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District Training Assembly 2016

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1 District Training Assembly 2016

2 District Training Assembly 2016
“Yatra Naryastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devata” (Where Women are revered, Gods are pleased to be there) Woman is the one who brings us to life, who can sacrifice her life for her family But the question is, What are we doing to that Woman? Are Women Safe in India?

3 District Training Assembly 2016

4 Safety at Home Safety at Workplace Safety in Public Places
District Training Assembly 2016 SAFETY CONCERNS OF A WOMAN Safety at Home Safety at Workplace Safety in Public Places

5 District Training Assembly 2016 SAFETY CONCERNS AT HOME
Begins from Womb – Female foeticide / Infanticide Abuse such as rape, molestation of girl child Domestic Violence by husband, in-laws or live-in partner Dowry related harassment and physical abuse

District Training Assembly 2016 SAFETY CONCERNS AT WORKPLACE Sexual Harassment Stalking, Lewd comments Odd hours working Particularly for BPO / Call Centre employees Cyber Hacking and Social Media Defamation Rotary Club of Mumbai Ghatkopar, RI District 3141

7 District Training Assembly 2016 SAFETY CONCERNS AT PUBLIC PLACES
Safety in Public Transport Harassment in crowded places Safety in isolated and lonely places

8 District Training Assembly 2016
SAFETY TIPS FOR WOMEN If walking by yourself, hold your cellphone and be ready to make an emergency call. Never wear headphones while walking alone as it can distract you from the environment and take away your alertness. If someone tries to grab you, twist your arm up and down and yell, “stop!” Do anything to draw attention. Don’t stay late if you’ll be alone in the office. Create a buddy system for walking to parking lots or public transportation after hours, or ask a security guard to escort you. Always pour your own drink at a party and bring it with you everywhere. If someone is chasing after you, run away in a zig zag pattern. This will exhaust your attacker. Don’t check-in on Facebook when you arrive somewhere. Instead, check-in as you leave. This way no one will be able to digitally stalk you. According to the Supreme Court ruling, a woman cannot be arrested between sunset and sunrise. Indian women witnesses have the right to record a statement at home in presence of a lady officer. Rotary Club of Mumbai Ghatkopar, RI District 3141

District Training Assembly 2016 ROLE OF ROTARY IN WOMAN’S SAFETY Rotary Club of Mumbai Ghatkopar, RI District 3141

10 District Training Assembly 2016
Conduct Self Defense Workshops various places - schools, colleges, railway stations.

11 District Training Assembly 2016 District Training Assembly 2016
Seminars explaining Legal Remedies available to Women (for Safety, Maintenance, Heritance against domestic violence etc.)

12 District Training Assembly 2016
Lectures in Schools for Young Girls to sensitize them about Good Touch – Bad Touch

13 District Training Assembly 2016
Organise seminars and lectures for Parents of Young Girls to give them safety tips and precautions to be taken for safety of their daughters. Empower Women - Financial Independence through Vocational Training (Beautician, Driver, Cooking, Mehendi, Designing, etc.) & concepts like Micro-credit, etc. Work with NGOs, women welfare organisations and government agencies to pursue cases of crimes against women and help women in distress Counsel women who are victims of crimes and hostilities

14 District Training Assembly 2016 Join hands and save women
“There is no chance for the welfare of the humanity unless the condition of women is improved: it is not possible for a bird to fly on only one-wing." No nation can develop and be prosperous until women are safe and given equal rights. Changes do not take place soon or easily, but if each one of us join hands in every possible way that we can and start to make little changes within the family from today, it would gradually get implemented and there would be a better society that respects and understands women, at least for our next generation and generations to come. A day should come where Women could walk around freely, without the fear of being attacked at any time, anywhere. Join hands and save women

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