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11 – Motivation Online case studies

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1 11 – Motivation Online case studies

2 Psychological theories of motivation are based on: instincts, incentives (reinforcers), arousal, a hierarchy of needs and ______________. A. Money B. Status C. Drive reduction D. Metabolic rate

3 Psychological theories of motivation are based on: instincts, incentives (reinforcers), arousal, a hierarchy of needs and ______________. A. Money B. Status C. Drive reduction D. Metabolic rate

4 2. After spending years in the ocean, a mature salmon swims up its home river to return to its birthplace. This behavior is an example of: A. homeostasis. B. a set point. C. a refractory period. D. an instinct.

5 2. After spending years in the ocean, a mature salmon swims up its home river to return to its birthplace. This behavior is an example of: A. homeostasis. B. a set point. C. a refractory period. D. an instinct.

6 3. Janet loves roller coasters, skydiving, and rock climbing
3. Janet loves roller coasters, skydiving, and rock climbing. The theory most appropriate for explaining her motivation for these activities would be _______________ A. Instinct theory B. Drive reduction theory C. Hierarchy of needs D. Arousal theory E. None of the above

7 3. Janet loves roller coasters, skydiving, and rock climbing
3. Janet loves roller coasters, skydiving, and rock climbing. The theory most appropriate for explaining her motivation for these activities would be _______________ A. Instinct theory B. Drive reduction theory C. Hierarchy of needs D. Arousal theory E. None of the above

8 4. Based on Maslow’s hierarchy, a homeless person’s desire for __________________________ would come before _____________________________. There are several answer combinations that would be correct. A. self esteem - clothing B. belonging – physiological needs C. self-actualization – self esteem D. food - safety E. status - money

9 4. Based on Maslow’s hierarchy, a homeless person’s desire for _____________ would come before ____________________. There are several answer combinations that would be correct. A. self esteem - clothing B. belonging – physiological needs C. self-actualization – self esteem D. food - safety E. status - money

10 5. Pat is doing work he feels will make the world a better place, and helps him become the best person he can be. Pat is most likely to___________________________________. A. Work at home B. Have a job with high income C. Have a micro-managing supervisor D. View his work as a calling E. None of the above

11 5. Pat is doing work he feels will make the world a better place, and helps him become the best person he can be. Pat is most likely to___________________________________. A. Work at home B. Have a job with high income C. Have a micro-managing supervisor D. View his work as a calling E. None of the above

12 6. Each day your instructor gives you three points when you use the clickers in class. This would best illustrate the use of _________________________________. A. Instincts B. Arousal C. Self esteem D. Belonging E. None of the above

13 6. Each day your instructor gives you three points when you use the clickers in class. This would best illustrate the use of _________________________________. A. Instincts B. Arousal C. Self esteem D. Belonging E. None of the above Incentives (reinforcers)

14 7. Olympic athletes are rewarded with gold, silver, and bronze medals
7. Olympic athletes are rewarded with gold, silver, and bronze medals. These medals would illustrate the use of _________ to motivate the athletes. A. Incentives (reinforcers) B. Maslow’s hierarchy C. Instinct D. Drive reduction E. None of the above

15 7. Olympic athletes are rewarded with gold, silver, and bronze medals
7. Olympic athletes are rewarded with gold, silver, and bronze medals. These medals would illustrate the use of _________ to motivate the athletes. A. Incentives (reinforcers) B. Maslow’s hierarchy C. Instinct D. Drive reduction E. None of the above

16 8. Lindsey is extremely afraid of becoming obese even though she is underweight. She often checks her body in the mirror for any signs of fat and refuses to eat most foods because she insists they are fatty or high in calories. Lindsey most clearly demonstrates symptoms of: A. bulimia B. an abnormally high set point C. anorexia nervosa D. none of the above

17 8. Lindsey is extremely afraid of becoming obese even though she is underweight. She often checks her body in the mirror for any signs of fat and refuses to eat most foods because she insists they are fatty or high in calories. Lindsey most clearly demonstrates symptoms of: A. bulimia B. an abnormally high set point C. anorexia nervosa D. none of the above

18 9. Dan is in the stage of the sexual response cycle in which he cannot have an orgasm. What stage is he in? A. plateau B. stage three C. excitement D. relaxation E. none of the above

