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Web Application Bug Hunting

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Presentation on theme: "Web Application Bug Hunting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Application Bug Hunting

2 About Me... Who I am: Who I am NOT: Nick Wender
Software Engineer at TechSmith Amateur bug bounty hunter Who I am NOT: Not a tester! Not a security expert Not a web expert

3 About You... How many testers? Any developers? Any managers?
Who works with web applications?

4 About this talk... Topic is too large for this talk
Hopefully a good introduction... … And you leave knowing your next steps

5 Overview Web application overview Common vulnerabilities
Looking for bugs & useful tools Resources

6 Web Application Overview

7 Input & Output Requests Responses

8 In Browser

9 Request (input)

10 Response (output)

11 Access Control Web apps need to give you a way to prove who you are
Often use cookies or request headers

12 Common Vulnerabilities

13 Some Security Terms Vulnerability vs. Bug Exploit Risk

14 Common Vulnerabilities
Who has heard of the OWASP Top 10? Ten most common web application vulnerabilities Let's get familiar with a couple...

15 Vulnerabilities Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)

16 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Injection of JavaScript Often allows attacks against other users Wide ranging possibilities for attackers

17 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Attacker could hijack developer accounts and apps

18 XSS Example #1

19 XSS Example #1 HackerOne researcher albinowax found XSS on Could have been used to take control of developers accounts and apps Consequence of not sanitizing user input Uber paid a $3,000 bounty

20 XSS Example #2

21 XSS Example #2 HackerOne researcher siddiki found XSS through insecure redirect on Failure to sanitize redirect parameter Could use javascript://alert('XSS example') Uber paid a $3,000 bounty

22 Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)
Failure to ensure authorization Consequences wide ranging Easy to find and easy to exploit

23 IDOR Example #1

24 IDOR Example #1 HackerOne researcher tfairane found way to chane any Vimeo user's password Used reset password feature, only required knowing other user's ID Account IDs could be looked up on another page Vimeo paid a $5,000 bounty

25 IDOR Example #2

26 IDOR Example #2 HackerOne researcher secgeek found way to delete any user's credit card from Simply had to change credit card identifier Credit card identifiers were just 6 numbers Twitter paid a $2,800 bounty

27 Needle in Haystack The flaws may be simple
Finding them is where the work lies

28 Looking for Bugs

29 Looking for bugs is... … about testing assumptions … often tedious
… often boring … rewarding when you find a good bug

30 Disclaimer Assuming you have permission to look for flaws

31 Useful tools Intercepting proxy Browser dev tools EditThisCookie
Great for observing requests & responses Great for bypassing client-side validation and controls Fiddler on Windows Charles on Mac Browser dev tools EditThisCookie

32 Simple Steps Gather information Identify requests of interest
Replay and evaluate

33 Gather Information Start your proxy
Interact with the website through your browser

34 Interesting Requests Review the requests your proxy captured
Think about: "What happens if I change this?"

35 Interesting Requests: XSS
Requests that accept your input Commenting, user profile, and so on Look for responses or pages where your input comes back Especially interesting if shown to other users

36 Interesting Requests: IDOR
For insecure direct object reference Data or account modification Retrieval of sensitive information Think about "How does the site know I am authorized?"

37 Replay and Evaluate Use proxy to replay requests Modify requests
Observe the responses

38 Replay and Evaluate: IDOR
Remove or change authorization from request Modify resource identifiers or other parameters Should be rejected

39 Replay and Evaluate: XSS
Try submitting JavaScript or HTML Should be safely displayed Very much depends on context

40 Automation Automation is a time saver Use it to augment your testing
Plenty of good vulnerability scanners available Use them if you want Make effort to understand and verify what scanners find

41 I've found a vulnerability, now what?
Proof of concept exploit is pretty much necessary Describe the impact and consequences Demos can be effective to drive the point home Relate to similar bug in Big Company XYZ

42 Additional Resources Where can I learn more?

43 Books Web Application Hacker's Handbook by Dafydd Stuttard
Tangled Webs by Michal Zalewski

44 Online Too many to list, honestly! Troy Hunt @albinowax
@filedescriptor HackerOne "Hacktivity" Reddit r/netsec Pluralsight - Highly recommend Troy Hunt's courses

45 Hands-on Google Gruyere Google XSS Game Damn Vulnerable Web App

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