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And prepositional phrases

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1 And prepositional phrases
Prepositions And prepositional phrases

2 Preposition: Define: Example:

3 Common prepositions Aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, as, at; according to, across from, along with, aside from; Before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, by; because of; Down, during; Except, except for; For, from; In, inside, into; in front of, in place of, in spite of, instead of; Like; Near; Of, off, on, onto, opposite, out, outside, over; on account of, on top of; Past; Since; Through, throughout, to, toward; Under, underneath, until, up, upon; With, within, without. Quiz over all of these: _____________________________

4 The Preposition Song (sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle)
until    by    into after    from across    against    with    toward    on out among    around    along    of    to beside    beyond    below    at    through upon in    for    beneath    between behind   before    without    within up  over    under    down    about outside   like  during above  throughout

5 Prepositional phrase Begins with ____________________
Ends with a ____________________ which is called __________________. Example:

6 Put parentheses around each prepositional phrase and underline the object.
Some artists study Michelangelo’s work for inspiration. His work had a great influence on many other artists. Artists see perfection in his paintings. They also see it in his sculpture. Everyone admires the passion he conveyed in his statues. Architects study building designs by Michelangelo. Most think he is the embodiment of genius. He painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He lay on his back on a scaffold. The chapel work was completed in three years.

7 How do you know if a word is being used as a preposition or an adverb?
What is an adverb? Some words can be either a preposition OR an adverb, depending on how they are used. Examples:

8 Write preposition or adverb to identify the underlined word.
A flock of geese flew over. The cow jumped over the moon. The boy hid behind a tree. Zack fell behind in the race. The detective entered the room and looked around. He walked around the library several times. From the top of the tower, we looked down. Come inside and get warm. Don’t stand near the door.

9 Misplaced Modifiers Definition: Examples:

10 Put parentheses around each prepositional phrase and draw an arrow to the word it modifies. If the phrase is misplaced, rewrite the sentence correctly. Latoya missed her old social life at her new school. Leslie’s best friend during the spring moved away. Each new diary entry is like a snapshot of the writer’s mind. One Sunday, Leanne with her parents got in trouble. In my closet I found my boots. Edmund Hillary reached the top of Mount Everest from New Zealand in May 1953. I read a good book last week about volcanoes. I baked a chocolate cake for Theo’s birthday.

11 Questions??? Excerpts from:
Grammar and Composition Handbook. New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2002. Rueda, Robert, English. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. Writer’s Choice Grammar and Composition. New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2005.

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