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MuSoft Multimedia in der Softwaretechnik

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1 MuSoft Multimedia in der Softwaretechnik
Uli Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin I want to speak about MuSoft project. Mutimedia in (?) software engineering. Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

2 MuSoft Contents Introduction Overview
Learning objects and demonstration Interoperability and versions License Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

3 Members and money Project support BMWF: program ‘New media in education‘ – Members (from north to south Germany) FH Lübeck (Prof. Seehusen) Uni Magdeburg (Prof. Saake) Uni Paderborn (Prof. Engels, Prof. Mangenheim) Uni Dortmund (Prof. Doberkat) Uni Siegen (Prof. Kelter) TU Darmstadt (Prof. Schürr) Uni Stuttgart (Prof. Schmidt) Promotion Förderung Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

4 Intention An approach to teaching software engineering through eLearning Provision of learning objects concerning software engineering (small to large units with high disposability) Permanent maintenance and enhancement by users Open license policy for non commercial uses Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

5 Situation Most material has been classroom tested at
the development institutions, but we aim at exporting the material (it‘s a bit early, though). Doberkat, 2004-June-24 Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

6 MuSoft Contents Introduction Overview
Learning objects and demonstration Interoperability and versions License Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

7 Overview: Web Portal and use
MuSoft web portal (Uni Dortmund) Metadata Learning Objects LearningUnits (LU) LearningModules (LM) GroupObjects (GO) MediaObjects (MO) modify and add new License use lectures exercises individual postprocessing by students Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

8 Top of MuSoft web site web site:
local site: C:\SACKLOWS\Zagreb\web\home.html -> home, themen, Objekts, Requer. Engin. (kurz, Attrib. und download) license (later) Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

9 MuSoft web portal (Uni Dortmund)
Overview: Metadata MuSoft web portal (Uni Dortmund) lectures exercises individual postprocessing by students use Metadata Learning Objects use License modify and add new LearningUnits (LU) LearningModules (LM) GroupObjects (GO) MediaObjects (MO) Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

10 The base of metadata is LOM
IEEE specification of learning objects: LOM – Learning Object Metadata (60 items) Data elements describe a learning object and are grouped into categories. The Base Scheme (clause 6) consists of nine such categories: 1. The General category groups the general information that describes the learning object as a whole. 2.  The Lifecycle category groups the features related to the history and current state of this learning object and those who have affected this learning object during its evolution. 3.   The Meta-metadata category groups information about this metadata record itself (rather than the learning object that this record describes) . 4.   The Technical category groups the technical requirements and characteristics of the learning object. 5.  The Educational category groups the educational and pedagogic characteristics of the learning object. 6. The Rights category groups the intellectual property rights and conditions of use for the learning object. 7. The Relation category groups features that define the relationship between this learning object and other targeted learning objects. 8. The Annotation category provides comments on the educational use of the learning object and information on when and by whom the comments were created. 9. The Classification category describes where this learning object falls within a particular classification system. Collectively, these categories form the Base Scheme. The last category, Classification, enables an end user to classify a learning object according to arbitrary classification structures. As any classification can be referenced, this category provides for a simple extension mechanism. The base of metadata is LOM Sam Joachim: Current trends in e-learning … (Ohrid) 9 categories MuSoft extracts 5 categories 19 items Example: Requirements engineering (later) Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

11 Overview: Learning Objects
MuSoft web portal (Uni Dortmund) lectures exercises individual postprocessing by students use Metadata Learning Objects use License modify and add new LearningUnits (LU) LearningModules (LM) GroupObjects (GO) MediaObjects (MO) Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

12 Objects in LOM and MuSoft
Learning Units (lecture) Learning Modules (thematic blocks) Group Objects (chapter) Media Objects (slides, animations, videos, …) hierarchical system Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

13 MuSoft Contents Introduction Overview
Learning objects and demonstration Interoperability and versions License Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

14 Learning Objects (1) Requirements Engineering (RE)
1. categories, items 2. lectures 3. exercises Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

15 Requirements Engineering: Categories, Items (1)
approved identifier title General information author contributors description goals Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

16 RE: Categories, Items (2)
languages license(s) Thematic classifi- cation Technical information annotations classification media formats creation date requires keywords file Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

17 RE: Categories, Items (3)
Didactic information Relationships to another learning objects difficulty interactivity types learning contexts semantic density usage instructions contains these learning modules other relations (outgoing) other relations (incoming) 120 MB, .zip Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

18 Requirements Engineering: Lectures
Introduction to SW-Engineering (ppt, 38 slides) + audio recording (mp3) Requirements specification 1 (+UML) (ppt, 50) + audio recording (mp3) Requirements specification 2 (+UML) (ppt, 48) Requirements specification 3 (+UML) (ppt, 48) not synchronized Explanation Erklärung Could we profit from this? I do not think so … . The slides consist mainly of (German) texts. UML introduction of MuSoft already part of our materials. Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

