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An Overview of Events, People, Places and Ideas

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1 An Overview of Events, People, Places and Ideas
The U.S. Civil War An Overview of Events, People, Places and Ideas

2 Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln Ulysses S. Grant Robert E. Lee
Name Union or Confederate? North or South? (Write both: Union/North) Summarize his contribution to the Civil War Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln Ulysses S. Grant Robert E. Lee President of the Confederate States of America Confederate/South Union/North President of the Union (United States) Union/North Union/North general. Was made Commander of All the Union Armies by Lincoln Confederate/South Confederate/South general. Was made Commander of All the Confederate Armies by Davis

3 What happened? (Summarize) Why is it important? (Find the main Idea)
Significant Event: What happened? (Summarize) Why is it important? (Find the main Idea) Firing on Fort Sumter Antietam Confederate forces in S. Carolina opened fire on the federal fort on This is the beginning of the war. Fort Sumter surrenders. Major Union victory Single bloodiest day of battle in U.S. History. Approximately 23,000 are killed or wounded. Union Gen. McClellan does not pursue (gets fired) Allows Lincoln to issue Emancipation Proclamation from a position of strength Lee and his Confederate Army invade Union territory in Maryland; after a brutal battle he retreats.

4 What happened? (Summarize) Emancipation Proclamation
Significant Event: What happened? (Summarize) Why is it important? (Find the main Idea) Emancipation Proclamation makes the war about freedom and not only about preserving the Union. opens the Union army to enlistment of African-Americans Removes Britain as a potential ally of the Confederacy Lincoln issues an executive order freeing all slaves held in Confederate territory.

5 William Carney Phillip Bazaar
Name Union or Confederate? North or South? (Write both: Union/North) Summarize his contribution to the Civil War William Carney Phillip Bazaar First African-American to earn the Congressional Medal of Honor; 54th Massachusetts Regiment, United States Army Union/North First Hispanic-American to earn the Congressional Medal of Honor; United States Navy Union/North

6 Vicksburg The Union now controls the entire Mississippi River The Confederacy is cut in two. The City of Vicksburg, Mississippi surrendered to the Union Army after being under siege for a month.

7 Surrender at Appomattox Court House
Gen. Lee surrenders to Gen. Grant. Essentially, this is the end of the war.

8 Lincoln’s Assassination
Southern sympathizer, John Wilkes Booth shoots Lincoln at Ford’s Theater during a performance. He escapes, but is captured and killed by troops 10 days later Lincoln is killed. That’s important!

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