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New France Canada claimed by the French

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1 New France Canada claimed by the French
Jacques Cartier explored coastline, discovered St. Lawrence River Fur trading First permanent French settlement Quebec 1608 By early 1700's Quebec - Louisiana

2 English colonies Established colonies along eastern coast
First permanent settlement Jamestown 1607 Pilgrims- Plymouth, Massachusetts Organized for profit, escape religious persecution,or gifts from English kings to supporters

3 Governing English colonies
Royal governors Parliament pass laws on trade Large amount of self government Colonists expected same rights as Englishmen "freeborn Englishmen"

4 Struggling for power Spain, France, England, Netherlands
French and Indian war French won many battles at first 1759 British captured Quebec Treaty of Paris ended war world wide

5 Triangular trade across the Atlantic
3 legged international trade network Leg 1: Merchant ships brought European goods to Africa Leg 2: Slaves transported to Americas(Middle Passage) Leg 3: Merchants brought raw materials to Europe

6 Horrors of the Middle Passage
Africans taken from inland villages force to march to coast Packed below deck in chains Voyage lasted 3 weeks – 3 months Up to half Africans died on board due to disease or brutal treatment

7 Impact of Atlantic Slave Trade
Brought wealth to merchants and traders Brought devastation to African states Estimated 11 million enslaved Africans reached Americas 2 million most likely died under conditions of middle passage

8 Columbian Exchange Columbus brought back plants and animals from the Americas Later returned with settlers and European plants and animals Began global exchange now known as Columbian Exchange

9 Mercantilism Strengthening national economies
Believed real wealth measured in gold and silver Need to export more than import Colonies sent raw materials to parent country Parent country sent back manufactured goods

10 National wealth Imposed national currencies
Established standard weights and measures Tariffs imposed on imported goods Led to rise in national economies

11 Activity on Columbus Read primary source on Columbus and answer questions Change file name to "Columbus primary source first name last name" Drop the file into your World History one drive folder

12 Activity on Columbian Exchange
Type of good Old world New world Crops Disease Animals

13 Type of good Old world New world Crops Wheat, sugar, bananas, rice, oats,barley, rye, grapes, coffee Corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, peanuts, squash, pumpkins, chili peppers, pineapples, tomatoes, cocoa, sunflowers, tobacco Disease Smallpox, Typhus, Measles, Malaria, Influenza, Whooping cough N/A Animals Horses, pigs, cows, oxen, goats, chickens Turkey

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