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ICT for Manufacturing and Construction

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1 ICT for Manufacturing and Construction
Zoë Webster ICT Fionnuala Costello Built Environment Robin Wilson and Malcolm Hannaby High Value Manufacturing 1

2 Project duration and budget
Projects are expected to last no more than 24 months and we expect to invest £100k-1.5m per project £7m budget for grants from TSB £1m budget from EPSRC

3 Scope criteria To be in scope, applications must satisfy three criteria: Address at least one of the four challenges set out Involve a recent or emerging ICT development Be within the scope of either the HVM strategy or the Construction challenges set out Also must result in a demonstration of the innovation embedded within at least one business

4 Challenges Applications must convincingly address at least one of the following: Deriving and reusing knowledge Process interactions, system interoperability and collaboration across supply chains Engaging users in product/service design and operation Faster, more effective innovation in product and process lifecycles

5 1. Deriving and reusing knowledge
Acquiring, codifying, validating and retrieving Knowledge not data Making knowledge management easier to use and embed in processes Improving correlations between simulations and real world performance Example projects: Search engine for construction Automatic process guidance

6 2. Process interaction, system interoperability and collaboration across supply chains
Enabling seamless integration of expertise, processes and information systems Not just about standards development Development of collaboration tools Interoperability of information systems Example projects: An application store for manufacturing Semantic web for construction

7 3. Engaging users in product/service design and operation
Getting user buy-in in the early stages to encourage sustainable behaviours and success Engaging users and incorporating their feedback throughout the process Example projects: Engaging computer games Exploiting social media

8 4. Faster, more effective innovation in product and process lifecycles
Making it easy to introduce process and product innovation Minimising cost implications Incorporating whole-life information into design, development and maintenance processes Example projects: Augmented reality on the shop floor Exploiting automated 3D scanning

9 ICT criteria Innovation must be in the software components of ICT and the alignment of ICT systems with people and processes

10 Breadth of ICT Social media Augmented reality Games console interfaces Computer gaming Instrumentation and automation Simulation Search technology ……………

11 ICT criteria Recent and emerging developments in ICT
i.e. using ICTs (algorithms, approaches, techniques, etc.) that weren’t generally available 2 years ago If it has already been applied in another sector, that is fine if you make clear the significant challenges in applying it to manufacturing/construction This is about taking the lead, not catching up with other sectors

12 Fit with High Value Manufacturing priorities
 Publications  Strategy documents Four pillars: Products Processes Service Systems Value Systems

13 Fit with Construction priorities
Scope Design, build, maintenance, refurbishment and operation of buildings and infrastructure Focus areas Reducing energy use and carbon emissions Adapting to the changing climate for long-term resilience Maximising the potential of the retrofit market Achieving design-for performance in practice

14 Partnering Aim to stimulate new, sustainable partnerships
Leading to productivity increases, wealth creation and growth in ICT, manufacturing and construction sectors We are particularly interested in projects: involving new partnerships and/or involving partners from all three sectors Projects must be industrial/business partner led

15 Other conditions Projects should result in a demonstration of the innovation embedded within at least one business Academic partners can share up to 30% of total grant for a project No more than 20% of the grant for a project may be spent on: Data collection Data cleansing Standards development

16 For even more information and online networking…
For more information… For even more information and online networking…

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