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Unit 20 - Client Side Customisation of Web Pages

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1 Unit 20 - Client Side Customisation of Web Pages
Week 4 – Lesson 9 Fundamentals of Scripting

2 Fundamentals of Scripting Languages
Introduction Characteristics Uses Scripting language constructs

3 Assignment 2 - Scripting Languages
What a scripting language is How it works What types are available The main features How does a scripting language improve functionality Explain in detail how a browser implements a scripting language

4 Results 22 submissions, 4 missed 7 passes 15 referrals 5 merits
3 distinctions 15 referrals

5 P2 Definitions (10) 10 topics to describe Some missing altogether
Some incomplete –do you proof-read? “…is shown in the image below.”

6 P2 Definitions (10) Should be original From a relevant source
quoted eg. “scripting languages are designed for gluing: they assume the existence of a set of powerful components and are intended primarily for connecting components together.” John K. Ousterhout IEEE Computer magazine, March 1998 topics Event-driven & object-orientated “scripting languages are designed for gluing: they assume the existence of a set of powerful components and are intended primarily for connecting components together.” John K. Ousterhout IEEE Computer magazine, March 1998

7 P2 Definitions (10) Should describe the feature – use an example where possible ‘more needed’ this is often why

8 Security Major issue is placing code to run on client’s machine
Cross-site scripting attacks XSS Vulnerability present in about 70% pf web applications (sources, Veracode, Acunetix)

9 Security

10 XSS Reflective XSS Malicious Javascript in , victim clicks link, Javascript sent to vulnerable website, reflected back and run on victim machine.

11 Persistent attack Attacker includes malicious script as part of user-name, other users view profile, code executes on other users machine

12 Constructs Need correct construction:
Syntax i.e. Grammar and order correct of words Dot operator allows an object to use a method Variable data stored as text or numbers Must have unique name within script Loops or iterations code which is executed repeatedly.

13 Objects A type of data which: Knows things about itself (properties)
Knows how to do things (methods) Many objects already exist Can create new ones

14 An example of ‘object’ code...
The ‘String’ object: <script> Hw=“Hello World” document.write(Hw.length) </script> The output on the screen would be ’11’ ; the string called hw is eleven characters long (10 letters and a space).

15 Methods Each object knows which methods it can carry out, eg (string object): <script> Hw=“Hello world” document.write(Hw.toUpperCase()) </Script> Copy this code and observe the screen output. The method UpperCase forces the whole phrase to upper case.

16 Loops for - loops through a block of code a specified number of times
while - loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true do...while - also loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true - loops through the properties of an object

17 Event handling An event that triggers a piece of code
Some examples and further explanation are here:

18 M2 Client vs server is not needed
Compare examples of object-orientated and event-driven Explain how Javascript improves functionality: Drop-down menus Mouse-followers Image galleries Validation Browser detection Create cookies Read/write/modify HTML elements hiding or showing elements moving elements changing colors or fonts

19 D1 Understanding client-side scripting Sheryl Canter, April 2004

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