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WASH Enabling Environment
Capacity Development Facilitator notes and instructions are in the Notes section of the PPT Additional content for the facilitator to share includes: Instructions for group work Questions to ask the group
Outline Learning Objectives Context Strategies Group Work WASH EE Support Process Scoring
By the end of this session, UNICEF staff will be able to:
Learning Objectives By the end of this session, UNICEF staff will be able to: Explain the importance of capacity development in WASH EE strengthening Describe the framework and for supporting capacity development efforts Identify actions and develop capacity support process to strengthen the EE Ask the participants: HOW WOULD YOU DEFIND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT? It is a process through which individuals, organizations and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to achieve WASH sector development objectives over time
Context: WASH EE Framework
Ask participants: WHAT ARE THE EXPECTED OUTCOMES OF BUDGETING AND FINANCING? Financial flows are adequate and predictable and meet national targets. The WASH sector is able to attract different sources of funding. WHAT INDICATORS CAN BE USED TO MEASURE BUDGETING AND FINANCING? Budgeting Budgetary allocations include enough funds to support to the delivery of services. Budgetary allocations include enough funds to cover capital expenditures to meet national water sector investment targets. The budget is adequate and disaggregated between each of the subsectors (rural, urban, water, sanitation). The budget and expenditure are publicly available. Financing Financial flows are predictable. Financial needs for sector operations are known Amount of funding available from taxes, tariffs and transfers to fund sectoral operations are known Existence of legal and institutional frameworks for financial transactions to take place; Public allocations to water and sanitation as % GDP Existence of financing institutions
Context: WASH EE Theory of Change
This is probably too small. You need to make the type bigger on this slide. It will not be readable. If this is not possible, then participants need to have a handout.
Strengthen Transfer Introduce Enhance
Strategies National institutions National and local policies Accountability, coordination, and representation mechanisms Strengthen Influence Attitudes, values, organizational cultures, and incentive structures Transfer Knowledge This slide shows the different ways that capacity can be strengthened…capacity refers to skills, knowledge, channels as well as attitudes, values and culture. Introduce New technologies for effective service delivery Enhance Knowledge and skills of women and children
Group Work Read the case study on Liberia. Use your existing knowledge and experience to answer the 4 questions that are included in your packet. As a large group, each table will take the lead in answering the questions. The other tables will add to the discussion if they have other comments to make. Have participants break in to 3 groups (make sure to mix up the groups so the same people are not together) Give participants the three page handout on Liberia. Ask them to answer the questions on the screen. (20 minutes) As a large group, have tables share by adding onto what has been said. (10 minutes)
WASH EE Support Process
We will use the WASH EE Support Process to explore capacity development….
Support Process Step 1: Agree
To obtain consensus for developing a Capacity Development Plan, which stakeholders need to sit at the table? What should the consensus exercise examine? What procedures should be adopted to arrive at a consensus? Stakeholders… From outside the sector From inside the sector (urban, rural, water, sanitation) Government Stakeholders Ministries Agencies Commissions County and district authorities Civil society (CBOs, NGOs, faith-based, networks) Private sector Training institutions General public Media UN and other donors What? How linked to larger development goals How linked to goals in the WASH sector How? Select tools and process WASH BAT World Bank Country Status Overview World Bank Sanitation Enabling Environment Assessment and Monitoring Tool Determine whether consensus should be made public.
