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Activity Funds Round Table

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1 Activity Funds Round Table
Financial Services Division January 12, 2017

2 Volunteer Module in Raptor/V-Soft Campus Activity Funds
AGENDA Volunteer Module in Raptor/V-Soft Campus Activity Funds Contracted Services Armored Truck Services

3 Activity Funds Resources
Available at Activity Funds Manual (updated August 2016) Updates Training Materials/Resources Forms Blog Training opportunities throughout the year One-on-one training provided as needed

4 Activity Fund Resources

5 Activity Fund Blog

6 Controls for Activity Funds
The nature of activity funds makes them especially vulnerable to error, misuse, and fraud, resulting in audit risk. It is important to conduct audits to monitor the financial integrity of the financial transactions, fundraisers, and records High Risk Areas: Cash Controls Receipts/Deposits Disbursements Fundraisers Account Activity (Transfers/Adjustments)

7 Fundraising Activities

8 Fundraising Activities
A signed Acknowledgement of Sponsor Responsibilities form is required to conduct fundraisers Fundraisers must be fully approved via a Fundraising Activity Form prior to commencing any fundraiser The fundraising recap section must be completed and submitted to Financial Services within 10 days after completion of the fundraiser Documents Inventory Left Determines Profit/Loss

9 Fundraising Activities
Transfer of funds to Principal’s Discretionary Account (10%) may only be done from school-wide fundraisers Kroger & Target rewards do not require a Fundraising Activity Form or a Donation Acknowledgement Form to be completed Sticker, Pencil, and Soft Drink vending machines do not require a Fundraising Activity Form to be completed PTA/PTO/Booster Club – Fundraising Activity Form approved by Principal only

10 Change Funds – Start Up Cash
A check of $100 or less may be issued for start-up cash (change funds) to handle an activity efficiently Book Fairs Ticket Sales T-Shirt Sales Sponsor shall complete a Payment Authorization Form and submit for approval Check is issued in the sponsor’s name Upon completion of the fundraiser the sponsor shall return the start up cash using a Tabulation of Monies Form.

11 Sales Taxes Taxable Purchases Taxable Sales
Purchases for the school’s own use are tax exempt Purchases for personal use for individuals are NOT tax exempt Purchases from Sunshine/Cheers accounts are NOT tax exempt Taxable Sales Teachers/students must collect sales taxes on all sales and/or fundraisers unless they are determined to be non-taxable Bona fide student chapters (e.g. Spanish club, cheerleading club, soccer club, etc.) are allowed up to two (2) tax free sales days each calendar year Remittance of sales taxes collected must be done each last day of the month to the Office of Financial Services

12 Tax Free Fundraisers For the purposes of the exemption, one day is counted as a 24 consecutive hours and a calendar year is the 12-month period from January through December. Bona Fide chapters are allowed two 24-hour tax-free sales fundraisers Each campus is allowed two 24-hour tax-free sales fundraiser The entire fundraiser is not tax exempt if the items are not delivered at one time. Items sold after the declared tax-exempt day must be taxed.

13 Tax Free Fundraisers Example: T-Shirt Fundraiser approved from to Tax Free Day: 02/27/2017 (Shirts delivered to campus) Selling price: $10 Purchased price: $ 7 Pre-sales: Not taxed (Product is not available at the point of sale) # of shirts: 100 (amount from presales) additional shirts Date/Time: 9:00 a.m. received 200 shirts on campus 24 hour tax free period 9:00 a.m. and ends on 9:00 a.m. for the sale of the additional 100 shirts without collecting sales taxes If there is any remaining inventory after the 24 hour period the money collected shall be taxed.

14 Tax Free Fundraisers Pre-Sales Pre-Sales Amount: 100 X $10 = $1,000
T-Shirt Account: $1,000 (no taxes) Total Deposit: $1,000 24 – Hour Tax Free Sales Sold on 2/27/17: X $10 = $500 T-Shirt Account: $500 (no taxes) Total Deposit: $500 T-Shirt Sales after 2/28/17 Sold on or after 2/28/17: 50 X $10 = $500 T-Shirt Account: $ (500 ÷ ) Sales Tax Account: $ ( )

15 Cash Controls – Receipt of Money
General Rules At least two people must be involved in the functions of collecting cash, receipting cash, and depositing cash The bookkeeper shall never be the person collecting monies The person collecting the money should never receipt the funds to themselves Safeguarding of Money Never leave money unattended Keep money in a locked safe (not in drawers or filing cabinets) Combination/keys provided to limited personnel Change combination/key when there is a change in bookkeeper or principal

16 Cash Controls – Receipt of Money
Cash Collections Provide receipts for cash collections of $5.00 or more ONLY use cash receipt books issued by Financial Services; campus receipt book clerk shall account for all issued receipt books to sponsors Student roster/spreadsheet allowable for collections under $5.00 Do not accept post-dated or out of state checks Receipts shall not be altered Retain all three copies of the voided receipts SUBMIT CASH COLLECTIONS DAILY TO THE BOOKKEEPER