19 9. Dan is in the stage of the sexual response cycle in which he cannot have an orgasm. What stage is he in? A. plateau B. stage three C. excitement D. relaxation E. none of the above The refractory period of the resolution stage

20 10. Ron withdrew before having an orgasm to prevent pregnancy.
He is safe because ____________________________ or He is not safe because _______________________ A. He is safe because he did not ejaculate B. He is safe because there was no prostate secretion C. He is not safe because the condom broke D. He is not safe because his parents are coming home early E. None of the above

21 10. Ron withdrew before having an orgasm to prevent pregnancy.
He is safe because ____________________________ or He is not safe because _______________________ A. He is safe because he did not ejaculate B. He is safe because there was no prostate secretion C. He is not safe because the condom broke D. He is not safe because his parents are coming home early E. None of the above He is not safe because enough sperm may be released prior to ejaculation to produce conception.

22 11. Dr. Fitzpatrick is doing research to see if she can change an animal’s sexual orientation. You might suggest ______________________. A. Exposing one group of animals to the same sex and the other group to the opposite sex. B. Injecting sex hormones into adult animals. C. Destroying the amygdala in the brain D. Changing the prenatal hormone conditions E. Using cognitive behavior therapy

23 11. Dr. Fitzpatrick is doing research to see if she can change an animal’s sexual orientation. You might suggest ______________________. A. Exposing one group of animals to the same sex and the other group to the opposite sex. B. Injecting sex hormones into adult animals. C. Destroying the amygdala in the brain D. Changing the prenatal hormone conditions E. Using cognitive behavior therapy

24 12. Behavior oriented therapy could help Larry reduce his premature ejaculation by _______.
A. Reducing his guilt B. Helping him get another girlfriend C. Learning ways to reduce his urge to ejaculate D. Deal with his unconscious feelings. E. None of the above

25 12. Behavior oriented therapy could help Larry reduce his premature ejaculation by _______.
A. Reducing his guilt B. Helping him get another girlfriend C. Learning ways to reduce his urge to ejaculate D. Deal with his unconscious feelings. E. None of the above

26 13. Eric allows himself to be jumped into a gang (beaten up by fellow gang members) to become a member of the gang. This is most likely motivated by ____________ A. Achievement B. Belonging C. Self-actualization D. Conformity to peer pressure E. B & D

27 13. Eric allows himself to be jumped into a gang (beaten up by fellow gang members) to become a member of the gang. This is most likely motivated by ____________ A. Achievement B. Belonging C. Self-actualization D. Conformity to peer pressure E. B & D

28 14. Sara is consistently working to be the top person in her law class, and wants to only work for the top law firm in New York. This behavior reflects ________________________ A. Safety needs B. Belonging needs C. Human factor analysis D. Her set point E. None of the above

29 14. Sara is consistently working to be the top person in her law class, and wants to only work for the top law firm in New York. This behavior reflects ________________________ A. Safety needs B. Belonging needs C. Human factor analysis D. Her set point E. None of the above Achievement motivation

30 15. Jack is a probation officer, and said, “Just let me talk to this guy for five minutes, and I can tell if he is a bad apple or not.” This most clearly reflects ________________________ A. The interviewer illusion B. Jack’s personality C. Achievement motivation D. A strength based interview system E. The probation system’s computer analysis

31 15. Jack is a probation officer, and said, “Just let me talk to this guy for five minutes, and I can tell if he is a bad apple or not.” This most clearly reflects ________________________ A. The interviewer illusion B. Jack’s personality C. Achievement motivation D. A strength based interview system E. The probation system’s computer analysis

32 Your young child wakes up a few nights per month seemingly in a panic
Your young child wakes up a few nights per month seemingly in a panic. She sits up in bed screaming and crying. You rush in to calm her and to see what is happening. The child usually returns to sleep and doesn’t remember this happening at all. What is the best explanation for this behavior? A. She may be exhibiting symptoms of early onset epilepsy. B. She has excessive anxiety during the day. C. She has too much sugar in her diet. D. She is probably experiencing night terrors, a fairly common event in early childhood. Answer: D Believe in yourself! You can do more than you think you can!

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