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This Brief is Classified: Unclassified/For Official Use Only

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1 This Brief is Classified: Unclassified/For Official Use Only
United States Northern Command Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. The purpose of this brief is to provide an overview of United States Northern Command’s mission, organization and an update you on our Joint Training Program. 17 Sept 03 Col Gene Pino, USMC USNORTHCOM/J7

2 Briefing Agenda U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) Overview
Mission Command and Control Headquarters Concept of Operations (CONOPS) NORAD J38 & USNORTHCOM/J7 Merger USNORTHCOM Joint Training System (JTS) Update USNORTHCOM Individual Training Requirements USNORTHCOM Collective Training Requirements Here are the items I will address today.

3 Mission United States Northern Command conducts operations to deter, prevent, and defeat threats and aggression aimed at the United States, its territories, and interests within the assigned area of responsibility; as directed by the President or Secretary of Defense, provides military assistance to civil authorities including consequence management operations Mission Statement. The key point that sets us a part from everyone is our two very distinct missions we have. We must be prepared to protect the Homeland (which means DoD is in charge) and also be able to assist anything else that goes on in our AOR where DoD is not in charge and we support a Lead Federal Agency. This has truly made for very interesting relationships along the way not only for operational purposes but also in training and exercise planning.

4 C2 Structure Assigned COCOM JFLCC JFMCC JFACC QRFs RRFs HQs/Forces
Peterson AFB, CO NGB NORAD USNORTHCOM USCG NORTHAF Langley, VA Ft McPherson, GA ARNORTH Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VA NAVNORTH Norfolk, VA Assigned COCOM MARFORNORTH JFHQ-HLS JTF CS JTF 6 Elmendorf, AK Tyndall, FL Ft McPherson, GA JFLCC (ARNORTH) Ft. McNair, DC Norfolk, VA JFMCC (NAVNORTH) JFHQ-NCR (1 Oct 03) JTF Alaska ( ALCOM ) JFACC (1st AF) This is the C2 construct we are currently operate from in accordance with our Modification –1 to our Standing Homeland Security EXORD (11 Feb 2003). The Standing JFHQ-NCR is added in to show how it fits in to this same construct. CONR JFACC JFACC CANR QRFs RRFs NAVNORTH FLEET-West (3rd FLEET) San Diego, CA NAVNORTH FLEET-East (2nd FLEET) Norfolk, VA JFMCC JFLCC HQs/Forces OPCON By HLD/CS EXORD ANR JFACC Alert A/C NCR- IADS TF West TF East Alert A/C QRFs RRFs Alert Forces Alert Forces COCOM OPCON OPCON As Required COORD

5 USNORTHCOM Battlestaff
ISG ICG ICG JIACG JOG JPG CEB This is the foundation from which NORTHCOM will execute its missions. USNORTHCOM will likely to go to this “adaptive“ construct for day to day operations. JSG CEB: Commander’s Executive Board JOG: Joint Operations Group ISG: Information Synchronization Group JPG: Joint Planning Group JSG: Joint Support Group ICG: Interagency Coordination Group

6 Requirements and support
N/NC J7 Organization N/NC J-7 O-7/O-6/SES 1 Deputy CAN O-6 Requirements and support Exercise US O-6 Readiness GS-15 Training & Ed GS-15 NC Exercise US O-5 N Exercise US/CAN O-5 Assessment US O-5 Education GS-13 Training US O4/5 Many of you may know that several of the directorates (under the current organization) are “dual-hated“ meaning the Director and his staff support both NORAD and USNORTHCOM. Up until now the training and exercise functions have been separated out. To help the synergism our two Command’s with respect to planning for training and exercise requirements we are merging NORAD/J38 with NORTHCOM/J7. This functionality will obviously be modified if the command migrates to the “Adaptive“ headquarters construct. Modeling & Sims GS-14 JTS 0-4/5