17 Donations A Donation Acknowledgement form must be completed by the bookkeeper and signed by the principal - PTO Donations - Business Partner Donations An EPES receipt must be submitted to donor, not the person submitting the funds Do not assign a value to donations of tangible property Cash donations from employees to organizations or for specific causes shall be deposited to the Sunshine/Cheers account and checks to the recipient shall be from the same account (follow proper cash handling)

18 Submitting Cash Collections to Bookkeeper
Cash collections must be submitted to the bookkeeper on a daily basis in the same form as it was collected Do not substitute personal checks for cash or make loans Do not hold money for change funds or to make purchases Bookkeeper shall count cash in the presence of the sponsor or authorized individual immediately or in a timely manner and provide an EPES issued receipt Deposit Documentation shall include: Tabulation of Monies form (Required: Breakdown of money denomination) Yellow Receipt Copy Copy of EPES receipt issued to sponsor Any other appropriate documentation to substantiate deposit

19 Depositing Funds to the Bank
Funds shall be deposited when receipted to EPES in a timely manner (maximum of 5 days) Money collected but not deposited must be stored in a locked safe Maintain a Safe Contents Log to track items stored or removed from the safe Keep all money collected on school premises

20 Disbursement of Funds Funds should be spent for the intended purpose that they were raised Follow Procurement Guidelines Purchases of $3,000 or more require a District purchase order Use a District-approved purchase order for contracted services Use approved Spring ISD vendors Follow quote/bid procedures Avoid conflict of interest situations Purchases allowed from Sunshine/Cheers account ONLY: Gifts to employees (e.g. retirement, birthday, baby shower, etc.) Gift card purchases Purchases from this fund are NOT tax exempt

21 Disbursement of Funds Check requests Check issuance
Require a Payment Authorization signed by principal or designee Account shall have sufficient funds to cover the purchase request Must be accompanied by proper supporting documentation (e.g., vendor quote, original itemized sales slips, original invoice) Review invoices for accuracy (deduct discount and/or sales tax, if applicable) Check issuance Generated electronically through EPES with pre-numbered checks Require two authorized signatures Issued to the vendor; never to cash Shall not be pre-signed

22 Disbursement of Funds Reimbursements to students or employees must be approved by the principal, accompanied by supporting documentation and not be frequent Refunds shall be done with a school check; cash refunds from monies collected are not allowed, except with prior written approval from Financial Services Advanced payments for student/staff member travel shall be done via Accounts Payable Supplemental pay to compensate district employees shall be done via a Supplemental Pay Form and paid through the Payroll department

23 Transfers and Adjustments
Fund Transfers Initiated by the bookkeeper but only executed after obtaining approval from the principal and involved activity funds account sponsors Requires a Funds Transfer Authorization Form signed by the principal Fund Adjustments Required a completed Funds Adjustment Authorization form May be done for deposit corrections by the bank, bank fees, checks clearing for amounts different than those posted in EPES

24 Unallowable Transfers
Funds raised by a specific group or organization and student fees are prohibited to be transferred to the Principal’s Discretionary account. Examples include but are not limited to the following: Cell Phone Fees Temporary ID Badges Class Fees (e.g. Art, Band, Choir) Transcript Fees Library Lost Book Fines Parking Permits

25 Stale Dated Checks Outstanding Checks over 180 days shall be voided and marked as stale dated - Check Date on or before 6/30/2016 Void Check in EPES and issue check made payable to Spring ISD for the amount of the stale dated check Send check and supporting documentation to Toni Blaes in Financial Services

26 Reports and Records Reports required to be submitted to the Office of Financial Services by the 10th of the month: EPES Reports Bank Reconciliation – reconciles the bank statement to the posted activity fund balances List of Outstanding Checks – lists the checks that have not cleared at the bank as of the end of the month Activity Ledger – details beginning balance, total receipts and deposits, and ending balance of each activity account Sequential List of Receipts – submit when there’s outstanding deposits at the end of the month Bank Statement

27 Electronic Bank Statement Process
Electronic bank statements are a duplicate copy of the original bank statement mailed to each campus Viewing and printing the electronic bank statement: -Log in to Compass Bank -Go to Reports -Select Electronic Reports -Select the bank statement file -Right click the statement file to print the document Use the Electronic Bank Statement when your campus does not receive the original statement timely

28 Electronic Bank Statement

29 1099 Reporting Payments to an individual or a non-incorporated business for services performed for the District must be reported to the IRS as income. Florist Judges Engraving Authors Caterers (Served the food) Dry Cleaners Consultants Contracted Services Moonwalks Dunk Tank Rentals Carnival Equipment Rental Customization

30 1099 Reporting Record the Tax ID # under the vendor file
All payments to the vendor will automatically be flagged as a 1099 vendor.

31 Contracted Services Outside Vendors are businesses and/or individuals that are not Spring ISD employees who perform a service for your campus. Any vendor engagement services shall follow the District’s purchasing procedures. The use of contracted services in any amount requires a District-approved purchase order. Service Contract Examples include but are not limited to: Moonwalk rentals, speakers, consultants, music accompanists, translators, custom printer, license fees, etc.

32 Thank you

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