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Sense Strand of DNA: TATA Box

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1 Sense Strand of DNA: TATA Box
CCAGTATACCCGAGTACCCCGCAGGAGCACCAGGAATTCCGCCATACACGCCCATCCCCACTCGAAAAAAAAAA TATA Box Sense Strand of DNA: CCAGTATACCCGAGTACCCCGCAGGAGCACCAGGAATTCCGCCATACACGCCCATCCCCACTCGAAAAAAAAAA TATA Box Poly-a-tail Promoter Region Termination Region Site where transcription begins Site where transcription ends. Start of a gene End of gene  Primary mRNA:   Intron Exon Intron Exon Intron I I I I I I AUAUGGGCUCAUGGGGCGUCCUCGUGGUCCUUAAGGCGGUAUGUGCGGGUAGGGGUGAGCUUUUUUUUUU Start codon Stop codon Start codon Stop codon Tells ribosome to Tells ribosome to start making protein stop making protein    Mature mRNA: Exon Exon I I I AUGGGGCGUCCUCGUGGUCCUUAAAUGUGCGGGUAG Sense Strand of DNA: CCAGTATACCCGAGTACCCCGCAGGAGCACCAGGAATTCCGCCATACACGCCCATCCCCACTCGAAAAAAAAAA Primary mRNA or preRNA:   Intron Exon Intron Exon Intron I I I I I AUAUGGGCUCAUGGGGCGUCCUCGUGGUCCUUAAGGCGGUAUGUGCGGGUAGGGGUGAGCUUUUUUUUUU Mature mRNA Exon Exon I I I AUGGGGCGUCCUCGUGGUCCUUAAAUGUGCGGGUAG Poly-a-tail Termination region, site where transcription ends, the end of a gene. TATA box Promoter region, the site where transcription begins, the start of a gene. Stop Codon Tells the ribosome to stop making a protein Start Codon Tells the ribosome to start making a protein Stop Codon Start Codon Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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New vocabulary: Gene: has code for making 1 or more proteins. TATA box: code on DNA that tells mRNA to start the process of transcription. The start of a gene. Poly A tail: code on DNA that tells mRNA to stop the process of transcription. The end of a gene. AUG: code on mRNA that tells the ribosome to start making a protein UAA, UAG, UGA: code on mRNA that tells the ribosome to stop making a protein Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

3 Sense Strand of DNA: CCAGTATACCCGAGTACCCCGCAGGAGCACCAGGAATTCCGCCATACACGCCCATCCCCACTCGAAAAAAAAAA Primary mRNA or preRNA:   Intron Exon Intron Exon Intron I I I I AUAUGGGCUCAUGGGGCGUCCUCGUGGUCCUUAAGGCGGUAUGUGCGGGUAGGGGUGAGCUUUUUUUUUU    Mature mRNA Exon Exon I I I AUGGGGCGUCCUCGUGGUCCUUAAAUGUGCGGGUAG Poly-a-tail Termination region, site where transcription ends, the end of a gene. TATA box Promoter region, the site where transcription begins, the start of a gene. Start Codon Stop Codon Stop Codon Start Codon Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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Exon: mRNA that codes for one protein, it is the segment that will be EXPRESSED Intron: noncoding segments of mRNA that does not code for a protein, it is mRNA that copied junk DNA. It will be SLICED out Only the exons are taken to the ribosomes, so the ribosome only reads mRNA that codes for amino acids and nothing else. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

5 Sense Strand of DNA: TATA Box Poly-a-tail
CCAGTATACCCGAGTACCCCGCAGGAGCACCAGGAATTCCGCCATACACGCCCATCCCCACTCGAAAAAAAAAA TATA Box Poly-a-tail Promoter Region Termination Region Site where transcription begins Site where transcription ends. Start of a gene End of gene  Primary mRNA:   Intron Exon Intron Exon Intron I I I I I I AUAUGGGCUCAUGGGGCGUCCUCGUGGUCCUUAAGGCGGUAUGUGCGGGUAGGGGUGAGCUUUUUUUUUU Start codon Stop codon Start codon Stop codon Tells ribosome to Tells ribosome to start making protein stop making protein    Mature mRNA: Exon Exon I I I AUGGGGCGUCCUCGUGGUCCUUAAAUGUGCGGGUAG Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