7 Joint Training System (JTS) Update
1st JMETL Approved May 03 with 20 JMETs Commander’s Training Guidance Approved Aug 03 Joint Training Plan (JTP) Goal to be completed and approved by Oct 03 Assessment FOC: Conducted data collection in DP03 using JWFC Joint Training Assessment Database (JTAD) TPO Collection TPE and TPAs assigned by Staff TPAs approved by Combatant Commander FY03: Assessment Workshop scheduled for October On 6 May 03, General Eberhart approved USNORTHCOM’s 1st ever Joint Mission Essential Task List (JMETL) which has 20 JMETs *This JMETL is good but the command staff, as it evolves, continues to refine the Conditions, Standards, Supporting, and Command-Linked Tasks. On 25 Aug 03 General Eberhart approved the USNORTHCOM Commander’s Training Guidance. USNORTHCOM FY04-07 Joint Training Plan (JTP) *We are still finalizing some of the details and hope to be completed by 1 Oct 03. Assessment. USNORTHCOM was tasked by the SECDEF to show the status towards being FOC. The J3 decided to use Determined Promise 03 for this purpose. We in J7 used this opportunity to go through the Phase IV Assessment process. We did this by: 1. Refining our Training Objectives. 2. Obtaining the JWFC Joint Training Assessment Database (JTAD) tool. 3. Establishing Observer Team to collect Task Performance Observations (TPOs) 4. Providing TPOs to Training Audiences and collecting their Training Proficiency Evaluations (TPEs) as well as their recommended JMET Training Proficiency Assessment (TPA). 5. Providing JMET Responsible Organizations (RO) with Audience TPAs for the overall recommended TPA for the Commander. 6. Commander approved TPAs and declared FOC from this data on 11 Sept 03. *We are conducting an Assessment Workshop in the future to address the doctrinal Assessment process as well as conduct refinement to our JMETs and Training Objectives.

8 Individual and Collective Requirements
USNORTHCOM Education and Training Structure Level I Level II Level III Learning Management System Homeland Security Education Consortium Initiative The training and certification program. Established to ensure N/NC personnel receive training and education necessary for mission accomplishment. The program establishes a structure that provides core competency training upon initial assignment; provides and monitors directorate and functional specific knowledge requirements training; adds knowledge depth and breadth as individuals gain tenure and experience; and, through higher education, cultivates a cadre of future leaders. The structure of this program establishes NC as a learning organization in which personnel at all levels, individually and collectively, are continually increasing their capacity to produce results and enhance joint warfighting. Levels of Certification. This program delineates three levels of knowledge and certification: core knowledge, advanced knowledge, and higher order knowledge that enhances the capabilities of the present leadership and serves to prepare future leaders. The program establishes the structures to ensure appropriate training is provided to appropriate individuals at the appropriate time. It also categorizes training to better target training needs and reduce redundancy and wasted effort. Level 1 (Core Knowledge Competencies). This level consists of the minimum knowledge required to effectively function as a member of the N/NC staff. -Knowledge of N/NC mission, organization, operations, procedures -Knowledge of Homeland Security/Defense organizations and operations -Knowledge of the Threat Level 2 (Advanced Knowledge Development). This level represents fully skilled staff members with depth and breadth of knowledge and experience. -Directorate/Staff Agency specific functional knowledge (link to stakeholders) -Broader knowledge of Homeland Security/Defense organizations Level 3 (Future Leader Development). This level provides for advanced education for N/NC current and future leadership. -Advanced knowledge of N/NC, Homeland Security/Defense mission, organization, operations, procedures. -Advanced multi-level strategic/executive directorate/staff knowledge and decision-making Learning management system (LMS). LMS technology will be used to provide a new learning and program management infrastructure to foster the professional development of the N/NC Battle/Support Staff, Subordinate Elements, Civilians, and Contractors. Click2learn Inc. will provide the Aspen learning management system, through N/NCJ6 to N/NCJ7 as a scaleable platform from which to deliver (possibly) all methods of learning. This will provide N/NCJ7 a single point of management for all the command's HLS training programs — including instructor-led classes, virtual classroom technology, as well as personalized online learning content and courses. LMS enables users to choose courses, track their progress, and select specialized learning paths. Using LMS, N/NCJ7 and other training managers can analyze an subordinate's skills, identify gaps, and assign specific courses, and certify the member's understanding of those capabilities required for advancement through the three levels of certification. Homeland Security Education Consortium Initiative. A proposed integrated network of Federal, Military and Civilian Educational Institutions with the following common goals: Educate Homeland Defense and Domestic Civil Support professionals; Develop HD/HS leadership and expertise; Establish a discipline-specific knowledge and research base; and Facilitate Graduate Degree completion for busy/mobile professionals. The consortium will establish a structure for all institutions to contribute by using a common MOA core (while allowing for individual core competency flexibility), a shareable knowledge base, core courses, and common course accreditation to supports degree completion. This initiative will allow N/NC to provide course content input and make use of the communication and synergies between members (i.e., annual conferences, symposia, studies, etc.). Players: NDU, JFSC, NPS, UCCS, Denver Univ., and a groin list of other reputable academic institutions.

9 Summary FOC declared 11 Sept 03 Still need increase in manning
Working towards being in line with JTS Cycle by FY05 The bottom line is that on 11 Sept General Eberhart declared USNORTHCOM FOC. We still need increase in manning to fully execute in a sustained environment. We have taken an aggressive approach to the Joint Training System (JTS) products and timelines. We are quickly moving towards being in line with this cycle and hope to be there by FY05.

10 Questions and Discussion

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