation, evaluation, and reporting (scatter the words around) Focuses on processes, proactive in detecting and correcting defects The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) developed quality management standards under the ISO 9000 series focused on customer satisfaction. Quality assurance focuses on the processes, defining and reviewing processes to achieve desired results. Involves a wide selection of tools and training. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

10 IAEA Standard 50-C-QA Developed under the Safety Series as a quality assurance Code in nuclear power plants in 1978. To provide guidance for quality assurance activities during a period of rapid growth in nuclear power projects Objective :- enhanced nuclear safety. Several guides were developed to guide quality assurance on specific areas such as siting, designing decommissioning , etc. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

11 Total Quality Management
An integrated effort designed to improve quality performance at every level of the organization. A philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes The idea is that the quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone who is involved with the development and/or use of the products or services IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

12 Based on the PDCA cycle developed by Edward Deming
The common TQM practices are cross-functional product design, process management, supplier quality management, customer involvement, information and feedback, committed leadership, strategic planning, cross-functional training, and employee involvement. Based on the PDCA cycle developed by Edward Deming IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

13 TQM Model- PDCA IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

14 TQM (cont’d) TQM involves management, workforce, suppliers, and even customers, in order to meet or exceed customer expectations TQM forms the basis of the ISO 9000 series of standards Six Sigma - a business management strategy which seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

15 50-C-Q The Agency revised standard 50-C-QA in 1996
50-C/SG-Q:-Quality Assurance for Safety in Nuclear Power Plants and other Nuclear Installations Applies to the nuclear industry and installations making additional done by requirements on the contractors/suppliers above those within the ISO 9001:2000 standard IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

16 50-C-Q (cont’d) The standard reflects a performance based approach.
Defines basic quality assurance requirements which must be considered to ensure safety, and provide recommendations on how to fulfil these basic requirements to quality assurance. Covers all aspects of plant safety, economics and efficiency. Has 10 basic requirements grouped under three categories namely;- management, performance and assessment. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

17 Integrated Management system
a management system which brings together all components of a business (other than quality) into one coherent system in order to achieve organizational goals The IAEA introduced IMS through GS-R 3 ( The Management System for Facilities and Activities) in 2006 GSR Part 2 ( Leadership and Management for Safety) introduces the concept of an integrated management system for enhanced safety IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

18 The overriding priority objective is safety in all aspects of the regulatory body operations
Management should show commitment and provide good leadership to build and maintain a strong safety culture it provides for the essential documentation to describe and support organizational objectives, while taking into account both the physical and the intangible elements of the organization IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

19 Elements of IMS Human resources management Finance and Accounting
Regulatory bodies have a number of Systems that should be brought together:- Safety and Health Quality management Authorization Compliance assurance Enforcement Human resources management Finance and Accounting Training IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

20 Aspects of IMS Developing a strong safety culture
Emphasis on good management and effective leadership for safety Continuous assessment and continual improvement IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

21 Development The development of an integrated management system should be spearheaded by senior management of the regulatory body and supported by policy. It should be taken as a project with set timelines for various tasks. The project team should have a coordinator who is a senior member of management. Define the areas to be covered by the system (individual sub-systems) A graded approach should be considered in the development (in line with the regulatory body needs and resources available) IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

22 Resources for development
Resources required in development include:- National legal framework (RB terms of reference and other relevant laws) Regulations on safety Management policies IAEA SF-1 ( Fundamental Safety Principles) IAEA Safety Standards ( GSR- Part 1, and GSR- Part 2) Relevant IAEA Guides Relevant international standards (ISO 9000:2015 , OHSAS) IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

23 Implementation Management should develop a plan of implementation for the management system. Implementation should take a graded approach starting with areas of greatest need and impact to safety. Focal persons should be appointed for each component of the IMS. The coordinator interfaces with all focal persons and supports them with training, resources and guidance. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

24 Maintenance Periodic reviews of the management system should be carried out. Evaluation should consider the continued relevance of the systems in the operations of the organization , safety standards, etc. Identified gaps, irrelevant sections need to be addressed. Improvements should be made in line with changes in safety standards and taking into account regulatory experience. IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

25 Benefits of IMS Reduces duplication and costs Reduces risks
Emphasizing achievement of desired outcomes by focusing on business goals Formalising informal systems Harmonising and optimising practices to gain the scale benefits of standardization Creates consistency Improves communication Facilitates training and development IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

26 Effects of poor management systems
Conflict of priorities Poor resource allocation and utilization Misalignment of goals Duplication of efforts Poor organizational communication Lack of consistency Brings out poor management and leadership Increased safety risks IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

27 Benefits and key factors
Success factors are clearly investigated and the handling of them can be seen in management system Anything could be included in the management system, as long as it adds value Clarifying ”to do the right work” and “to do the work right IAEA Training Course for Regulators on IMS 1:1

28 Benefits and key factors
Synergies between the different elements / areas Holistic approach A methodology / systematic approach (ie, management) that take care of everything Active senior management commitment Different specialists work together in teams Cooperation - pulling together in the same direction Development is clearly based on the natural interaction with the environment, quality, work environment, safety etc. - IAEA Training Course for Regulators on IMS 1:1

29 Vision, mission and goals
Balance Vision, mission and goals Structure Culture Structure such as M S manual, procedures, organisation, reporting etc. has to be in balance with culture e.g driving forces such as leadership, values, ethics, motivation, engagement the to reach goals. Is a prerequisite for achieve vision and goals in an effective manner IAEA Training Course for Regulators on IMS 1:1

30 Summary Management systems have evolved from the early days of the industrial revolution focusing on quality control to integrated management systems. Integrated management systems puts all processes components of an organization into a single coherent system. The IAEA has developed safety standards aimed at enhancing safety culture driven by good management and effective leadership. Integration ensures prioritization of resources , and a focus on attaining business goals. Communication is key to implementation of IMS IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

31 References IAEA Safety Standards Series : DS456 : Leadership and Management for Safety, GSR Part 2 Draft Safety Requirements. IAEA Safety Standards Series: GSR Part 1: Governmental , Legal and Regulatory Requirements for Safety. IAEA Safety Standards Series :GS-R 3 :The Management Systems for Facilities and Activities. ISO 9000:2005 Quality Management Systems; Fundamentals and Vocabulary IAEA Training Course on IMS Module 1

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