19 RE: Lectures and exercises
Could we profit from this? I think ??? Main case study: Discussed in lectures and exercises Conventional hospital drug storage without software Fully automated hospital drug storage with control software Step by step formulation of requirements specification in lectures and exercises Task: Start material: Video: conventional and fully automated hospital drug storage Target material (for the teacher only): Requirements specification (47 pages) with 20 UML diagrams (Use Case, Activity and State machine diagr.) Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

20 Requirement Engineering: Exercises
Could we profit from this? I think ??? Main case study in assignments: Discussed in exercises Board game ‚Mississippi-Queen‘ - conventional Board game ‚Mississippi-Queen‘ – internet like (game software) available game introduction (.pdf, 11 pages) some Flash animations (e. g.) parts of requirements specification exercise: target is the completion of requirements specification game instroduction Spielanleitung Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

21 Learning Objects (2) Product and Process Quality 1. lectures
2. exercise Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

22 Product and Process Quality: Lectures
Product Quality – 4 lectures, .ppt, approx. 235 slides Process Quality – 7 lectures, .ppt, approx. 600 slides Could we profit from this? I think so… tables and charts Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

23 Quality features and possible inspections/metrics
Portierbarkeit Zuverlässigkeit Funktionstreue Bedienbarkeit Wartung Angemessenheit Vergleich mit Spezifikation Antwortzeit Geräteauslastung Laufzeit Notwendigkeit Vollständigkeit Strukturiertheit Verständlichkeit Einfachheit Robustheit Genauigkeit Konsistenz Lesbarkeit Änderbarkeit Erweiterbarkeit Testbarkeit Abrechenbarkeit Maschinenunabhängigkeit Systemsicherheit Verfügbarkeit Teilmerkmale Inspektion/Metrik Merkmale Zeit Zahl derSystem Abstürze Performance monitoring Vergleich mit Mustern Vergleich mit Standard Logik der Benutzerführung Zahl der BedienungsAbstürze Code Inspektion Modularität Lokalität der Entwurfsentscheidungen Slide from the lecture maintenance readability Quality characteristic Qualitätsmerkmale Attribute Merkmal Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

24 Product and Process Quality: Exercise
A large project: Security software for a nuclear power station. use of V Model use of tools: eclipse, omondo and JUnit development of requirement specification and design no sourcecode! Main case study in assignments: Discussed in exercises Could we profit from this? I do not think so… Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

25 Learning Objects (3) Project management
Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

26 Project management: Documents
CVS introduction - .pdf, 36 pages CM introduction - .pdf, 17 pages Network planning technique – not readable  Could we profit from this? I do not think so… Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

27 software engineering (according to IEEE)
Learning Objects (4) is no software engineering (according to IEEE) Algorithms [‘algo …] Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

28 MuSoft Contents Introduction Overview
Learning objects and demonstration Interoperability and versions License Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

29 Interoperability MuSoft web portal
CMS* (propietory development) Client portals special LMS* Exchange of learning objects and metadata tool: MuSoft wizard exchange format: IMS Content Packaging Format * CMS Content Management System * LMS Learning Management System Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

30 MuSoft web portal (Uni Dortmund)
Overview: Versions MuSoft web portal (Uni Dortmund) lectures exercises individual postprocessing by students use Metadata Learning Objects use License modify and add new Learning Objects LearningUnits (LU) LearningModules (LM) GroupObjects (GO) MediaObjects (MO) Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

31 Versions Revisions corrections by author
Variants substantial changes by author or other users (e. g. rearrangement of a lecture designed for diploma students into one designed for minor subject students.) Rearrangement Umgestaltung Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

32 MuSoft Contents Introduction Overview
Learning objects and demonstration Interoperability and versions License Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

33 MuSoft web portal (Uni Dortmund)
Overview: License MuSoft web portal (Uni Dortmund) lectures exercises individual postprocessing by students use Metadata Learning Objects use License modify and add new LearningUnits (LU) LearningModules (LM) GroupObjects (GO) MediaObjects (MO) Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

34 MuSoft License - Points
MuSoft: Open Content License this is like Open Source License Open Content License Usage of licensed materials is free of charge in courses/studies that are free of charge for the students Permission to rework licensed materials, Permission to distribute modified materials, that are then available under MuSoft license, too MuSoft license may be used in projects out of MuSoft, too Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

35 MuSoft License - File all downloads contain besides the respective files a license file, too example: requirements engineering Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

36 Zagreb, 6.– ; U. Sacklowski, Dept. of Comp. Science, HU-Berlin

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