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World Foundations River Valleys Unit 1

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1 World Foundations River Valleys Unit 1
India World Foundations River Valleys Unit 1

2 Geography/Interaction with the Environment
Location: Asia Subcontinent: India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

3 Geography Mountains: Deccan: Hindu Kush, Karakorum, and Himalayas
Plateau at the center of the Indian peninsula

4 Geography/Interaction with the Environment
Indus River Flows SW from Himalayas to the Arabian Sea Ganges River Flows E from Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal

5 Interaction with the Environment
Monsoons: Seasonal winds Oct – Feb, NE-W (Dry) June – Sept, E-SW (Wet/Floods) Challenges Solutions Yearly floods are unpredictable Built villages up high (man-made islands) Monsoons are unpredictable

6 Geography/Interaction with the Environment
Khyber Pass: Hindu Kush mountain range Mountain pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan Isolated India from the rest of the world Along with oceans/seas

7 Power and Authority Harrapan Civilization: Planned Communities:
City in India where the most artifacts have been found Planned Communities: Grid: built towns on a “grid” much like modern cities Kiln Fired Bricks: oven baked bricks, made them stronger and a uniform size Plumbing: pipes connected each house removing waste

8 Power and Authority Central Government:
Uniformity of city planning and construction suggests that the Indus River Valley Civilization had a strong central government

9 Religious and Ethical Systems
Polytheistic: Belief in many gods Animism: Belief that living things have spirits Linked to Hinduism: Artifacts found suggests a connection to a Hindu god Shiva

10 Cultural Interaction/Economics/Empire Building
Diverse Trade: Gold/silver from Afghanistan Semiprecious stones from Persia Contact with Mesopotamia: Found seals in Sumer which they also found in Harrapa Stamps and Seals: Picture of animal and writing = used for trading

11 Cultural Interaction/Economics/Empire Building
Geography Limits Expansion East and West = rivers North = mountains Seas on three sides Aryans: Nomadic people from the North

12 Science and Technology
Written Language: No bilingual text = unable to translate language Planned Communities and Plumbing Cotton: Grew, popular trading item Mathematics: Dimension of bricks (4:2:1) Geometry (planned cities) Systems of weights

13 Review Quiz 1. Why don’t we know a lot about the Indus River Valley Civilizations? 2. What three countries make up the Indian SUBCONTINENT? 3. What direction does the Indus River flow and where does it flow to and from? 4. What are monsoons? 5. Name one environmental challenge of the Indus River Valley Civilizations.

14 Review continued 6. What is significant about Harappan cities?
7. How did Harappans make their mud bricks? (Hint different from every other civilization.) 8. What religion is linked to the Harappan civilization? 9. What city-state did archaeologist find Harappan seals?

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