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J. Christopher Westland

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Presentation on theme: "J. Christopher Westland"— Presentation transcript:

1 J. Christopher Westland
The Business Plan J. Christopher Westland

2 What Investors Expect (The Business Plan)
Ice Breaker / Hook Elevator Pitch (25 seconds-25 words) How Much Money do you Need? (est. ROI) and When Customer (demographics, characteristics, motivation) Size of market and major competitors Your product + substitutes, competitors and complements Business model (Map Revenues vs. Costs over time) and benchmark businesses Vision, Milestones, Benchmarks Financial Projections: Timeline, ROI, Risk (be specific) Narrative / Story Numbers / ‘The Beef’

3 Developing a Business Plan
Collect ideas: Inspiration can strike at any time, so carry a notepad Begin with basics: customers, features, channels, milestones, benchmarks Find inspiration from real firms and entrepreneurs. If you have trouble understanding or finding attributes of your business, you can easily borrow them Know your customers. For a business to be believable, the customers have to be believable and realistic Limit the breadth of your business Decide what is the reason for this business, and why you are passionate about Organize your thoughts. After you have prepared the basic elements, lay out a time-line in some way to help you decide what should happen when. Start writing. Depending on how thoroughly you’ve sketched out your customers, products and channels, the actual design may simply be one of choosing the right words. Come out swinging. The first page —some would say the first sentence—of any business plan should grab an investor’s or customer’s attention and leave him/her wanting more. Keep building: a business is dymanic; you are never finished. This is the role of adaptive execution Let the business plan "write itself“ by asking the right questions, by listening to customers and investors, by experimenting, failing and learning Succeed or fail quickly, revise and innovate

4 Building Blocks of the Business Plan

5 Demand and Global Innovation Management

6 Building Blocks of the Business Plan

7 Supply and Global Innovation Management

8 Mapping the Business Plan





13 Customers are your Revenue Source





18 The Canvas and Plan


20 The Business Model Canvas & Global Innovation Management




24 The Publishing Business



27 LEGO’s Canvas

28 Modern Forces


30 Your Investors will ask about all of this and more

31 From Canvas to Plan

32 What Investors Expect (The Business Plan)
Ice Breaker / Hook Elevator Pitch (25 seconds-25 words) How Much Money do you Need? (est. ROI) and When Customer (demographics, characteristics, motivation) Size of market and major competitors Your product + substitutes, competitors and complements Business model (Map Revenues vs. Costs over time) and benchmark businesses Vision, Milestones, Benchmarks Financial Projections: Timeline, ROI, Risk (be specific) Narrative / Story Numbers / ‘The Beef’

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