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Alive-O 4 Term One: Lesson 12 The People Who Walked in Darkness..

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Presentation on theme: "Alive-O 4 Term One: Lesson 12 The People Who Walked in Darkness.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alive-O 4 Term One: Lesson 12 The People Who Walked in Darkness..

2 The People Who Walked in Darkness
Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar were three wise men who met together at night to study the stars. One night, as Balthazar looked at the stars he said; It is strange, friends, I have everything I could possibly want, but I think there must be more!

3 More what. Caspar asked. More gold. More food
More what? Caspar asked. More gold? More food? A bigger house to live in? You already have more than you need! What more can there be? Asked Melchior.

4 Balthasaar thought and said: ‘I don’t know, but I will find out
Balthasaar thought and said: ‘I don’t know, but I will find out!’ Just as he finished speaking a strange thing happened. ‘Look! Look!’, he shouted.

5 What? shouted Melchior. Where? shouted Caspar.

6 A strange new star-light in the sky. ‘Look. Look
A strange new star-light in the sky. ‘Look! Look!’ Balthasaar hopped around with excitement. ‘Bring me my camels’, he shouted to his servants. ‘Where are you going’, his two friends asked.

7 ‘Look, new stars don’t just appear
‘Look, new stars don’t just appear.’ ‘This star could be leading us to the birthplace of the Saviour. I’m going to follow it now’

8 ‘We’re coming too’, said Caspar and Melchior
‘We’re coming too’, said Caspar and Melchior. I don’t know why I am following you! I suppose I trust you. You are my friends.

9 The three men rushed off into the night
The three men rushed off into the night. They travelled on their camels, talking about the star and what they hoped to see at the end of their journey. They grew tired and weary.

10 One night when darkness fell, they could not see the star
One night when darkness fell, they could not see the star. Balthasaar said, ‘what if the star doesn’t appear again, what will we do?’ ‘Maybe we should never have followed the star,’ said Caspar. Melchior said nothing, but he was thinking the same.

11 After a while the star reappeared
After a while the star reappeared. They continued to follow the star and this night the star led them to a city. They had arrived in Jerusalem.

12 Bible Search Matthew 2:1-12

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