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Primary prevention of social isolaton and substance abuse among adolescents Dr Tiina Laatikainen.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary prevention of social isolaton and substance abuse among adolescents Dr Tiina Laatikainen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary prevention of social isolaton and substance abuse among adolescents
Dr Tiina Laatikainen

2 Alcohol Smoking Other substance abuse Health problems Poor performance Social problems Depression Anxiety

3 ESFA Narcotics Alcohol use Initiation of smoking 5 10 15 20 Depression and anxiety symptoms Poor performance, social problems SYKE

4 Prevalence of 14-18 years old using tobacco products daily
Rimpelä A et al. Health behaviour among Finnish adolescents 2005

5 Alcohol use among Finnish school aged children in 2000-2004
Once a month Twice a month Once a week or more 8th and 9th grade students 1st and 2nd grade in high school Stakes: School Health Survey

6 School-based interventions
Information based, increasing awareness Hardly any impact Competitions Short term impact Students have active role Coping with social pressure Social skills training Effective Boosters, peer groups Combination models Most effective, also long term effects shown Focused programmes

7 European Smoking Prevention Framework Approach
ESFA European Smoking Prevention Framework Approach

8 ESFA –Study FINLAND (European Smoking Prevention Framework Approach)
Three year smoking prevention intervention among 7th-9th grade students in Helsinki 27 schools randomized to intervention and control schools (n=2745) 14 lessons on smoking, addiction, social denial skills and coping with social pressure Smoke Free competition

9 Incidence of smoking after 7th grade in ESFA Study
% OR=2,18 (1,42-3,36) OR=1,49 (1,13-1,96)

10 Prevalence of smoking at 9th grade according to performance at school

11 Conclusions School based programme actively involving students can prevent initiation of smoking Supportive activities and involvement of for example parents and teachers is important Poor performance smoking Focused programmes needed

12 SYKE SYrjäytymisKehityksen Ehkäisyohjelma
School based project to prevent development of social isolation and symptoms of depression and anxiety

13 SYKE A school-based project to prevent social isolation, depressive and anxiety symptoms use of addictive substances Based on FRIENDS approach developed in Australia 5th grade students in Helsinki Pilot study in KTL, School health and education sectors, Aseman lapset ry (NGO)

14 The world's leading school-based anxiety prevention program
FRIENDS for Life helps children and teenagers cope with feelings of fear, worry, and depression by building resilience and self-esteem and teaching cognitive and emotional skills in a simple, well-structured format

15 Together against addictive substances
School based programme on prevention of smoking and alcohol use among adolescents in Pitkäranta, Republic of Karelia, Russia

16 Background Health collaboration since 1991 between Finland and the
Republic of Karelia, Russia Two health surveys among school children carried out in Pitkäranta in 1995, 2004

17 Daily smoking 1995,2004 (Pitkäranta 9th grade students)
% p=0.104 p=0.015 Tiina Laatikainen / KTL

18 Possibility to purchase tobacco products if under 16 years and 2004 (Pitkäranta 9th grade students) Boys Girls Tiina Laatikainen / KTL

19 Possibility to smoke on school yard 1995 and 2004 (Pitkäranta 9th grade students)
Boys Girls Tiina Laatikainen / KTL

20 Together against addictive substances
Three year project in Pitkäranta 4 intervention schools – 4 control schools Activities involving Students and teachers Parents Society Baseline and follow-up evaluation Seminar on experiences, material package for dissemination


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