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Utilizing Digital Locker to Complete An Education Program Review

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1 Utilizing Digital Locker to Complete An Education Program Review
Diane Sherman Office of Technology Services Meredith College June 3, 2008

2 About Meredith College
Private women’s liberal arts college located in Raleigh, North Carolina 2250 students 400 faculty Well-respected teaching college

3 Education program review
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) – ensures the college of education has met national professional standards for the preparation of teachers and other educators North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI) – maintains control for review of program standards at the state level

4 Education program review
Traditionally, boxes of paper “evidence” were collected for the review from each program 15 programs x multiple boxes of paper = too much paper Question: Can we do this better using existing technologies on campus?

5 Digital Locker to the rescue
Digital Locker – a web-based file sharing application by Xythos At the time, Digital Locker had been available for all students, faculty and staff for 1-2 years Some faculty were familiar with Digital Locker, some were not Education department had been a major supporter of Digital Locker since day one A lot of “evidence” was not in digital format

6 Creating the Structure
Education department faculty Created storyboard of review process based on standards developed by NCATE Identified documentation that needed to be secured during storyboarding process Developed review site structure that would include links to unsecure and secure documentation

7 Creating the Structure
Technology Services Created departmental education account on Digital Locker – large quota needed Established directory structure for secure documentation as recommended by faculty Set permissions on directories to be read and write accessible by faculty participating in the review

8 Creating the Structure

9 Creating the Structure

10 Preparing for the review
Department of Education Created a report template for faculty to complete for their individual programs Reviewed with faculty documentation needed for individual programs file structure for supporting documentation Encouraged faculty to learn Digital Locker training course

11 Creating the Structure

12 Preparing for the review
Technology Services Assisted faculty with scanning their documents Established several Digital Locker training sessions throughout the summer and early fall Geared toward helping faculty upload documents Web folders – major component in process

13 Deadlines approaching
Established 26 individual reviewer accounts in Digital Locker edureview1 - edureview26 Same password for each account Set up bookmarks in each account to point back to program area directories in education department account Set up group in education account for reviewers

14 Deadlines approaching
When upload deadline was reached, changed permissions on directories in education department account Education department personnel reviewed reports, linked supporting documentation, double-checked reports

15 Review website Education department personnel put together website
Structured based on standards for both NCATE and DPI Linked supporting documentation Secure documentation was noted by ** Would serve as entry point for reviewers

16 Review Website

17 During the Review Reviewers each given laptop, reviewer account information for secure documentation, stepped through review process Review was 5 days in length Technology support was available during entire review process

18 Post Review Permissions on secured files changed, reviewer access removed Archive created of the review site and related documentation Technology awareness – increased Celebration! We passed!

19 Questions? Diane Sherman Dr. Toni Parker

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