Support Process Step 2: Assess
What information is available to understand current country capacity? Who will gather and analyze it? What capacity is required to implement WASH within the country? Where is this capacity located? What key enabling factors exist that will help the WASH sector to develop Do capacity development bottlenecks/challenges exist that constrain the sector Answers Question 1: Question 2 Institutional Capacities Required Coordination At all levels (from national to community)? Between public and private? Between institutions and other organizations? Procedures Are there operating procedures to implement the mandate? Are policies, legislation and decrees followed? Acted upon? Management Are management systems in place? Are there adequate human resources? What are the training opportunities? How is capacity building monitored and evaluated? Human Capacities Required Skills and experience Do workers have skills to perform their jobs? Have access to training opportunities? Knowledge Understand their role within the WASH sector? Have access to best practices? Opportunities to exchange/share within and across the sub-sector? Attitudes and Beliefs Feel valued in their role? Question 3 This will differ depending on countries Question 4
Support Process Step 3: Plan
UNICEF has agreed to assist the government in designing a Capacity Development Plan What are the components needed as part of this plan? Design a framework for identifying what exists, what is needed and how the needs can be met. Work on these questions in table groups where you are. Answer to Question 1 Set objectives and targets Identify specific actions needed Create a timeline Answer to Question 2 List the skills/capacity needed in the WASH sector to achieve country targets Identify gaps in existing skill/capacity Institutional development Central, state/provincial and local levels Public and private institutions Human development Immediate gaps Long-term needs, given factors such as attrition Illustrative ways to meet capacity development needs Training centers Preservice training Educational upgrades Training courses Ongoing mentoring and practice Scholarships & internships Create a Timeline Calculate the investments needed to implement this capacity development plan (see example from Liberia – slide 13)
Support Process Step 4: Invest
What costs are important to consider when thinking of supporting capacity development for WASH EE purposes? What sources of funding need to be tapped to support capacity development efforts for WASH EE purposes?
Support Process Step 4: Invest
Liberia Capacity Development Plan Anticipated Costs (US$) Objectives Funding Requirement Strengthen human capacities at GoL at national level $5,631,250 Strengthen institutional capabilities of GoL at national level $29,279,712 Strengthen human capacities at GoL at sub-national level $1,898,000 Strengthen institutional capacities of GoL at sub-national level $23,215,700 Strengthen human and institutional capacities through action research/pilot $ 3,395,000 Strengthen human capacities of CSOs, private sector and media $700,000 Strengthen the enabling environment (laws, regulations, policies, strategies, guidelines, advocacy) $ 2,475,000 Strengthen education and training institutions and develop new or improved courses $ 7,380,000 Grand Total $74,184,662 If you need an example, you can unhide this slide. This shows how the Liberia Capacity Development plan anticipated its capacity development costs. Liberia CD Plan Projected Costs:
Support Process Step 5: Implement
Brainstorm a list of opportunities that UNICEF can suggest to the government to improve capacity and competencies of its staff. Discuss strategies UNICEF has taken to assist countries improve capacity for delivering WASH services. Describe how to determine that capacity development needs have been met. Answer to Question 1 Increasing the number and competencies of staff through: educational upgrades, developing sector-specific block training courses ongoing mentoring and practice Scholarships and internships Secondments Creating a practical training center Implementing action research via pilots Developing or strengthening processes and systems Preparing guidelines and strategies Answer to Question 2 South-South transfer of skills (visits) Supporting the activities noted above in Question 1 Answer to Question 3 Objectives and scope Monitoring vs evaluation Attribution or contribution Track stakeholders involved Track targets and indicators Consult data sources Is the timeframe being followed? For what period of time How often What factors are facilitating capacity development?
Support Process Step 6: Monitor and Evaluate
What indicators need to be retained to monitor and evaluate a capacity development strategy or plan? How often should be the monitoring of the plan occur? When should an evaluation of a capacity development strategy/plan be set for?
Capacity Development Scoring
Countries Capacity and Incentive plan developed shows if an assessment has been made and documented, and outlines what capacity is needed and in which organizations Sufficient capacity at national, district, and community levels for improved delivery which is in line with established targets Mobilized private sector with a sufficient number of firms producing sanitation materials and hardware to make significant progress Cambodia Laos Myanmar Papua New Guinee Vietnam Weak / Gaps Moderate Progress Good Progress
For more information, please contact
David Tsetse, Ph.D. WASH Specialist, Planning Monitoring and Capacity Building Programme Division Tel: © United Nations Children’s Fund June 2016 Cover photo © UNICEF
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