   Mature mRNA: Exon Exon I I I AUG/GGG/CGU/CCU/CGU/GGU/CCU/UAA/AUG/UGC/GGG/UAG Protein Protein 2 Finally, mature mRNA is prepared by adding a protective cap to each end to protect it from harmful enzymes in a cells cytoplasm. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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DNA Codon mRNA codon tRNA anticodon Amino Acid AAA UUU PHENYL GTC GGA GLYCINE METH/START GAT GUG VALINE Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

8 CHNOPS LAB DNA: TAC AGG GCG ATT mRNA:____________________
tRNA:______________________ Amino Acid sequence: ____________________________________ Trait: _____________________ AMINO ACID SEQUENCE TRAIT Methionine-threonine-glycine-tyrosine- Hairless Methionine- threonine-glycine-glycine Hairy Methionine- threonine-proline-proline Plump Methionine- tyrosine-glycine-lysine Skinny Methionine-serine-arginine Four-eyed Methionine-serine-tyrosine Two-eyed Methionine-glycine-arginine-lysine-proline Long nose Methionine- proline-arginine-lysine-proline Short nose Methionine-phenylalanine-lysine No freckles Methionine- phenylalanine-asparagine Freckles Methionine- glycine-arginine-arginine Blue skin Methionine- glycine-arginine-phenylalanine Orange skin Methionine-isoleucine-isoleucine-leucine Male Methionine-isoleucine-isoleucine-glycine Female Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

9 Processing pre-mRMA into mature mRNA:
1. Cut out sections 1-3 of DNA and tape together in order. Section 1 C G T A G A T A T A A A A G C T T A C A T G A C A T G A A T T C G C A T C T A T A T T T T C G A A T G T A C T G T A C T T A A G Section 2 T A T C C G A A T T C T A C A A C T G A A T T C C G G T T T G T A A T A G G C T T A A G A T G T T G A C T T A A G G C C A A A C A T Section 3 A A A A A A T G T T T T T T A C Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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2. Locate the beginning of the gene on the sense side of DNA (Top line) and underline it. How? TATA Box Locate the end of the gene on the sense side of DNA and underline it. poly-A-tail Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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4. Act like RNA polymerase….. How? Use your scissors to cut apart the sense and antisense sides of DNA beginning at the end of the TATA and going to the beginning of the poly-A-tail. Section 1 C G T A G A T A T A A A A G C T T A C A T G A C A T G A A T T C G C A T C T A T A T T T T C G A A T G T A C T G T A C T T A A G Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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5. Number the DNA nucleotides 1-54 (start at end of TATA and to the beginning of the poly-a-tail. 6. Put in slashes, dividing it into 3’s or codons. Section 1 C G T A G A T A T A A A A G C T T A C A T G A C A T G A A T T C G C A T C T A T A T T T T C G A A T G T A C T G T A C T T A A G Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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7. Cut out the two sections of pre-RNA and tape together. Put in slashes, dividing it into 3’s or codons. Complete the process of transcription. How? You now have just made pre-mRNA Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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9. Locate the beginning of a protein. How? Start codon AUG Locate the end of a protein. Stop codon UAA UAG UGA 11. Locate the next set of start and stop codons. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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Label the introns and exons. Introns: Non coding Exons: Express……codes for a protein Cut out the introns. Tape together the exons. Add a protective 5’ cap to the front and a protective poly-A-tail tail to the end. These protect the mature mRNA from harmful enzymes in the cytoplasm. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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