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INFX 532: OWL/RDF Ontology Design Meredith Slota May 27th, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "INFX 532: OWL/RDF Ontology Design Meredith Slota May 27th, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 INFX 532: OWL/RDF Ontology Design Meredith Slota May 27th, 2013
Seattle Band Map INFX 532: OWL/RDF Ontology Design Meredith Slota May 27th, 2013

2 Seattle Music Scene + Art

3 Seattle Band Map Art Project

4 DIGITAL Seattle Band Map Project
“The Seattle Band Map explores how bands from the Pacific Northwest are interconnected through personal relationships and collaborations. Bands are connected if a) they share band members or b) two artists have collaborated on a project. For the purposes of this map, to qualify as a band, a project must have recorded and publicly shared at least one song and/or played a public show.”

5 Map Visualization

6 Adding New Content to the Map

7 Adding New Content to the Map

8 Modeling the Band Map Ontology design and OWL/RDF development

9 Audience | Scope of band map ontology
Seattle music fans Musicians Music archivists General curiosity Bands and musicians Albums and songs Seattle (so far) Excluding shows Excluding collaborations

10 What’s in the Ontology? Band Person Album Song Instrument Location
Classes Properties Band Person Musician Producer Album Song Instrument Location Describing the relationship between classes authorship collective membership creative association Metadata about the items websites, dates, sameAs Wikipedia links when available, etc.

11 Classes & Object Properties

12 DATATYPE Properties BAND PERSON hasWebsite hasBirthday hasYearFormed
hasYearDisbanded sameAs ALBUM SONG hasReleaseYear hasAudioFile

13 Live DEMo & Adding Data TOPBRAID COMPOSER Demonstration

14 Metadata and collaborations and Shows, oh my!
Future Directions Metadata and collaborations and Shows, oh my!

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