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Venturing Program Planning

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Presentation on theme: "Venturing Program Planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Venturing Program Planning
Jeremy J. Kuhar Northeastern PA Council

2 If you fail to plan, You plan to fail

3 Session Schedule Introductions Useful Venturing Forms
Program Planning for Venturing Venturing Considerations Questions

4 The PCI & AIS: Your Best Friends
Program Capability Inventory (PCI) Survey of adult resources in community Kept on file for future reference Activity Interest Survey (AIS) Survey of Venturers in your Crew Identifies common interests Helps identified programming needs


6 Youth Leadership Vice President for Program Activity Chair
Maintains current PCI/AIS files Maintains up-to-date Crew calendar Works with activity chair for specific events Activity Chair Coordinates planning of his/her event Works with consultant(s), VP Program, and Associate Advisor for Program to plan event Uses PCI to find qualified help

7 Adult Leadership Associate Advisor for Program Consultants
Works with VP Program to determine interests of Crew members Provides support to activity chairs Helps Crew officers in evaluating completed activities/events Consultants Provide expertise to Crew’s program

8 Program Planning Important Considerations Date(s) Location Adults
Equipment Training Food Itinerary Lodging Budget Insurance Tour Permit Publicity & Marketing Communication Contingency Plans

9 Planning an Activity Set a broad goal or objective
Decide what form the project/activity will take Get everyone affected involved Consider the resources available Develop a step by step course of action Consider alternatives Follow through to completion

10 1. Setting a Goal What is your vision for this activity
What are your goals for this activity SMART goals Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-based

11 2. What Form the Activity Will Take
Weekend campout Day/field trip Ticketed event (sports, etc.) Community service Or one of many others!

12 3. Get Everyone Involved Your event has a greater chance of success if everyone feels that they have a hand in its success Crew retention is high if the Venturers have a vested interest in the success of the activities and program

13 4. Available Resources Lodging Consultants Equipment Adult Leadership
PCI is very useful !

14 5. Step–By–Step Course of Action
Backdating Communications/Promotion Fundraising Deadlines

15 6. Consider Alternatives
Develop contingency plans Weather emergencies Travel problems Medical facilities and contact information Parental contact information How will drops in participant numbers affect your event?

16 7. Follow Through Follow your plan Have a great time
At the end of your event, evaluate the program Learn from your triumphs (and mistakes)

17 Important Considerations
Medical Insurance BSA Insurance Policy Tour Permits Must be filed at your Council office Medical Forms Don’t risk not having them Youth Protection Guidelines (Beyond the scope of this session)

18 Remember the Awards Incorporate advancement opportunities into your activities (if so chosen) Many awards require Venturers to teach skills or lead activities

19 Useful Publications Useful Trainings
Passport to High Adventure (# 4310) Venturing Leader Manual (# A) Useful Trainings Powderhorn (Youth and Adults) Nature of Leadership Treks (Youth)

20 Useful Websites

21 Upcoming Programs in NEPA
2005 Venturing Rendezvous Goose Pond Scout Reservation April 22 – 24, 2005 2005 Insomniacs’ Revenge October 2005

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