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The Night Team Matthew Chancellor 10 seconds.

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Presentation on theme: "The Night Team Matthew Chancellor 10 seconds."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Night Team Matthew Chancellor 10 seconds

2 Personal Profile I’m a New media Student.
I have skills and experience in software such as after effects & Photoshop. I’m very strong in Adobe Illustrator software. Desire to be in advertising and follow the design career path. 30 seconds

3 Project Overview and Aim
My project focuses on the issues of student drinking, Females aged Will help to support this problem with a multi-format campaign and live stall. The live stall will be approachable if too intoxicated, fearing for safety or general reassurance whilst under the influence. 1 minute

4 Key Selling Points Provides safety and reassurance
Cheap and very easy to fund. Gives external business’ the opportunity to broaden their appearance 1 minute

5 Competitor Analysis Pop up stall providing a ‘go to place’ as well as a walking street team unlike the following who only provide a walking team. Street Assist – Edinburgh Street Angels – Nottingham Work with other company's to build something that could be of a joint force. 1 minute

6 Theoretical Issues and Debates
Teen Drinking is not something we can beat but a cause we are able to support. Similar to that of cigarette advertisements I hope to expand my campaign through social media advertising (posters, flyers, wristbands) Read up on academic research and gather stories from local news. 50 seconds

7 Externality Additional safety prospects to nightclubs giving them a positive name. In connection with University of Leeds. Initial contact with West Yorkshire police and safe Drinking Yorkshire. 30 seconds

8 The End Thankyou

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