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Name 8/29/17.

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1 Name 8/29/17

2 1.1 1. Player A chooses a number on the game board and circles it. 2. Using a different color, Player B circles all the proper factors of Player A's number. 3. Player B circles a new number; and Player A circles all of the factors of the new number that are not already circled. 6. The game ends when there are no numbers left with uncircled factors. 5. If a player chooses a number with no uncircled factors, that player loses their current turn and scores not points. 4. The players take turns choosing numbers and circling factors. 7. Each player adds the numbers circled with his or her color. The player with the greatest total wins.

3 Factor Game Rules 3. Player B circles a new number; and Player A circles all of the factors of the new number that are not already circled. 1. Player A chooses a number on the game board and circles it. 2. Using a different color, Player B circles all the proper factors of Player A's number. 6. The game ends when there are no numbers left with uncircled factors. 4. The players take turns choosing numbers and circling factors. 5. If a player chooses a number with no uncircled factors, that player loses their current turn and scores not points. 7. Each player adds the numbers circled with his or her color. The player with the greatest total wins.




7 Play the Factor Game several times with a partner.
Student book pg 10 Problem 1.1 Play the Factor Game several times with a partner. A 1. How can you determine whether one number is a factor or another number? 2. If you know a factor of a number; can you find another factor? Explain. 3. Make a list of the factors of 18. Then make a list of the divisors of 18. Are the factors of a number also divisors of the number? Explain your reasoning. B Give an example of a number that has many factors. Then give an example of a number that has few factors. C How do you know when you have found all of the factors of a number?



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